Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi Neither Wand Nor Broomstick - 07/07/23 04:21 AM
Another Friday is here, so her you go with the next installment of the MagiKal AU . I hope you like it.

Neither Wand Nor Broomstick

"Congratulations, Lois and Clark!" Perry beamed as he held out the newest edition of the Daily Planet.

LEAK IN POWER PLANT CAUSES HEATWAVE, the headline said in bold letters.

The whole newsroom cheered and Perry patted Clark's shoulder, while grinning at Lois.

"That was one fine piece of journalism," he praised. "Ladies and gentlemen, meet the hottest team in town."

Lois glanced over at her partner, who shifted his weight and frequently checked with Houdini. The dog was still at ease. Unlike Clark, the setter seemed to enjoy the commotion if his wagging tail was any indication. He had gotten at least six people to scratch his favorite spot and now was trying his luck with Cat whose preference for close encounters obviously didn't include dogs.

Clark tried his best to get Houdini to back off. Lois felt a sudden pang of guilt as she watched Clark squirm, desperately trying to get to Houdini without coming too close to anyone else. It was near impossible with so many people in the newsroom. Today wasn't just the celebration for their front page story, but also an introduction of a new fragrance that marketing had set up.

If Lois had known about the event, she might not have dragged Clark into such a crowded newsroom.

She'd used all her creativity just to get him to attend, knowing that he wouldn't come for the applause. Though if anyone deserved it, it was Clark. Without him she wouldn't have drawn the connection between the nuclear power plant and the heat wave. Clark had also stumbled onto the biggest lead of her entire career.

Though they lacked evidence, they were almost certain that behind the facade of the wealthy philanthropist, Lex Luthor was really a crime lord. The things Clark had heard while listening in on him painted Luthor's actions in a completely different light. And they'd also found hints that he'd been involved in Toni Taylor's ploy with the Toasters.

If even half of their suspicions were true, Clark deserved much more than just applause for uncovering Luthor's schemes.

After another round of friendly pats on the back, Perry ended the impromptu party. As the crowd dissolved, he approached Clark who just straightened a bit, one hand still pressed against Houdini's side.

"I've said it before and I'm saying it again." Perry laid a hand on Clark's shoulder, seeming oblivious to the way Clark flinched under his touch.

Lois' heart went out to her partner and once again she cursed herself for putting him through this. She'd wanted him to see how much people appreciated what he did, she wanted to give him some normalcy. All she'd accomplished was making him uncomfortable.

"We could use someone like you here at the Planet," Perry continued. "Just say the word and I'll hire you from the spot. You and Lois are the best reporting team I've ever seen."

Clark blushed a little and adjusted his glasses. "Thank you, Mr. White, but…" He swallowed and glanced down at Houdini. Then his gaze drifted over the crowded newsroom. "It's not possible."

Perry let out a huff of exasperation. "Great shades of Elvis, I'm sure we could come to an agreement concerning this dog of yours."

Something flickered in Clark's gaze, hope maybe? He hesitated a moment as if considering the offer to work here with Houdini by his side. Lois felt her breath catch in her throat. She mentally crossed her fingers, hoping and praying that he'd say yes. But as Clark's eyes clouded over and he shook his head, she knew it wasn't going to happen.

Clark looked like something inside him was dying. Still, he put a rueful smile on his lips and did his best to appear casual. "I really appreciate the offer, but right now I can't commit to a full time job. Bye, Chief. And thanks again. That really means a lot."

As he turned to leave, the slight slump to Clark's shoulders and the way his head hung just a bit lower gave away his true feelings. Lois knew that the job would have been his dream come true.

Once again she felt a strong surge of guilt ripple through her. She'd meant to make him happy, but instead Clark looked as miserable as she'd ever seen him.

Perry stared after him and threw up his arms in frustration. "Would anyone talk some sense into the man?"

Grumbling something incomprehensible, he turned and left as well.

Lois stood and looked after Clark, who had almost made it to the staircase. He must feel so lost, walking away from what he truly wanted and trying to appear as if he did it of his own free will. And for a moment, Lois had the strangest sensation that Perry's offer had pulled out the rug from under her as well.

Even Houdini seemed to sense his master's distress. The dog was tagging along with his head low and his tail hanging limply.

Lois ran after Clark. She'd almost caught up to him, when she heard a voice.

"Have you tried my new fragrance?"

A woman sprayed something right in Clark's face, and only a moment later in Lois's. She sneezed before she managed to lay a hand on Clark's shoulder.

"Please wait."

He turned to her, the smile on his lips looking a bit forced. "Lois, you know I can't stay here much longer."

"Then I'll come with you." She linked arms with him and pulled him toward the stairs, though she would have preferred taking the elevator.

The thought of riding down with him, a moment of privacy in the hustle and bustle of the day, seemed quite enticing all of a sudden.

Her gaze drifted toward his muscular forearms. Why hadn't she noticed before that his sleeves were rolled up? Her mouth ran dry and it took her a moment to remember why she had run after Clark.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

His expression softened. "Hey, it's fine. I know you lured me here to take part in the celebration. That means a lot to me and I'm glad you tricked me into coming."

He reached out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. Lois' cheek tingled as he cupped it and ran his thumb along her skin. Though she could see the pain in his gaze, the disappointment of having to refuse the job offer of his life, she also realized that he meant what he said. He was actually glad he had come.

She wasn't sure she understood how he could accept his fate with such grace. But his genuine smile dispelled any remaining doubts, comforting her like a tender hug.

Her heart fluttered with excitement. She took in the loving gleam in his eyes that sent pleasant shivers down her spine. Clark's lips drew her gaze and she was unable to resist the temptation.

Lois leaned in and wrapped her arms around his shoulders before she pressed her lips to his. Kissing him was just like she remembered, better even. His mouth was soft and silky, he tasted like chocolate and coffee, leaving her breathless.

She didn't want to stop kissing him. A rush of desire settled deep in her belly and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to get out of the newsroom and take things to a more private place. Because at least one of them was seriously overdressed.

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