Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/19/13 11:45 PM
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Got to make this quick, because my computer has already switched off on me twice "due to internal temperatures". I knew I shouldn't have watched that S2 episode of LnC, while trying to post this part. wink


Also, yes, "Meena" is Lois's interpretation of how she thinks "Minha" is spelled.

Hopefully my computer will be feeling better by Friday night. If not, I'll be posting from my laptop. (The wonders of e-mailing your story to yourself. It saves in back-up disks).

Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/20/13 08:33 AM
Once again you tease us! Tea, indeed. :p

Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/20/13 02:59 PM
Jonathan and Meena
I have to admit that this heading initially totally confused me. This is partly because I have always thought of Minha as pronounced how I would say "My nah". I know that it really is pronounced me, but I am so ingraned into English pronouncing that I have always mispronounced it, and so it initially totally baffled me.

When one wasn’t allowed visitors, television, radio, reading, or communication with the outside world,
Wait, they are not allowing him to read? This does sound harsh.

He was allowed a visitor. Thank goodness.
Lois:He really is off if he is not focused on them not letting me in.

[Qute]The inspector stared at him[/Quote]

Henderson is probably by now totally concinved CK=SM.

“But you usually wear them; maybe you have astigmatism.”
This is probably the best reason to tell Clark at this point.

When Henderson pulled out the glasses from the side pocket of the bag, a piece of paper fluttered out. The inspector scowled, muttering something under his breath that sounded like ‘Bane’, but probably was ‘insane’.
Lois:How can Clark not recognize my name?

“What?” Clark asked, but the man shook off the comment as unimportant. Not to be deterred, Clark pointed at the paper. “What’s that? Is that for me?”
I am sure it is.


I wish I could see you, but it’s up to me now to save the world. Perry, Jimmy, and I miss you. Okay, Cat does too. Take care and come home soon.


I did figure out who Meena was at this point, and I guess it makes sense she spells it this way.

Clark looked at Henderson with confusion. “No, this isn’t for me,” he said, sighing with disappointment.
I guess it makes sense he thinks this. He does not know about Chuck.

“It’s for some guy named ‘Chuck’ with kids and a cat. Meena must be his wife.”
hyper at least he still recognizes this important truth.

Another voice, a female voice, inside his head told him that ‘if he couldn’t say something nice, it was better not to say anything at all’.
It seems if this is a quote, it would probably be "if you can't say something nice", this looks more like a paraphrase.

“Sure you are, John,” Michelle said, not believing him.
My first reaction was that she really did not pay attention to her patients.

“I know, but that’s what it says on your chart,” Michelle said. “‘John Doe’.”
I had forgotten that Henderson had not told them his identity.

His stomach churned unpleasantly at that name.
At some level he remembers the show down with Tempus under that name. At first I wondered why, and then I remembered that this is after alt-Clark went to help during that problem.

“It doesn’t only pertain to dead bodies, you know, as it does on TV,” she told him. “It also works for those of us with no memories.”
I would have to say this is just an even more annoying line from the nurse. She is not a person with no memory, so her use of "us" just comes across as a false attempt at empathy.

“What’s the difference between John and Jonathan?” she asked in a teasing tone.
Oh I really do not like this nurse. Being named John and having dealt with far too many people who think that it is just a nickname for Jonathan, I have to say that this is the most cringeworthy line ever.

He shook his head. “I don’t know. There just is.”

She shrugged. “Jonathan, it is, then.”
So now I understand the section heading. Until this point I figured we would be seeing Smallville this section.

He hadn’t wanted the inspector to tell him the truth just yet, if the man even knew.
I guess Henderson would have recognized this as a pciture of Lois. However it is hard to know if what he would have said about Lois would have really helped Clark at all.

For tonight, Clark hadn’t wanted the possibility of her to be ruined for him. Clark would ask Henderson in the morning.
Somehow I expect her to make it to his room before then.

Tonight this woman would be his.
Lois:I like the sound of that. But why does he not recognize me more?

Tonight he could be her ‘Chuck’. She could be his ‘Meena’.
clap Although I could not actually imagine naming a girl Perry. I am sure it has been done, but between Perry White and Perry Mason, I just could not do it.

They could live in a big house in suburbs with a yard and a cat. She could be an environmentalist… no, a super heroine, who often flew off, literally, to save the world.
laugh I am loving this idea.

Her costume would be a blue shimmery bikini top with an attached gauzy skirt and shiny golden briefs. His eyes started to drift shut, behind his sunglasses, with images of her seducing him with a tray of cupcakes.
Evidently he no longer remembers he does not eat sugar.

Lois: party party Clark is cured of his sugar aversion.

Reader:It might not last past his recovery of his memories.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/20/13 04:15 PM
He heard a whoosh sound, and a cool breeze blew into the room, causing him to force open his reluctant eyes.
So Lois went outside to out manover the guards?

There standing before him in the darkened room was the woman from the drawing. Meena.
So far he is essentially 100% correct.

