Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Toomi8 FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/20/22 07:30 PM
Story is here.

Thanks to the Discord group chat participants for helping me find a few words when my thesaurus threw out some very strange, ill-fitting, results. This little ficlet has distracted me from another fic, which has distracted me from the Hold On sequel, and so on. Hopefully I can get back to finishing some other stories now!

Summary: Set after season 2's 'Wall of Sound.' In the episode, Stokes makes the comment that Lois is Superman's 'girl.' Here's one way that ended...
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/20/22 09:37 PM
Oh, it's the imposing Superman fic! smile

It's cute! I like how Superman totally misunderstood the line about Clark, lol. xD Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/21/22 12:09 AM
Loved this ^_^

Having Lois step back and think is always refreshing, and having her be brave enough to open up to both sides of our favorite guy is always enjoyable.
Thanks for writing.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/21/22 12:09 AM
Very sweet, Toomi. Kinda funny, too, when Clark asks Lois to go on a date with him while they're together in a restaurant booth after sharing a meal. I mean, why else did he think she asked him out to dinner? And, at the wedding reception, when someone asks where their first date was, this will happen.

"I remember it well. I asked Lois to have dinner with me and - "

"No, Clark, I asked you out. We went to that Italian place you'd never heard of."

"That wasn't a date, it was just dinner with a friend."

"You were the only one there with me."

"True, but you were just happy you'd found a place I didn't know about at the time."

"It's when and where I told you that I cared for you! That's the reason I asked you!"

"Yeah, and then I asked you out on a date. A date-type date, not an after-award dinner."

"But I asked you out first!"

"That wasn't a date, Lois! It was dinner with a friend!"

"I sure thought it was a date! You paid the bill!"

"I was just trying to be nice!"

"Oh, really? Were you just trying to be nice when you said your wedding vows?"



Typical Lois and Clark. They'll probably still be "discussing" it when they leave for the honeymoon.
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/21/22 02:34 AM
Oh, I love this!! So sweet and perfect!
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/21/22 01:19 PM

What a funny, sweet way to start off a relationship! Perfect story for a Monday.

Sighing, she turned off the light and headed to bed. She was far too tired to be wading into the deep end of that pool.

Considering how many times Lois has dived into the deep end of the pool without looking, I thought this line was a howl! Thanks for making me smile. smile1
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 03/24/22 05:14 PM
I always liked it when Lois takes the initiative to tell Clark how she feels about him, considering that she turned him down the first time. It was very sweet! love

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 11/12/22 09:52 PM

Hi Toomi!
This little ficlet has distracted me from another fic, which has distracted me from the Hold On sequel, and so on.
Oh, I can so relate!

She was far too tired to be wading into the deep end of that pool.
You managed a clever turn there from Lois focusing on her relationship with Superman to focusing on her relationship with Clark.

“He surmised I was ‘your girl,’ and you said nothing.”
Yes, well, he couldn’t just smirk and high five the guy, now could he? That would have been way unprofessional.

There’s someone else, and I’ve been too afraid to tell him.”
Jimmy will be over the moon!

She smiled. “Yes, Clark. I’d love to go on a date with you tonight.”
Gawwwwww! Without checking the episode, the parts about there being someone else that's from Whine, Whine, Whine, isn’t it?

This shows what a word, uttered just to rile up your foe, can trigger clap

wave Michael
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Not Your Girl - 01/21/23 06:55 PM
Well, here I am bumping this thread, but gahh! I was doing a bit of prep for Kerth stuff and when I saw this title, I remembered, but couldn’t remember enough about it other than I liked it. So since it was short, I read it again just now, and I had to stop and point out these lines that are just… GAH, I love them:

Lois felt her heart twist a little as he smiled sadly. One of them would end up brokenhearted, and she hoped the reasons he had for them not being together, would help him heal. He gave her a faint nod of acknowledgement, and turned to leave.

This story had such a good balance of emotion—right on the edge, tentative hope and potential angst… and then the pay off at the end! Great job with this one, Toomi!

Sara smile
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