Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: CarrieRene What About Love: Part 5/5 - 03/21/23 04:56 PM
Notes: Well, I intended to finish this by Valentine's Day, but RL got in the way. Finally, here is the last chapter of 'What About Love?. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed this sequel to Devil In Disguise. Thank you to ksarasara and SuperBek for beta reading this for me. Enjoy.

Part 5 ‘Nothing At All’

Lois stood in the elevator with the man of her dreams next to her. She put her head on his shoulder with a sigh. It had been a long night, and with less than five hours of sleep, she needed the double latte this morning.

“I’m sorry I had to leave for a couple of hours this morning,” Clark said, kissing the top of her head.

“Staying at a hotel made sense, but you leaving a little after 4 a.m., doesn’t,” Lois said with a sad sigh before taking a sip of her latte.

“I know. I called Henderson this morning while you were getting ready. He said our apartments are clear to go back into already,” Clark responded, looking up at numbers on the elevator as they changed colors.

“I’m really getting tired of all the bad guys breaking into our apartments. It’s like my four deadbolts do nothing to stop them,” Lois sighed, taking another sip.

Lois had lived in her apartment for a few years now. No matter how she tried to keep her address private and unlisted, someone was always breaking in, like Kyle Griffin. So many of the evil people Clark and she had investigated knew where she lived. Maybe it was time to move.

“I’m just glad you weren’t there when it happened,” Clark admitted, kissing the top of her head again. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

Lois looked up at him, staring into his soulful eyes and knew he was telling the truth. He had always played her protector, even before she realized he was Superman. The man under the suit was the one that loved her, cherished her, and would be broken without her in his life. But Lois wasn’t the type to hide away.

“Maybe it is time to think about finding a place of our own,” Lois commented before the elevator dinged indicating they had reached their floor.

When she moved off the elevator, she knew Clark was surprised by her statement since he wasn’t moving — just standing there with his mouth hanging open.

“Are you coming?” she asked, turning around and reaching out for his hand.

He shook himself slightly before taking her hand, following her lead. It was earlier than normal for them to arrive at the Planet. Only a few people had gotten there before them — Lois noticed Camilla over at her desk, Perry in his office, and a few other staff members scattered around.

Lois and Clark walked down the ramp together, and when they reached her desk, Clark leaned in for a brief kiss before he walked over to his own desk. A few minutes later, Lois had started her computer and checked her emails. She was just about to start checking her voicemails when Camilla came over and sat down in the empty chair.

“The two of you disappeared early last night,” Camilla stated. “I know Darrin can come off as a bit of a bear sometimes.”

“You don’t need to apologize for him,” Lois told her, looking over at the woman. The couple seemed even more different from Clark and her than she first thought they were. Yes, Clark and Lois were different in many ways, but they made each other better. Lois made Clark see that he couldn’t save everyone, and that no matter where he originally came from — it was what’s in his heart that really mattered. And as much as Lois didn’t always admit it, Clark made her slow down and enjoy life more.

“Yes, I do. He told me what a creep he was being. He got a call before we left for the club last night from his dad,” Camilla stated, looking down at her hands. “His father is getting remarried for the fourth time.”

“Wow,” Lois replied, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

“His dad hasn’t been the same since Darrin’s brother died…which is sad, but…well, his dad is a real piece of work. His latest bride to be? The woman Darrin had the affair with.”

Lois stopped what she was doing and stared at Camilla. She couldn’t believe it. She wanted to say something, but what was there to say?

“Yes, you heard me correctly. Ginny, his co-worker at his old law firm, will now be his step-mother. She is only a year younger than us, and she has now slept with both Eastman men,” Camilla explained as she rolled her eyes. “So Darrin wasn’t in the best mood last night.”

“I’m sorry,” Lois said, her heart feeling a bit heavy for her new friend. Before she could say anything else, Jimmy came running up to the desk.

“The Chief told me about the break-in last night. Where did you guys stay?” Jimmy asked.

