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Posted By: Blueowl FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 01/17/23 09:07 PM
Here it is!: Storm

Hopefully the suspense didn't kill you and you're all still well enough to read.....
Now please help keep me alive with feedback wink
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 01/17/23 09:16 PM
/me let's out a relieved sigh... Thank you so much for posting this before I headed to bed. I think I'll sleep a lot better knowing that Clark is doing better. And I liked your solution that he saved himself a lot better than kryptonite bullets. Thank you very much.
Posted By: SuperBek Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 01/17/23 09:53 PM
Oh, thank you! breathes another sigh of relief clap

That was incredible!! clap

LOVE your solution, and that he didn't spend forever in some sort of coma or something, but came back (to consciousness) relatively quickly. LOVE that Dr. Klein helped him with that suggestion to reach out with his aura. LOVE that everyone who felt it gave Clark what he needed. love

Whew. Oh my. Thank you!!

Eagerly awaiting more (but at least now I can wait until....tomorrow? or whenever you next post...)!

Posted By: CarrieRene Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 01/18/23 01:06 AM
Thank you. He sure has been through the wringer. Now let's get him back to Lois. Glad Dr. Klein was there.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 01/18/23 09:35 PM
bakasi - Thanks ^_^ I try to keep epic heroes epic even when they're down.

SuperBek - Yeah, there comes a point when putting the injured hero in a deep sleep gets a little tedious.... Anyway, glad you enjoyed ^_^ Thanks.

Carrie Rene - He has, and unfortunately there's consequences he'll need to overcome from all of this (as you know....). But Lois will be with him soon to help!

Thanks again everyone! Next part will be up soon.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 05/06/23 02:31 AM
His eye! What about his eye?
Posted By: LauraHex Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 11/07/23 08:47 PM
Me: don’t hurt him!
My whumpy little hurt/comfort heart: ok maybe a bit.. or a lot…

This version of the aura is so intriguing. My secret headcanon was always that he had mental control over it and it could go a lot further- and that it’s what made Lois and him able to float-dance, and make her not be cold when flying with him, and make it so he could whisk people away mid-fall at super speed without instantly liquifying them, or lift objects without them becoming structurally compromised (idk can a plane be lifted from one point? They also showed him lifting a desk or sofa entirely but holding it at one corner, that kinda thing). And I’d figured it’d sorta have different hardness/permeability settings that maybe are both instinctive and potentially mentally controllable.. to explain why he could get wet, or have his hair flop in the wind, but also break the sound barrier without mussing up his superman-style hair or ripping his cape off every time. (Yes, geek alert)

But this AU’s aura is a whole nother level and has so many interesting potential consequences. Squee!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Investigate: Beckoning (9/14) - 11/07/23 11:39 PM
Morgana -- Yeah... sometimes not everything can be well......

LauraHex -- XD! Yeah, the hurt/comfort drive is real.
As for the aura, yeah, I thought a lot about its mechanics and feel there's a lot of untapped potential cool. Thanks for sharing your thoughts ^_^
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