Her hair was a bit longer, and windblown, and her cheeks flushed from the cold, but she was every bit as beautiful as he had hoped, despite the fact that she wasn’t wearing her uniform.
Signs that he is probably not dreaming.

He didn’t move. He didn’t even want to blink. A part of him was afraid if he breathed she would disappear, or he would wake from this dream.
Somehow I don't think this is a dream.

Clark:It is clearly a dream come true.

She was wearing a pair of slacks, a white blouse, a vest, and a maroon business jacket. Maybe she was an environmentalist after all, or perhaps it was her day job.
grumble why does he only ever want to make love when we are in extremely difficult situations, likely to get interrupted any time. He could have done it in the Honeymoon suite, or when I was seducing him with my red and blue outfit, but no, he wants to do it now or when we are in a supply closet.

He couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to do that. “Yes, please. I hear it’s the best cure for being cold.”
Somehow I think it is not part of approved nurse practice though.

“Yes, the nurses were talking about it earlier, when I arrived in the E.R.”
Was Mindy there?

“Are you feeling cold now, Chuck?” she asked, laying her entire hand on his stomach.

“Actually, no,” he answered.
Clark, you arn't supposed to tell her the truth about this.

His eyes widened, and he sputtered his reply, “Don’t let anything I say stop you from making love to me, if that’s what you really want to do, Meena.”
One thing is for sure. None of Clark's dialogue so far would make Lois suspect he does not know her name.

His hands skimmed down her neck to her shoulders, where he pushed her jacket off.
He is really enjoying himself.

She pushed herself to a sitting position, next to him on the bed, and unbuttoned her vest, and tossing it off as well.
I think it should be "and tossed it off" to fit with the unbuttoned in the previous line.

He nodded. “A bit of both,” he replied honestly. How could he ever lie to such a woman?
Lois: party he will stop lieing to me.

He had no idea how she could help him. He heard the ka-thunk of her shoes hitting the floor, and then gulped as he heard her unfasten the belt at the waist of her pants.
This seems quite daring for a hospital room where a policeman or the nurse might interrupt at any moment.

She leaned over and pulled the heart rate monitor gauge from his index finger. “No heart attacks,” she told him.
I am surprised she did not do that sooner.

A few moments later, her shirt was unbuttoned to reveal a white lacy bra with a front clasp. Two seconds later, he pushed both articles of clothing from her shoulders, but he had lost the power of speech again. Luckily, his hands and mouth didn’t need words to express how he felt.
Well, it seems that Wells' theory about the curse is about to be tested.

Clark jerked upright. The heat and pleasure that had overtaken his body, causing it to spasm, had been overpowering. He blinked his eyes in the bright light. He must have dislodged his sunglasses while he slept, because they were tilted on his face, letting in the light.
so was it all a dream? All real? Some a dream, so,e real?

Did perky nurse Michelle have to come at this exact moment? When he was at the best part of his dream?
At least some of what he experiences I am sure was a dream. Ah, I was so hoping Wells' would be disproved. Hmm, although maybe Lois could convince him that it did happen, hmmm.

He groaned in disappointment that Meena hadn’t still been in his arms upon waking.
That does sound like a very heavy disappointment.

He could still feel her, rubbing his body with her hands and warming him with her mere touch.
I think though she had been here.

It had felt so real, her skin soft, and her lips fiery hot. He hoped Meena was real, was his and real.
Well, fortunantly for him, even if he dreamed the entire interaction with her, she really does exist, and really does love him.

Perhaps they had made love before,
Lois:Only in my dreams.

and he was just remembering it.
That would be a good sign.

Maybe they would do so again.
Well, there is hope for this. Well, except it is not possible to do "again" what you have not done, but still. Although if he regains his memory I have little hope for it any time soon.

He hoped so, but by the bright hospital light, he knew the truth. Meena had only been his fantasy.
Even if she had not been in his room at all, she does exist.

He didn’t have children,
This is true.

a house in the suburbs,
right again

or even a cat.
Totally right.

He wasn’t married,
This is probably the most supported conclusion of all of them. If he was Henderson would have almsot certainly told him.

and certainly not to the hot super heroine, who made love floating him into the air.
He wasn’t Chuck. He was boring old Clark Kent, reporter and loner.
Well, actually he is Chuck. Clark is not boring, and definantly not a loner. Although Henderson has done nothing to undermine that self image.

“There’s no need to grumble at me, John,” Michelle said, sticking a thermometer into his mouth.
Clark:You can't even get my name right, there is plenty to grumble at.

“You woke me up from a visit to heaven,” he said, pulling the thermometer from his mouth.
I guess that is one way to interpret his dream.

“You took off your heart rate monitor as well, I see,” she said, snapping it back on his index finger.
It does appear that Lois was there.