Lois looked over at Clark, who was now in Perry’s office. She wasn’t sure how much Jimmy needed to know about them staying in the hotel together. But, Lois figured that Jimmy thought they were already sleeping together. Then she looked back at Jimmy and took a deep breath.

“We stayed at the Hilton. Henderson said we could go back to our apartments today. There was nothing stolen, but we figured they were looking for something,” Lois admitted before tossing her now-empty cup into the trash.

“What? You had a break-in last night. Why didn’t you say something before I went on about Darrin’s problems?” Camilla wondered, reaching over to put her hand on Lois’ arm.

“It’s no big deal. Well, it is. I’m getting tired of all the bad guys knowing where I live,” Lois sighed. “We are thinking of finding a new place to live.”

“Together?” Camilla and Jimmy asked simultaneously.

“Yes, together,” Lois laughed. “Did the two of you rehearse that? And what’s the big deal? I mean, we have been together almost a year — isn’t moving in together the next logical step?” Lois wondered.

“Some couples do, but others usually just get married,” Jimmy answered. Both of the women looked over at Jimmy. “Well, I mean, that’s what I heard.”

“Jimmy, when you find the one and have been in a stable relationship for more than three months, I’ll remember that,” Lois retorted as her phone started ringing. “Excuse me, I have work to do.”

Lois answered the phone as Camilla stood up and walked away with Jimmy. Lois’ mood changed from good to horrible in an instant when she heard who was on the other end of the line.

“Yeah, I know Lucy… I know I’m the only one that can do it…” Lois stated as her sister kept going on about their mother. “Yes, I know she’s our mother and the only one that stayed around for us. Fine. I’ll go look into it. I’m doing this for you — not her.” Lois slammed the phone down before Lucy could say another word.

“I guess your mother went through with her threat and told Lucy,” Clark said as he sat down in the empty chair.

Lois looked over at Clark, feeling utterly defeated. Her shoulders sagged and she frowned as she wondered if it was time to ask Superman to fly her away to a deserted island.

“Yeah, she sure did,” Lois muttered trying to fight the tears. “Lucy said if I don’t do it, she will never forgive me. I’m the only one of us that can do it.”

“Why? I mean I know we haven’t really talked about it, but why are you the only one that can do this,” Clark wondered, taking her hand in his.

“First, I’m the one with a secure job and can afford to take off work for the few weeks it's going to take to heal. But the bigger reason is I have the same blood type and Rh factor as my mother — Lucy doesn’t,” Lois explained leaning back in her chair.

“If you decide to do it, you know I will be there to take care of you,” Clark said, kissing her hand.

“I know you will. I am not scared about doing it... I’m just not sure she deserves it. Does that make me a monster?” Lois questioned as she wiped a tear away.

“No, it makes you human. Your parents put you and Lucy through a lot growing up. I also know that it’s part of what made you a great reporter and the amazing woman that I love. You’re tough, Lois, and our pasts make us better in the end,” Clark elaborated. “Plus, I also know when we decide to have children, you know what not to do.”

Lois looked in Clark’s eyes, and her mouth fell open. They hadn’t talked about children in months. She knew Clark would be a great father, but she wasn’t so sure she would be a good mother. There were so many thoughts overwhelming her lately.

“CK, phone call for you on line three,” Jimmy shouted.

“Thanks, Jimmy,” Clark said before standing up and kissing Lois quickly on the lips. “We’ll talk more tonight about this.”

Lois watched Clark as he headed over to his desk to answer the phone. Even though she’d known the secret for more than six months now, it was still weird watching how easily he slid from one mode to another — Superman to Clark, Clark the Fiancé to Clark Kent the Reporter.

She wondered if he actually turned his emotions on and off as easily as his face changed from caring to impassive. That ability of his to compartmentalize so well, to shift so easily into work mode when he'd just been so present and supportive with her... It had certainly made him a better liar… but before the doubt could start creeping back in, she shook herself mentally.

Now was not the time. She needed to get to work. They could talk more later.


"Hello?... Oh good morning, Ms. Bauer, what can I--" Clark's speech was cut off as the woman on the other end of the phone began speaking rapidly, a note of panic in her voice. He listened intently, even as he stole glances back toward Lois, who was somehow managing to get to work despite everything going on with her mother.

