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Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/27/08 04:10 PM
I was going to let someone else start this thread for a change, but then I thought 'Nah'! I intend to use up all the synonyms I can!

But I'm going to bed now so you'll have to wait til tomorrow for some words of wisdom (well, words, anyway blush ) from me.

Ps. Have read it; loved it like always; am now waiting for some Kaylie superhero action...

Ok, so it's tomorrow... erm. Did I say nice story? I did, didn't I...

What?? It's not my fault the brain's not working. No, scratch that, it probably is. :rolleyes: Any way, no-one else gets feedback out of me, so consider yourself privileged! Humph.

*gsoe hopes Beth's next story will be rubbish so she doesn't have to try and come up with something useful to say* mecry
Posted By: carolm Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/27/08 04:34 PM
Great as always. Love that Clark helped Kaylie with her powers - he's got more experience than anyone! You know a little vignette about a certain skating rink wouldn't be completely out of the question... wink . Loved that story.

And I love super agent Kaylie and regular guy Jon together too.

And EEEEEK! about the Krptonite!
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/28/08 10:32 AM
Well, I'm short on sleep and loopy on cold medicine, so for the moment all I'm gonna say is... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Posted By: Shadow Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/28/08 12:00 PM
Excellent part!

It's another one of those days where I don't get to say much, but this

“Well, so far I’ve managed to give myself three paper cuts, burn my tongue on coffee, and create what promises to be a massive bruise on my knee by banging into something at STAR labs.”
was really funny. goofy

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/28/08 12:32 PM
Loved this part, too.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/28/08 01:31 PM
Wheee pt 15

“We’re not flying?” he asked, a little confused.

“Of course not!” I exclaimed. “I’m afraid of heights, remember?”
That's our Kaylie smile

And of course, the old classic from fanon:
The ground and I had a very amicable relationship, and I wasn’t anxious to instigate an estrangement any time soon.
Posted By: Beth S. Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/28/08 02:30 PM
Excuse me one moment while I defrost my eyelashes... (and no, I'm not kidding. I just removed an actual chunk of ice from my lashes)

Okay, ready to reply to feedback!

It's always so nice to see such positive reviews! They make me feel all nice and warm and I almost forget the minus forty weather outside. (well, almost)

gr8shades, I do consider myself privileged to get feedback from you! Who else would tell me when I made a stupid choice for a character name? wink

But seriously, I just like knowing that people are reading and enjoying the story, and that's usefull enough.

Love that Clark helped Kaylie with her powers - he's got more experience than anyone!
So true, Carol! He's the most experienced teacher out there when it comes to superpowers.

PJ, although I don't have a cold, I sympathize with you about the lack of sleep thing. No sleep last night makes for a very loopy Beth. Wheee indeed.

JD, poor Jon is slowly mutilating himself due to his lack of caution and all you can do is laugh at him? Tsk tsk. wink The poor guy has had a very bad day, and it's about to get even more interesting.

Lara and Michael, thanks of commenting too!

Michael, I consider Kaylie's throwaway comment a sign of just how far her and Jon have come since the beginning. Do you remember when she first told him she didn't like heights? She hated having to share that fear with him, but she can just toss it over her shoulder as she continues to boss him around.

In case anyone was wondering, I also love getting criticism on the stuff I post here. I love all the positive reviews, but if there's anything that's not working for you guys, please tell me that too!
Posted By: Shadow Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/28/08 09:48 PM
JD, poor Jon is slowly mutilating himself due to his lack of caution and all you can do is laugh at him? Tsk tsk. The poor guy has had a very bad day, and it's about to get even more interesting.
I'm so mean. Welcome to the real world, Jon!

Posted By: Laurach Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/29/08 10:08 PM
Nice. All I kept wondering though was when she was going to peek<g> laura
Posted By: carolm Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/29/08 10:20 PM
LOL Laura!!! The thought didn't even cross my mind, but Lois did... wink .
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/31/08 01:09 PM
Hey Beth,

First of all I want to apologise because I don't think I left fdk for the last part blush - BAD ALISHA!

Secondly, I LOVED this part! I don't know why, but for some reason this line had me burst out laughing:
“My lamp just exploded because I looked at it,” I told him distantly.
rotflol OK, I'll admit it, I have a strange sense of humour and it may very well just be me but still...

Can't wait for the next part!

Posted By: Beth S. Re: Reactions: Honesty 15/18 - 01/31/08 06:08 PM
All I kept wondering though was when she was going to peek
Hah! That made me smile. Thanks, Laura!

Thanks Alisha for posting and letting me know you're still reading this. Maybe the reason why you didn't leave fdk for the part before is that you knew I would just end up nagging you... wink
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