Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Classicalla Question for anyone from Great Britain - 09/21/08 01:50 AM
I was watching a show originating from Great Britain and a drink called hollux (no idea if this is the right spelling) was mentioned. I looked on the internet using different spellings and the only thing I could find was a GPS. Can someone tell me what this is? It's supposed to be something that can potentiallly aid in sleeping - at least I think I understood that correctly. Thanks!
It's called Horlicks. It's a malted drink - add water/milk to the powder. As far as it being a sleep aid, I personally think not, but then I require scheduled drugs to make me sleep. It does taste nice though. smile
Thanks! And in the show I saw someone was giving this to their dog. Can't imagine that's good for a dog!
Posted By: Helga Re: Question for anyone from Great Britain - 09/21/08 11:15 AM
Horlicks is the classic sleepytime drink, they even advertise it as a bedtime drink. It's warm, milky and malty. When my dad was in hospital recovering from a heart attack, all he wanted was a nice cup of Horlicks. We decided he was regressing to his childhood a bit.

What show were you watching? It's not something you would ever normally give to a dog, were they trying to get the dog to sleep?
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