Meena had taken it off when his heart rate had accelerated at her touch, causing the machine to beep. No. No, she hadn’t really been there in the room. It had only been a dream. Just a dream. A dream he swore he would never forget, even if he lost what was left of his memories.
Fortunantly she seems to have been here, but where is she now?

“Must have been one hot dream.”
I don't think she meant that in the way Clark will take it.

“That must have been some dream, your sheets are all over…
More evidence that Lois was there.

and wet.
Where did that comes from?

Ovwerall I think you interactions of Clark and the nurse are well written.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/20/13 04:33 PM
Lois cracked open the closet door and watched as the nurse changed Clark’s sheets.
party party Lois is really here. To this point I was not sure. Although, did they do as much as Clark remembers? Or more? or less?

She was thankful that she had decided not to hide in the bathroom or shower when she had woken to the sounds of the nurse talking to the policeman outside the door.
Yep, that would have been a bad decision. I don't think she could have hidden in the shower, and the bathroom would not have worked at all.

The nurse picked up something off the floor, glanced towards the closed bathroom door, and set it down on the table beside the bed. Lois wondered what it was, and hoped she hadn’t dropped anything.
My guess is the nurse found the picture, but I could be wrong.

She had barely time to pick up her jacket, vest, and shoes and dart into the closest before the nurse had entered to check Clark’s vitals.
So I guess Clark dreamed the removal of her slacks and blouse and bra. I guess those did seem a bit much in the circumstances.

Would Clark be able to convince the nurse to let him go straight back to bed, or would he be forced to go on a walk? Perhaps the walk to the bathroom and the shower would be enough to satisfy her.
I hope he does not have to do more walking, but we shall see.

Lois wished the woman would just leave already, so that she could finally talk to Clark.
She has no clue he did not realize she was really there, and even less that he has amnesia.

Why had the nurse kept calling Clark ‘John’? Why had he corrected her with the name ‘Jonathan’ instead of ‘Clark’?
Very good questions.

Henderson must have him here under an alias to protect him, she decided.
Mostly she is right.

She was once more impressed at the lengths the inspector was going to keep her partner safe,
Well, actually it was mostly not Henderson's doing. His protection of Clark is a lot less proactive, except with Lois.

She needed Clark.
Clark: party This lady needs me. Now I have to rmember who she is.

Lois needed her partner, off whom she could bounce ideas. She had missed that give and take that they had. Not that she would admit it to anyone, but she had felt lost without him today.
So let me get this straight. The morning before she talked to Clark before he went to EPRAD. Then she talked to Superman at EPRAD. Then that evening Clark gave her a call. When she got the message she went to his place, about 10pm, and realized he was missing. She spent the night searching every hospital. Then the next afternoon she got the message from Henderson, and went to see him. She spent a long time staking out the police station, then had to wait to go into the hospital, and it took a bit to find his room. So all told it was well under 48 hours that Clark was missing.

Lois needed Clark to hold her as he had when they had cuddled on his bed.
So they were together on the bed.

Even in his sleep, he had automatically wrapped his arms around her, as if he had been dreaming of her.
This is because he was.

Clark had mentioned to the nurse that he had dreamed he was in heaven, so maybe he had dreamed of her. Of course, he hadn’t really been asleep at first.
Ah, so he was awake, at least slightly, at least part of the time.

Lois hadn’t meant to fall asleep either, or turn him on.
I think the later is a function of her being Lois.

She especially hadn’t meant to spill the last of his cold tea onto the bed when she had bolted for the closet.
So that was what was on the bed.

She had only broken in to reassure herself of his safety and well-being, not to kiss Clark and certainly not to sleep with him.
Hmm, keep telling yourself that Lois, and you might actually believe it.

He drew her in, pulled down her defenses, and brought out a side of her that she hadn’t thought existed anymore.
With the number of times he has done this she should no longer doubt that side exists.

Perhaps he only thought he was dreaming because when he awoke she had been gone.
Well, this is one of the reasons he thinks he was dreaming. However if he had his memory he probably wouldn't. Although if he had his memory he would has stopped, even in the dream.

Either that or he was covering for her. Yes, he must have been covering for her.
Clark:I prefer you with no covering, Lois.

The way his hands had touched her… no. He must have been awake, because if he could touch her like that while he was asleep… Lois felt her face warm as naughty thoughts crossed her mind.
Evidently he really can touch her like that while alseep.

Lois needed Clark to contact Superman, so that he could save the Earth.
Sadly right now Superman might a well not exist.

So the question is, what really happened. My guess is that Lois was there, but some of the things were only in Clark's mind.

Well, I am glad Lois found Clark. She will have to realize he has memory problems pretty soon. I hope the nurse does not notice her and have her removed before she can talk with Clark.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/20/13 09:11 PM
Sneaky Lois, for a minute I thought she was going to be dead on the floor from the curse. More soon. Laura
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/21/13 10:13 PM
FYI: I threatened to take my computer to the repair shop to have the fans checked, but then had to bring it back home because my repair guy closed shop. So, I've given my computer another good blow of air and it's currently behaving and not running its fan. We'll see how long this lasts. razz , I'm not a big fan of my extra-sensitive laptop, which likes to select and delete passages of text without my consent.

