Lois & Clark Forums
Chrissie, I love this! Lois as an angel, flying around at the speed of thought - well, not quite, because she's still kinda new at this, and her wings are heavy and hard to maneuvre and they make her sneeze!?!?! smile1 hyper


Great start. thumbsup
If I know Lois, she won't be able to just Watch for very long! Poor Alt-Clark...so lonely and sad. frown I look forward to reading this story. Susan
I looove Alt Universe stories! whinging

Lois in angelhood is too cute though. She has her work cut out for her, following and Watching this super man. Lucky girl, she gets to Watch him shower! I can't wait to see what happens, this premise is too yummy.

Keep it coming!

Love it love it love it!!!!! smile1 hyper
It has the feel of "It's a Wonderful Life" to me, but with a twist.
Marcy, I was thinking the same thing!! Okay, I'm hooked. This is too good! smile smile smile Chris, this is great... Christmas, alt-world, lonely Clark, Lois-angel... all the makings of something wonderful.... so:


~NICOLE hyper
What a great start! I've been looking forward to this "weird" Christimas story, and it's shaping up quite interestingly.

Poor Clark frown

I'm now wondering how on earth this is going to end happily ever after when Lois has wings and flies around in quite a different manner than Clark does.
Oooh, interesting start! I feel sorry for poor Clark, not only alone, but alone at Christmas.. though not as alone as he thinks! I'm curious how this is going to end up.. I mean, the happy ending is Lois and Clark together, but Lois is dead! curious and curious...
Loved Lois and her issues with her wings! Very fascinating beginning; I am totally, totally hooked. Can't wait to read more.
Very promising beginning thumbsup ; I'm hooked and can't wait to see what you're up to. wave
I wonder what is Lois' boss up to wink

Jose hyper
Chris, you already know I love this - what an original, fascinating premise! Apart from the idea of Lois as a trainee guardian angel, the fact that she's Watching over Clark, who watches over the entire world but has no-one to take care of him or love him, is so very, very poignant. And beautiful.

There's so much in this first instalment - the over-heavy wings, Lois retaining some things from her mortal life including the ability to recognise a good-looking guy wink - oh, all sorts of things. But this really got me:

Lois found herself frowning. If she was reading the signs correctly, the people of Metropolis took this most amazing of men for granted, assuming that he was at their beck and call. Did they really expect him to drop everything whenever one of them needed something? Expect him to come to rescue them from any mundane inconvenience?

But... He had done nothing to discourage them, had he? He hadn't been called to help the lady with the dog. And she could only suppose that he had willingly agreed to deliver the tree to the orphanage because that had obviously been organised in advance.

In fact, the only person who had called for his help had been the victim of the morning's mugging.

Lois Watched as Superman heard a story on the radio about a fishing trawler that was in trouble two hundred miles out to sea. She Watched as he rescued it and carried it back to its home harbour.

She Watched as he spent some time helping clear up an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. She Watched as he gave a talk to a class of pre-schoolers in Philadelphia and another to a class of High School seniors in Richmond, Virginia.

Lois shook her head. Did Superman *have* a life beyond helping people? Was there more to him that that? She had seen no signs of it so far.
How lonely he is. How taken for granted. How alone and sad and very isolated. He has no life; he just exists to rescue other people and fades into the background when he's not needed. He's not a part of anyone's life, really. He has no life. mecry

And that scene at the Planet just highlights the point.

Hurry up and let him meet Lois and make him happy! wildguy

Wendy smile
Wow, Chris! You completely drew me in, and that's saying something from someone who usually runs a mile in the other direction as soon as she sees the word 'angel'. laugh This was wonderful, though. As Wendy says, there were such riches - Lois sneezing because of her feather wings (LOL!), all those new terms that were slipped in so naturally (reminding me of a certain Ms Rowling), the idea of Clark as a roaming, anonymous travel writer (so ironic!), and lots, lots more.

This isn't at all weird, just highly imaginative and captivating. More, please!

Wow. Thank you so much for the wonderful comments! As some of the IRC folc know, I've been pretty worried about how people would react to this.

Yeah, right, what should the Daily Planet's number one reporter do in the afterlife but chase after Superman, Watch him and Report, hmm?
Oh, Ann! You made me laugh with this! I hadn't actually thought about it this way, but you're right. Typical Lois! smile

Lois in angelhood is too cute though. She has her work cut out for her, following and Watching this super man. Lucky girl, she gets to Watch him shower! I can't wait to see what happens, this premise is too yummy.
Oh, Chriscy, what a naughty mind you have! wink I'm sure there are rules that stop angels peeking at people in showers. wink

Marcy and Nicole: you both likened this story to It's A Wonderful Life. What if I told you that I'd never seen the film? Plus, from what I've heard about it, I have no plans that this story go in a similar direction?

Hopefully you will stick around, and I will keep you guessing.

Wendy: Lois isn't a guardian angel. wink It's a small point, but an important one. You'll see why later on. Thank you for saying such wonderful things about this story both here and privately. smile

Yvonne: ah hah! Good you hooked have I? Excellent. (I'm rubbing my hands with glee here. Or maybe it's the cold...) You comment about a Miss Rowling is beyond flattering. smile

Karen, Rachel, Maria, Susan, Incognito, Julia and Jose: thank you all for commenting too.

Oh, and one last thing: I'm so glad that people like the bit about Lois's wings. I rather liked that myself.

Part two coming up.

"In-between?" she asked.
That whole description was very sad. I loved how they thought of him.

I am looking forward to the next part -- of to read. thumbsup
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