As Gwen continued, Clark shifted his own focus back to the phone call and quickly realized this case was ending up more complicated than he'd thought. With a few reassuring words to her, promising to help her figure out something, Clark came to the conclusion that it might be time for Gwen to go into hiding, for her and her sons' safety.This case was ending up more complicated than he thought. It was time to find someplace for the source Lois and Clark had to go into hiding.

After the call, Clark ran back into Perry’s office. He needed to see if Perry could help Gwen Bauer.

“Chief, we have a problem,” Clark said, rushing into the editor’s office.

“What is it, son?” Perry asked.

“Gwen Bauer, the woman who gave us the backpack with all the information on Mindy Church — well her house was broken into this morning,” Clark stated in a hurry. “She wasn’t hurt, and neither were her two boys.

“What do you need me to do, son?” Perry sat up straighter in his chair.

“She needs a place to stay where she and the boys can be safe. Mindy obviously knows what we have on her, and that Gwen is connected” Clark said, sitting down in the chair across from Perry’s desk.

“Did you tell Lois?”

“Not yet,” Clark answered. “She is dealing with something else right now.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll make some calls, and I suggest you contact your inspector at the precinct and get that woman and her family to safety,” Perry demanded before picking up the phone.

Clark stood up and started leaving the office.

"And I suggest you loop your partner in on this ASAP so the two of you can work together on it," Perry told Clark.

“Got it, Chief. Thanks,” Clark said with a smile.

He went over to his desk and grabbed his jacket, instinctively glancing around the room to find Lois. She wasn't at her desk, but he easily found her up at the coffee station. With a pang of unease, he realized he really needed to get Gwen to safety before talking to Lois about what was happening. Plus, he needed to speak to Henderson. He sighed, wondering when his life might ever settle down. Then, he wrote a quick note for Lois and left it on her desk before rushing out.

He hated leaving her in the dark, but at times, it was necessary. She had enough going on, plus she had another few stories she was working on — one about the mayor and his new tax hike and another about some restaurants that kept getting robbed in Hobb’s Bay. No, Clark would keep her in the dark for a few hours while he took care of Gwen. He’d take the heat for it later.

Clark spent the next three hours talking to Henderson, getting Gwen and her boys into a safe house. Gwen wasn’t thrilled about going into hiding, but she knew it’s what she needed to do to keep her boys safe. Garrett had given his life to make sure that Mindy and Intergang were brought down. Gwen wasn’t going to let her brother’s death mean nothing. Clark would make sure of that.

It was after one when he walked down the bullpen and found Lois at her desk working on something intently. He watched as she held a pencil between her teeth and looked over at some papers on her desk. He could never come back after being gone so long without a surprise for her. So he came up to her desk and put a small bag on her desk and then swept around the other side of her to kiss her on the cheek.

“Eek, you scared me,” Lois said startled, dropping the pencil.

“I’m sorry. You look like you were working on something important,” Clark stated, taking a seat in the empty chair next to her desk.

Clark watched as she dug into the bag and pulled out a triple chocolate scone.

“"I picked it up at a bakery for you while I was out. I figured you would need some chocolate after I tell you what happened," Clark explained, tilting his head with a grimace as he prepared his apology. “Gwen’s house was broken into this morning like ours was. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before I left… I knew you were dealing with your mother and Lucy, so I kind of ran with this Gwen stuff on my own.”

“Okay, well I would have been upset before, but I know why you did it. Is that where you were?” Lois asked before taking her first bite of the decadent chocolate pastry.

“I went to the precinct and talked to Henderson. We were able to get Gwen and her boys in a safe house and a couple of officers with her that Henderson trusts,”Clark answered. He swallowed back a gulp as he watched Lois lick her lips to remove some of the chocolate from her scone. Then he blinked and cleared his throat. "Were you, uh--were you able to take a break and get some lunch?"