Joan: Thanks for still sticking with me. angel-devil Who? What? Me? Tease? laugh Yes, I needed the cup of tea so my readers would realize it was only their dirty minds playing tricks on them, not the EW. [Linked Image] This being a Gfic and all.

Laura: Hmmmm. Dead Lois, huh? Well, that would shorten this fic considerably. [Linked Image] So, either this Reader doesn't think that Herb being "wrong" (according to Star) means about the curse affecting alt-Clark and this Lois, or she's so ready for me to write "The End" she's willing to have me kill Lois to get it. Interesting. [Linked Image] More was prepped this afternoon for tomorrow night's posting.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/21/13 10:43 PM
Ooops. There goes the fan again. I made it through posting two FDK responses. Gee, thanks, computer. Hopefully, it doesn't turn off on me again like it did (TWICE) Tuesday night when I was trying to do a little last minute research before posting this part (okay, and I got sucked into Dean's commentary on "Seasons Greeding", so never finished my research.)

John: Another multi-part FDK! Thank you. hyper

I have to admit that this heading initially totally confused me. This is partly because I have always thought of Minha as pronounced how I would say "My nah". I know that it really is pronounced me, but I am so ingraned into English pronouncing that I have always mispronounced it, and so it initially totally baffled me.
I can understand this. Meen-a isn't the correct pronunciation either. Google Translate has it more Meen-ya. This is just Lois's interpretation / guess on how it's spelled from only hearing the word.

And, yes, this title was supposed to baffle you and wonder if you'd be heading to Smallville. evil

Wait, they are not allowing him to read? This does sound harsh.
He's already complaining of his eyes hurting. Why would they allow him to read, which could also strain his eyes more?

Lois:He really is off if he is not focused on them not letting me in.
CLARK: I'd let them let you in, if I knew you existed.

Henderson is probably by now totally concinved CK=SM.
HENDERSON: <<fist-pump>> I have no idea to what you're referring.

This is probably the best reason to tell Clark at this point.
Even Henderson understands the need for secrecy.

Lois:How can Clark not recognize my name?
Firstly, he didn't hear it proper. Secondly, no memories. Thirdly, EW thought it would be funny to mention Bane after watching "Dark Knight Returns".

I did figure out who Meena was at this point, and I guess it makes sense she spells it this way.
LOIS: Thank you.

I guess it makes sense he thinks this. He does not know about Chuck.
Neither does Henderson.

I just love his response. I reread the note, and it makes sense. Well, why you would just call a cat "cat" might be hard to say, but even Meena's afterthought mention of Cat really works with the view that cat is different.
I've known several cats named "Cat" in my lifetime (none of whom resided with me).

Hopefully he can figure out the note was for him. Although it seems also to have been written to make Henderson think he had convinced Lois to not try to reach Clark.
Yes, it was in code, although Perry, Jimmy, and Cat references kind of give it away. wink

I guess this is technically correct. Even more so now that he knows CK=SM.
Superman's personal life isn't known. As far as anyone knows, he came to Earth alone, but he could have easily brought a spouse and children, whom he doesn't want to reveal to the public at large. It could explain why he won't kiss Lois, right?

LOIS: [Linked Image] (That would be Lois with Kryptonite laser, BTW).

at least he still recognizes this important truth.
That he's a good artist?

It seems if this is a quote, it would probably be "if you can't say something nice", this looks more like a paraphrase.
Being that it was a thought, not a ghostly voice (like Lois hears), I used single quotes.

My first reaction was that she really did not pay attention to her patients.
Well, he's not her only patient.

At some level he remembers the show down with Tempus under that name. At first I wondered why, and then I remembered that this is after alt-Clark went to help during that problem.
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

I would have to say this is just an even more annoying line from the nurse. She is not a person with no memory, so her use of "us" just comes across as a false attempt at empathy.
Old school nursing which uses Royal plural when referring to patients.

Oh I really do not like this nurse. Being named John and having dealt with far too many people who think that it is just a nickname for Jonathan, I have to say that this is the most cringeworthy line ever.
I thought you might notice that line. peep

So now I understand the section heading. Until this point I figured we would be seeing Smallville this section.
[Linked Image] <<really need a whistling devil smilie>>

I guess Henderson would have recognized this as a pciture of Lois. However it is hard to know if what he would have said about Lois would have really helped Clark at all.
[Linked Image]

Somehow I expect her to make it to his room before then.
LOIS: I should hope so!

Lois:I like the sound of that. But why does he not recognize me more?
[Linked Image]

Although I could not actually imagine naming a girl Perry. I am sure it has been done, but between Perry White and Perry Mason, I just could not do it.
I thought Mayson was a strange woman's name too. SQD used "Perry" for Lois's daughter in one of her fics, which is where it came from.

