Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 08/25/23 08:06 AM
Please let me know what you think.
Posted By: Songbird Re: FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 08/25/23 04:16 PM
Thanks for a great chapter! I was on pins and needles reading while Clark fought the hiccup. That was intense and well done. It felt like Lois transferred her love to him while she held his hand and that gave him the extra strength to resist. I know she doesn’t want to do it, but the sooner she exposes Clark to the green crystal and cuts out the red crystal, the better off Clark will be. I can’t wait for more! I love this universe!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 08/26/23 05:44 PM
So glad he successfully handled the hiccup ^_^
Lois definitely helps.
I really hope they face what they need to do and do it soon..... though I wonder if they could find a trustworthy doctor. Imagining Lois doing it... that'd be rough for all involved and depending on where it is in his back, risky :S eek

Can't wait for more!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 08/27/23 05:35 AM
Thank you so much for reading. The solution is not so far ahead and it might come from an unexpected source. I'm glad that even after so many weeks someone is reading.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 08/28/23 01:56 PM
Still reading, still loving. I don't have much to say this time, but I'm waiting with bated breath to see what happens next!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 08/28/23 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Still reading, still loving. I don't have much to say this time, but I'm waiting with bated breath to see what happens next!

I know this is more like an in-between scene to connect the dots. I just felt that neither Lois nor Clark would jump at the opportunity to expose Clark to green K. I'm pretty sure you'll like the resolution, though.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: The Disappearing Tsunami - 09/12/23 08:47 PM
Hi Barbara!
Clark slipped down his glasses and stared intently at whatever his x-ray vision revealed only to him.
Awwww he’s actively using his powers!

Between them Clark was hovering two inches above the ground, making Lois pray that whoever was out there wouldn’t find them.
Lot’s of anxiousness!

”How?” Harrington sputtered.


He looked proud of himself and rightfully so. His love for her shone in his eyes, making her wish that she wouldn’t have to expose him to the crystal again.

wave Michael
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