“Yeah, Camilla and I went down to the bistro that you and I like. Oh, and she told me about some brownstones that are available near her on Hyperion Avenue. She gave me her realtor’s phone number since he did such a great job finding them a place,” Lois explained, giving Clark a tentative smile as she pulled the card from her purse and handed it to him.

“Is this you telling me that you want a brownstone? I’ve seen those brownstones…they’re beautiful and old-fashioned. If this is what you want, we can call right now,” Clark stated, his eyes darting from the realtor's card in his hand back up to her. He was serious in wanting to spend forever with Lois, and if she wanted to move in together before getting married, then he would do it.

“How about we hold off today, but maybe we talk about it some more tonight,” Lois suggested, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and dropping her chin.

"Uh, yeah, sure, okay. Tonight--tonight is fine," he stammered, giving her a tight smile. He could wait. After all, what was a few more hours in the context of their forever? He smiled at her again and leaned over to the documents on her desk. "What are you working on now?"

“Actually I was writing the expose on Mindy. I thought that we could give it to Perry early and see if he would print it before next Monday. I mean, she decided to ransack our apartments, we should show her that we aren’t scared.”

“You want to set a bait for her. Is that what you’re getting at?” Clark wondered, tilting his head to glare at her.

He didn't like the idea at all. It was like she intentionally put herself in danger at times

“Sort of. I’m tired of Intergang controlling this city. First it was Lex, and now Intergang. We’ve been dealing with them for over a year now. We were able to bring down Bill Church and his son. Why is the tartlet harder?” Lois explained before taking another bite of her scone.

“Tell me how you really feel about her,” Clark laughed as he took one of the scones out of the bag.

“I thought you said you bought them for me?” Lois asked, looking at him with a frown.

“Honey, I got three of them. I don’t think you want to eat all three,” Clark replied, breaking one in half and putting the other half back in the bag.

“Are you saying that I can’t eat three of them?”

“No, what I’m saying is if you tried to eat all of them, you would feel guilty later and tell me you need to spend an extra hour on the treadmill,” Clark commented before biting into the delicacy.

He noticed how Lois watched him attentively as he chewed the delicious buttery concoction. Then his body temperature spiked as Lois lifted her thumb to his mouth. His eyes stared at her, entranced, as she moved her thumb across his lips then wiped the chocolate off the corner of his mouth. Before he could stop her, she put her thumb in her mouth and sucked the chocolate off of it. He swallowed hard and took in too much air, starting to cough. Clark covered his mouth as he heard Lois giggle next to him.

“Get a room,” Jimmy said, walking by the two lovebirds.

Lois and Clark laughed, looked at each other lovingly, and then smiled. He reached up and touched her cheek, marveling at how far they'd come. It was definitely a huge change from where they'd been when he'd first started at the Daily Planet. Clark felt very lucky that Lois had finally given them a chance, and now, he couldn't be happier.

A few minutes later, Clark stopped by Camilla's desk to give her the information he had on a Superman rescue from last night.

Several days went by without Superman meeting the new reporter at the Daily Planet. Clark, on the other hand, had other things to deal with. Right now, he was sitting in the waiting room with Lois before their appointment to see Dr. Friskin. Lois had asked Clark if he would come with her, and he had agreed it might be a good idea.

He looked over at Lois, who sat next to him flipping through a magazine. She was bouncing her knee and wasn’t really reading any of the articles. Clark realized she was nervous, but he couldn’t figure out why.

Maybe she was worried about the two of them meeting together with Dr. Friskin. Or, maybe her mind was still on work--their investigation into Intergang. Their first article on Mindy Church had been a success. They had stated in the article that she had grown up near New Orleans and had run her dad’s auto shop until Morgan Edge had taken it over. After a few months not getting the respect she wanted, she had moved north and set her sights on Bill Church Senior. Now she ran Cost Mart, a huge company with stores all around the globe, and seemed to be doing her best to look like a respectable businesswoman.

But Lois and Clark knew who the real Mindy Church was, and their next article would detail exactly that, as well as all that she had done since moving to Metropolis. The fall of Intergang was imminent.