I am loving this idea.
Clark's had a really LONG boring day. His imagination is going wild.

Evidently he no longer remembers he does not eat sugar.
Nope. Also, the cupcakes is in reference to how Lois greeted him at the door once during "Lois and Clarks".
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/21/13 11:18 PM
-- Continuation of Response to John's FDK --

So Lois went outside to out manover the guards?
My homage to the old George Reeves Superman show which seems to have them out on the ledge all the time.

Signs that he is probably not dreaming.
CLARK: Why would this woman fly in my window?

Somehow I don't think this is a dream.

Clark:It is clearly a dream come true.

Lois: <dance> he is calling my by my special name.
Well, at least, it confirms his identity, right?

Half of me wonders if it should be "as she had arrived", but maybe this form works.
Nah, you're probably right.

they really are enjoying themselves.
Lois & Clark: [Linked Image] No comment.

I was surprised he didn't at this point. I had forgotten he was not recovered from the Kryptonite exposure yet.
Yes. frown

Hmm, but is it a dream?
Hmm, maybe the stuff from this point did not really happen. Did any of it really happen? Is Lois even her, or is he just dreaming?
[Linked Image]

Hadn't he said "Meena" outloud before?
Technically. But he doesn't consider moaning her name as really "speaking".

Lois: <grumble> why does he only ever want to make love when we are in extremely difficult situations, likely to get interrupted any time. He could have done it in the Honeymoon suite, or when I was seducing him with my red and blue outfit, but no, he wants to do it now or when we are in a supply closet.
Right. Lois, the adrenaline junkie, wouldn't like sex where they might get caught. Nope, no, siree.

Somehow I think it is not part of approved nurse practice though.
NURSES: Well, if he wasn't in the hospital and I needed to warm him up quickly...

Was Mindy there?

Ovwerall I think you interactions of Clark and the nurse are well written.
Thank you. Sadly, they come from personal experiences as a patient. Write what you know.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/21/13 11:31 PM
Evidently he no longer remembers he does not eat sugar.
Nope. Also, the cupcakes is in reference to how Lois greeted him at the door once during "Lois and Clarks".
Him, him as in this very Clark?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/21/13 11:33 PM
-- Continuation of Response to John FDK --

Lois is really here. To this point I was not sure. Although, did they do as much as Clark remembers? Or more? or less?
Only Lois's memories aren't the fuzzy ones.

Yep, that would have been a bad decision. I don't think she could have hidden in the shower, and the bathroom would not have worked at all.
There was a closet in the bathroom in my hospital room.

My guess is the nurse found the picture, but I could be wrong.
Yes, picture.

So I guess Clark dreamed the removal of her slacks and blouse and bra. I guess those did seem a bit much in the circumstances.

She has no clue he did not realize she was really there, and even less that he has amnesia.
[Linked Image]

Mostly she is right.
LOIS: Hello? Lois Lane here! Of course, I'm right!

Well, actually it was mostly not Henderson's doing. His protection of Clark is a lot less proactive, except with Lois.
HENDERSON: [Linked Image] Let her think I'm doing a good job.

So let me get this straight. The morning before she talked to Clark before he went to EPRAD. Then she talked to Superman at EPRAD. Then that evening Clark gave her a call. When she got the message she went to his place, about 10pm, and realized he was missing. She spent the night searching every hospital. Then the next afternoon she got the message from Henderson, and went to see him. She spent a long time staking out the police station, then had to wait to go into the hospital, and it took a bit to find his room. So all told it was well under 48 hours that Clark was missing.
It's been just over 24 hours since she found his phone message.

Ah, so he was awake, at least slightly, at least part of the time.
LOIS: No man can kiss like that in his sleep.

I think the later is a function of her being Lois.
LOIS: laugh

CLARK: John! blush

So that was what was on the bed.
Of course. What else could have been? [Linked Image]

Hmm, keep telling yourself that Lois, and you might actually believe it.

He drew her in, pulled down her defenses, and brought out a side of her that she hadn’t thought existed anymore.

With the number of times he has done this she should no longer doubt that side exists.
Good point. Fixed.

Well, this is one of the reasons he thinks he was dreaming. However if he had his memory he probably wouldn't. Although if he had his memory he would has stopped, even in the dream.
Lois doesn't know that.

Clark:I prefer you with no covering, Lois.
laugh Clark!

Evidently he really can touch her like that while alseep.
Or he was having one of those dreams where you think you're awake, but you're actually asleep, only this time he was actually awake, but thought he was asleep.

Sadly right now Superman might a well not exist.
He exists. He's just hibernating.

So the question is, what really happened. My guess is that Lois was there, but some of the things were only in Clark's mind.

