Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat Donate STORIES *g* to your local Archive now! - 01/13/07 08:01 AM
Well, we're doing okay for January, but February is starting to look a little sparse if we don't get some submissions in and edited before too long.

So this call goes out to all those authors who may have something on their hd they're intending to submit, but haven't gotten around to sending yet.

Soon as you can would be very helpful! laugh


LabRat smile
Hi Labrat,

Speaking of donations, I'm writing checks to the different organizations that I belong to for 2007 dues. I have donated to L&C stuff, which included supporting Zoom's site for several years, and the last few years with the fund raisers that support the L&C Fanfic Site and Anne's Place.

To whom should I make my check out and where should I mail it? I spend a good amount of time on this site and feel that I should continue to support it with a financial donation.

Can you help me with this??

Write on! smile1
smile I sort of thought this was about $$ donations as well.

Cause I'm thinking that it would be a lot smarter for me to use what's left in my PayPal account for this instead of spending it on yet more comic books. <g>
I sort of thought this was about $$ donations as well.
Good gosh, no. Just stories. laugh The Archive was included in the general Fundraiser that we just had - although we declined to accept our share as we were doing okay, cash-wise, and felt that other sites in the fandom could probably do with the cash more. So I wouldn't be asking for cash now, at this point. smile

Or at any point, come to think of it. <g> We usually do fundraisers as a collective group, rather than individual sites asking on their own.

The cash offer is sweet of you, though, and thanks for thinking of us. Lauren deals with that side of things. I think she might post on this here later, but if you want to contact her, meantime, you can do so through the Archive website:

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LabRat smile
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