“Did Henderson say anything about when Gwen and her boys would be leaving Metropolis,” Lois asked before tossing the magazine back on the table.

“He said they should be heading out later this morning to an undisclosed location. She’s willing to go into witness protection since all she has left Metropolis are her boys,” Clark explained, taking Lois’ hand and squeezing it lightly.

“I can’t imagine a life without my family,” Lois admitted. “Of course, I hope you know I mean you, your parents, and our friends at the Planet.”

“What about your sister?”

Clark noticed Lois shift in her chair. She started pulling the loose thread off the red sweater she was wearing. Lois sighed and looked down at the loose thread.


“I know. I love my sister, I do. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her, yet as adults, we weren’t ever close. I’ve concentrated on my career, and it seems like she’s concentrated on everything but being an adult. It’s not the same,” Lois babbled.

“You know I love you, right? I couldn’t imagine my life without you either,” Clark responded before Dr. Friskin opened her door.

A few minutes later, they were seated next to each other on the loveseat in Dr. Friskin’s office. It had been decorated slightly differently since the time he saw her over a year ago. So much had changed in his life since he’d visited her then as Superman, trying to deal with the effects of red kryptonite, which had made him feel apathetic about…pretty much everything. And Lois had started seeing Dr. Friskin after that kryptonite incident. He had noticed a change in Lois’ demeanor after only a couple of sessions. So Clark had been happy to hear that Lois had decided to see Dr. Friskin again when her mother had come back into her life just a few short weeks ago.

“It’s good to finally meet you, Mr. Kent,” Dr. Friskin stated, looking over at Clark.

If only she knew we had met before, Clark thought. Clark caught a glimpse of Lois beside him smiling. She understood now what it was like to know both sides of Clark.

“Lois, why don’t you tell Mr. Kent what we were talking about last week,” Dr. Friskin suggested as she started writing in her notebook.

“You can call me Clark,” he interrupted.

Clark turned to Lois while she shifted to look at him. He lowered his eyes to their joined hands and took a deep breath while Lois shifted slightly.

“I want to do the surgery. I don’t want to do it for Lucy or for my mother. I want to do it because of Superman!” Lois explained, her voice sure and confident.

“I don’t understand,” Clark responded, squeezing her hand.

“He saves people that he doesn’t like all the time. He saved Lex from trying to kill himself a second time. I know Lex did a lot of horrible things, even to Superman, but he--Superman--would still do everything in his power to save a life. Even that of a monster like Lex. So I should learn from his example."

Clark let go of one of her hands and reached up to cup her cheek. He knew what she was trying to say. She had a choice to let her mother die or do something that could save her life. So Lois had decided she wanted to follow his example.

“The other thing is I would like to be moved before the surgery,” Lois said, looking at Dr. Friskin. “We called a realtor about a brownstone a co-worker told us about.”

“Whatever you want, Lois,” he smiled. “We can call the realtor this afternoon. And you know I will be right there with you for recovery.”

“"I know, Clark. I...think I've always known. You'll always be there for me when I need you..." She smiled at him then, and he felt a comforting warmth wash over him. Then, she ducked her head and tightened her hands around his. "The other thing, um, is children. We...haven't really talked about when or if we should try. We haven’t really talked about when or if we should try. I know you would make a great dad, even when our schedules get crazy,” she said tilting her head.

Clark was surprised at how she was opening up to him. Of course, he wanted children. He wanted a little girl with her mother’s spunk and strong will and that cute little nose. But it was true that they hadn’t really talked about children except for that one night at Spencer Spencer’s island.

“Lois, yes, I want children, but I figured we would cross that bridge when we get closer. I know you're not quite comfortable with it yet, and that's okay. Plus there are things we need to figure out about the logistics of it. I know you said you don’t want our daughter in daycare all the time, so we would need to make sure our schedules match up,” Clark said, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “There are other things to consider also.”