Well, I am glad Lois found Clark. She will have to realize he has memory problems pretty soon. I hope the nurse does not notice her and have her removed before she can talk with Clark.
Some of your questions will be answered in tomorrow night part of "Wrong Clark". Stay tuned!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/21/13 11:35 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
Evidently he no longer remembers he does not eat sugar.
Nope. Also, the cupcakes is in reference to how Lois greeted him at the door once during "Lois and Clarks".
Him, him as in this very Clark?
Yes. A fully clothed Lois greeted alt-Clark with a platter of Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies, which is how where we first learned of Alt-Clark's disinterest in sweets.
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 07:46 PM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by John Lambert:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Evidently he no longer remembers he does not eat sugar.
Nope. Also, the cupcakes is in reference to how Lois greeted him at the door once during "Lois and Clarks".
Him, him as in this very Clark?
Yes. A fully clothed Lois greeted alt-Clark with a platter of Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies, which is how where we first learned of Alt-Clark's disinterest in sweets. [/b]</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yesss, I remember this.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 08:20 PM
I was reading the spoilers and WHAM warning, and realized that due to something not having happened yet, we are not yet to "approximately halfway through the story". This would suggest this story will probably be at least about 180 parts. party

Although, maybe the length after the unnamed event that has not happened is not actually equal to the amount of the story that precedes it. I mean "approximately half-way through" is fairly open.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 08:32 PM
He's already complaining of his eyes hurting. Why would they allow him to read, which could also strain his eyes more?
Well, I guess it makes sense. However that does not make it less mind-numbingly boring.

Secondly, no memories.
Lois:What? shock Clark has no memories? How did this happen? I told Superman that if he went into space something horrible would happen to Clark, but did he listen to me, noo. He just had to go and do it because "he gave his workd". Whatever, maybe next time he will remember that it is best to take my advice.

Reader:Well, right now he does not remember.

Lois:We were talking about Superman, not Clark.

Reader:Well, you see.

Lois:I see I need to go talk to Clark, bye.

I guess it makes sense he thinks this. He does not know about Chuck.
Neither does Henderson.
I guess most of the people who know about Chuck are in Smallville.

Yes, it was in code, although Perry, Jimmy, and Cat references kind of give it away. wink
I was more thinking that some of what was said, if Henderson read it, was supposed to make him think that Lois would not sneak in, if he figured it was from Lois.

at least he still recognizes this important truth.
That he's a good artist?
That Lois is beautiful.

SQD used "Perry" for Lois's daughter in one of her fics,
So not a child of Clark too?
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 09:02 PM
So Lois went outside to out manover the guards?
My homage to the old George Reeves Superman show which seems to have them out on the ledge all the time.
That was one thing the L&C Daily Planet lacked. Although they do use a ledge at Lois' place in "The Ides of Metropolis".

Signs that he is probably not dreaming.
CLARK: Why would this woman fly in my window?
I was more thinking that her outfit did not match what he had imagined her in so far. And her hair does not match what he has imagined either. Although that might just be his memory starting to come back.

I am a bit surprised she keeps only calling him Church, but actually, it seems to work. In fact if it was not for the fact that there was reason to notice, I probably would not suspect its naturalness at all.
Actually, she doesn't call him 'Church'. Just joking. I knew what you meant. wink
I really do need to proofread my comments better.

Well, she was seriously crushing on him after that mistletoe kiss and resolutions were made in January...
I guess that is true. Also I guess I can't really saw January 1st was "before they became a couple". All I can say is that "they were not officially a couple on January 1st". They had gone on at an absolute minimum of one totally official date beofre then, and if we count Lois trying to have a public relationship with Clark to cover a secret relationship with Superman, they had tried being a couple at least twice before then.

Lois: <dance> he is calling my by my special name.
Well, at least, it confirms his identity, right?
Lois:I could tell this was Clark from when I entered the room.

Hadn't he said "Meena" outloud before?
Technically. But he doesn't consider moaning her name as really "speaking".
I guess that is a good point. One word is hardly a speach.

Right. Lois, the adrenaline junkie, wouldn't like sex where they might get caught. Nope, no, siree.
I guess when you put it that way, I do have to admit that was not the reason they did not do anything at the Metro Club. Although I have to say I never understood why Clark let Toni Taylor into his apartment. Or how Toni found his apartment to begin with either.

Was Mindy there?
grumble They inssited on proof to not consumate their marriage.

Yes, I'm sure Henderson did enough of a background check on Clark to know he was not married.
But not enough to mention to Clark he had spent some nights during the last month with a female at the honeymoon suite.

HENDERSON: I really don't know much about Kent's personal life.
but he does know he has some sort of relationship with Lois. Although I guess Henderson does not trust Lois' motives in trying to contact Clark.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I don't think she meant that in the way Clark will take it.
Well, it DID warm him up.
Clark:Only because Meena is so hot.

Thank you. Sadly, they come from personal experiences as a patient. Write what you know.
I hope you were not an amnisiac who had been pulled from a near-death drowning suffering from hypothermia though.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 09:10 PM
Only Lois's memories aren't the fuzzy ones.
So even though she was asleep part of the time, she still knows for sure what happened?

It's been just over 24 hours since she found his phone message.
I guess between the premonition of horror and the fact that she had good reason to think he was abducted she was right to worry. Also, he would be dead if he was not SM.

Evidently he really can touch her like that while alseep.
Or he was having one of those dreams where you think you're awake, but you're actually asleep, only this time he was actually awake, but thought he was asleep.
Well, I think he was at least only partly awake. Although that is not the same thing as being asleep.

Some of your questions will be answered in tomorrow night part of "Wrong Clark". Stay tuned!
Well, I hope the answer isn't "the nurse finds Lois and escorts her out". That would be no fun.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 11:09 PM
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
A fully clothed Lois greeted alt-Clark with a platter of Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies, which is how where we first learned of Alt-Clark's disinterest in sweets.
Yesss, I remember this.
How could anyone with a sweet tooth not remember it? drool

That was one of the big ol' differences between alt-Clark and canon Clark. If you've read any of my major over 100 part epics (and yes, I'm including this one) Alt-Clark's sweet aversion plays a part.

Thanks for dropping by, Mrs. L., my muse.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 11:27 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
I was reading the spoilers and WHAM warning, and realized that due to something not having happened yet, we are not yet to "approximately halfway through the story". This would suggest this story will probably be at least about 180 parts.

Although, maybe the length after the unnamed event that has not happened is not actually equal to the amount of the story that precedes it. I mean "approximately half-way through" is fairly open.
Let me just say by way of disclaimer, John, that the WHAM warning was written when I'd only had less than 20 parts completed and did not yet have an estimate of how long this story will be. Some story threads / arcs (Lois getting shot, the Smallville Arc, and ASU Arc) took longer to move through than expected because they became meatier once I got down to it.

I currently estimate that half-way marker mentioned in the WHAM will probably happen anywhere between half-way to 2/3 the way through, otherwise we would probably hit over 200 parts and I think that would kill me. laugh I expect the story to move faster time-line wise, once we hit that marker (or at least once I finish writing the arc in which it is included). <<shrugs adorably>> but then again, I thought GEM would be under 10 parts.

At this point I'm currently working on parts 97 and 98 and don't even want to think 180 at the moment. [Linked Image]

Well, I guess it makes sense. However that does not make it less mind-numbingly boring.
Which is why he has taken this grand opportunity to stretch his creative muscles and daydream / night dream / fantasize with what he's been given.

Lois:What? <shock> Clark has no memories? How did this happen? I told Superman that if he went into space something horrible would happen to Clark, but did he listen to me, noo. He just had to go and do it because "he gave his workd". Whatever, maybe next time he will remember that it is best to take my advice.

I guess most of the people who know about Chuck are in Smallville.
I thought that was Jerome.

I was more thinking that some of what was said, if Henderson read it, was supposed to make him think that Lois would not sneak in, if he figured it was from Lois.
LOIS: Possibly.

EW: That he's a good artist? <<being silly>>

JOHN: That Lois is beautiful.

So not a child of Clark too?
You would have to read the fic to find out. Michael doesn't like it when I drop spoilers in FDK threads.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 11:42 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
That was one thing the L&C Daily Planet lacked. Although they do use a ledge at Lois' place in "The Ides of Metropolis".
Oh, yes, the Clark hovering off the edge of the ledge. I had forgotten about that. And, of course, the wonderful Tempus popcorn scene from "Tempus Anyone?"

I was more thinking that her outfit did not match what he had imagined her in so far. And her hair does not match what he has imagined either. Although that might just be his memory starting to come back.
That's some imagination Clark has there. [Linked Image]

I guess that is true. Also I guess I can't really saw January 1st was "before they became a couple". All I can say is that "they were not officially a couple on January 1st". They had gone on at an absolute minimum of one totally official date beofre then, and if we count Lois trying to have a public relationship with Clark to cover a secret relationship with Superman, they had tried being a couple at least twice before then.
Their one official date being her birthday?

Lois:I could tell this was Clark from when I entered the room.
PERRY: *Always!* *Always* Double Check your facts!

I guess that is a good point. One word is hardly a speach.
LOIS: He can moan that any time he likes.

I guess when you put it that way, I do have to admit that was not the reason they did not do anything at the Metro Club. Although I have to say I never understood why Clark let Toni Taylor into his apartment. Or how Toni found his apartment to begin with either.
She was his undercover persona's boss?

Maybe she worked here before moving to the private clinic.
I thought about making Nurse Michelle actually be Nurse Mindy, but I thought we don't need to include EVERYONE from canon, now do we?

It is not really lieing. It is flirting. OK, so maybe a bit beyond flirting. It is telling her what will bring her closer and what she wants to hear.
At this moment, his brain isn't up to telling the difference.

Especially since it is actually somehow warming him up.
Some dreams can actually do that.

So Clark just has to make sure to not moan Meena's name too louadly?
LOIS: Yeah, that would be bad.