Clark noticed how she blushed slightly and nodded her head. He knew she had reservations about being a mother, yet he hoped she did know he would be by her side, no matter what. And he knew that a tiny part of her might have worried, although he hoped only very briefly, about whether he would cheat on her at some point in their relationship. However, he was fairly certain that she'd seen by now how he really wasn't like her father or Darrin. Yes, his other job had him flying off at the last minute, frequently disappearing without explanation. But she had to know that he would always come back to her.

“You have to know whatever you decide, I will always be by your side,” he told her with sincerity. “Always.”

“I know. I also know I make it very difficult for you at times. I’m sorry my past plays tricks on me that I can’t escape,” Lois admitted, finally able to look back into his eyes.

“I know it hasn’t always been easy between us, but your past is what makes you the person I fell in love with. Our pasts are what makes us who we are today. I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for my parents or having grown up in Smallville. The small town and close relationship made me realize what is important and what I want one day. It made me appreciate the smaller things in life,” Clark explained with ease. “Your past may have made you more cynical about the world, but it’s what made you such a great reporter.”

They sat there for a few more minutes talking to Dr. Friskin. Dr. Friskin suggested some important steps for them to take to continue building and strengthening their relationship. She told them that instead of assuming what the other will say, to just trust each other more. And more importantly, to communicate when either of them is having doubts or wants something. Dr. Friskin also suggested that both enjoy their time together and don’t worry so much about the future. Clark understood what Dr. Friskin had said and thanked the woman for her input.

After their visit, Lois and Clark got into her Jeep with Clark in the driver’s seat. He navigated the car out onto the street, heading in the direction of the courthouse for their 10 a.m. meeting with the DA, while Lois stared out the window quietly. After a few minutes, he reached over for her hand.

"That went pretty well." Clark admitted.

"Yeah, it was...okay."

“Then what’s the matter, Lois. You have that look on your face.”

“What, look?” Lois wondered, tilting her head.

“The ‘I’m overthinking something’ look,” he commented, squeezing her hand.

“I’m just…wondering what my mother will say when I tell her I’m doing the surgery,” Lois answered, looking down at their joined hands.

“Well, I would hope a ‘thank you’ would suffice. And maybe an ‘I’m sorry for being so difficult,’” Clark commented, knowing full well that her mother wouldn’t ever say that last part.

“That last part she would say when hell freezes over,” Lois admitted. Clark noticed how she turned toward him a little bit. “Thank you for coming with me this morning. I really appreciate it.”

Clark lifted their joined hands to his lips.

“I will do anything for you,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“I know you would, Clark. I have trusted you with my life forever and now my heart. I’m just scared of things blowing up in our faces one day,” Lois admitted quietly.

“I know you are, but life will always throw us challenges. It’s how we handle them together that will make us stronger,” he said while he turned onto the street where the courthouse was.

Clark watched Lois out of the corner of his eye as she looked back out her window. He knew she was worried about the operation, the investigation, and their moving forward in their relationship. He wanted nothing more than for her to have just one day to relax, without so much weight on her shoulders.

“What do you think the DA will say?” Lois asked a few minutes later.

“I hope he’s going to tell us that they’ll be prosecuting Mindy,” Clark answered as he stopped at the red light three blocks away from the courthouse.

“How could they not?” Lois questioned. “We have so much on her. I mean, maybe a lot of the evidence is circumstantial, but there was so much evidence.”

“I guess we just have to wait and see,” Clark replied as they got closer to the courthouse. “But I don’t know what else we would need to find for her to get arrested.”

“How about the police catch her in the act,” Lois joked.

“I wish Superman could, but she has too many lackeys to do all the dirty work for her,” Clark grumpled.

“Well, hopefully this DA is on our side,” Lois said as Clark parked the car a block away.


A few minutes later, they entered the courthouse. Clark held her hand as they climbed the stairs to the second floor. They then walked into the DA’s office and saw the district attorney himself standing by the reception desk.

“You’re late. I have court in forty-five minutes,” the man said sternly signaling them to follow.

Beckett O’Neill, the new district attorney, walked down the hallway with Lois and Clark following. He opened his office door and walked around to his desk. He then dug through the pile of folders on the corner of his desk and sat down. Lois and Clark sat in the chairs across from him.

“Mindy Church, also known as, Melinda Bartlett, has been the CEO of Cost Mart Industries since her husband went to prison. We had someone go to New Orleans and find out that she in fact worked with Morgan Edge for a short time. To show her loyalty to Edge, she murdered one of his men who had been caught stealing from him. We actually have her holding the murder weapon. When Edge still didn’t give her a position in his organization, she was furious and moved north to work as a nurse where Bill Church Senior was residing after his heart attack,” Beckett explained. “All of this information we found out just days after you bought us the information on what she had been doing here in Metropolis. We are charging Melinda Grace Bartlett Church with murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and several other crimes. Inspector Henderson and his team are heading to Cost Mart at eleven thirty to arrest her. We found out from an informant that works in the Cost Mart offices that there is a board meeting at that time.”

“So, can we be there when she is arrested?” Lois asked, sitting up straighter in her chair.

“I figured you’d want to. Henderson is expecting you at his precinct. Mr. Kent, Ms. Lane, thank you. I know this is one case that my former predecessor wanted to close and was never able to before her death. Now we can finally be rid of Intergang once and for all. Gwen Bauer will not need to testify since we have statements from other reliable sources. She has been moved into witness protection just in case since it was her brother who led us to Mindy Church,” he explained before closing the folder. “One more thing, she will also be charged with conspiracy to commit murder against Garrett Bauer.”

Several minutes later, Lois and Clark were on their way to Henderson’s precinct when a news anchor interrupted the radio program they were listening to with a breaking announcement

“A major explosion has occurred at Cost Mart Headquarters,” the announcer stated.

“Clark!” Lois shouted. “Nooo! We were so close.”

Clark stopped the Jeep and turned to Lois.

“I am going to get over there and see if I can help. Head to the precinct, I’ll meet you there,” Clark stated before kissing her briefly and jumping out of the vehicle.

Lois got out of the passenger seat and ran over to do as Clark requested, her heart racing. They were so close! However, before she could start driving again, her cell phone rang. Grabbing her phone from her bag, she answered it with a terse, “Hello?”

“Lois, Lois! Cost Mart exploded!” Jimmy yelled, just seconds after she answered. “I also uncovered whose body was also buried at the Raven.”

“I know about Cost Mart, Jimmy. Clark is already on his way there. Who else was buried at the Raven?” she asked quickly.

“Lionel Luthor, Lex’s father,” Jimmy replied.

“Oh god,” Lois breathed, her head falling back against the seat as she closed her eyes.

“In other news, we have also just learned that Alexander ‘Lex’ Luthor has escaped from prison,” the announcer said on the radio. “More information will come forward as we hear it.”

"Damn it! Lois screamed. She hit her fists violently against the steering wheel. “Damn it! This can't be happening."

For weeks now, Lois had been trying to keep all of her feelings hidden, not letting anyone see her pain. She had tried to keep things under control. Tried to keep herself under control. But now...now everything seemed to be falling apart, and she knew that everything had finally overflowed, burst into something too great for her to manage.

And so she let the flood of emotions out as she sat in her Jeep, still parked on the side of the road. She screamed and hit the steering wheel again, and then she broke down crying. She cried for all the hard work she and Clark had done on the Intergang case, and for the future of their relationship, and for the heartache of once again knowing that the one man who could tear them apart had escaped.

It was all just too much.

She knew in her heart that she and Clark would get through it all together. Always. But as she wiped the tears from her cheeks, put her car back into drive, and forced herself to focus enough to get to the precinct to meet Henderson, the questions toiled around in her mind.

What about love? Why was love being so difficult? Would it--could they really prevail over everything else? Was a mother's love enough to undergo a surgery she didn't want? Was love a reason to seek revenge?

As she navigated the Jeep down the busy streets, she stared at the plumes of smoke rising in the distance and held onto the belief that, no matter what, Clark would come back to her when he was done. He would find her. And they'd move forward, together. Because love would prevail. Right?

The End.... for now

Stay tuned for more in the next installment…. Coming soon!

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