This is true. Although if Meena is still there when he comes out of the shower he might want to know how far they went.

But we said she loves you, so it can't be that cruel, can it?
CLARK: But now I have to find her!

Did you mean "recovers"?
blush um... yes.

I was a little confused what it meant but yes, I think if he recovers his memory he will decide 1-that what happened with Meena was a dream, 2-that the curse still applies. Why is he so trusting of Wells, the other Clark never was. They inssited on proof to not consumate their marriage.
I don't think they insisted more than they didn't believe him and he produced "proof".

But not enough to mention to Clark he had spent some nights during the last month with a female at the honeymoon suite.
And that can't happen if one is married? (Shouldn't, yes, but can't?)

but he does know he has some sort of relationship with Lois. Although I guess Henderson does not trust Lois' motives in trying to contact Clark.
The last time I think Henderson, Lois and Clark were all together was when they were trying to figure out who the Voyeur was (when Clark bought the lava lamps). At that point, Lois had just been shot and dumped by Superman. So she and Clark didn't, technically, have more than a "partnership / friendship" relationship going on.

LOIS: And WHOSE fault was that?

CLARK: blush

I hope you were not an amnisiac who had been pulled from a near-death drowning suffering from hypothermia though.
Nope. That's creative license and research.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/22/13 11:45 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
So even though she was asleep part of the time, she still knows for sure what happened?
Being that she doesn't have a concussion, let's just say, YES, she knows the truth.

I guess between the premonition of horror and the fact that she had good reason to think he was abducted she was right to worry. Also, he would be dead if he was not SM.

Well, I think he was at least only partly awake. Although that is not the same thing as being asleep.
CLARK: How could it have been real, if I woke up alone?

Well, I hope the answer isn't "the nurse finds Lois and escorts her out". That would be no fun.
rotflol cool
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/23/13 12:09 AM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
A fully clothed Lois greeted alt-Clark with a platter of Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies, which is how where we first learned of Alt-Clark's disinterest in sweets.
Yesss, I remember this.
How could anyone with a sweet tooth not remember it? drool

That was one of the big ol' differences between alt-Clark and canon Clark. If you've read any of my major over 100 part epics (and yes, I'm including this one) Alt-Clark's sweet aversion plays a part.

Thanks for dropping by, Mrs. L., my muse. [/b]
I have to admit that I had mostly forgotten the scene until I rewatched Lois and Clarks this evening.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/23/13 12:12 AM
I guess most of the people who know about Chuck are in Smallville.
I thought that was Jerome.
But Lois did give two different explanations of why she called him Chuck while there.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/23/13 12:14 AM
So not a child of Clark too?
You would have to read the fic to find out. Michael doesn't like it when I drop spoilers in FDK threads.
Which fic was it?
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/23/13 12:17 AM
Their one official date being her birthday?
I was going to say two but figured that it might be possible to weasle out of counting when they were at the Kerth's together. They also spent time together the Sunday after that, but it was not a date.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/23/13 12:19 AM
I guess when you put it that way, I do have to admit that was not the reason they did not do anything at the Metro Club. Although I have to say I never understood why Clark let Toni Taylor into his apartment. Or how Toni found his apartment to begin with either.
She was his undercover persona's boss?
I guess that answers why he let her in, but why would he give his real address when getting a job in an undercover persona?
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/23/13 12:27 AM
I don't think they insisted more than they didn't believe him and he produced "proof".
I was expecting you to point out that that Clark had Lois to keep him from being too trusting.

But not enough to mention to Clark he had spent some nights during the last month with a female at the honeymoon suite.
And that can't happen if one is married? (Shouldn't, yes, but can't?)
Well, if Clark were married, the female involved might have been his wife. However, I was here going for the idea that Henderson could have told him he was somewhat close to Lois when he asked if he had a family. Although, Henderson probably does not know about the bombing there, so maybe he really could not have supplied such information.

The last time I think Henderson, Lois and Clark were all together was when they were trying to figure out who the Voyeur was (when Clark bought the lava lamps). At that point, Lois had just been shot and dumped by Superman. So she and Clark didn't, technically, have more than a "partnership / friendship" relationship going on.
But this Henderson did deal with the more recent break-in to Clark's apartment. Although maybe he avoided being anywhere with Lois and Clark at that point, at least enough to not see they were now fully in a relationship.

I guess I am remembering canon where Henderson brought in Lois when she had even less relationship with Clark. However I guess there they were not trying to pretend Clark was dead.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/25/13 02:41 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
But Lois did give two different explanations of why she called him Chuck while there.
And you think that they remember that from all those months ago?

Which fic was it?
I think we were talking about Double Jeopardy.

I was going to say two but figured that it might be possible to weasle out of counting when they were at the Kerth's together. They also spent time together the Sunday after that, but it was not a date.
Technically, Jimmy was her date to the Kerths. And brunch wasn't an official date, just two people eating together and hanging out.

I guess that answers why he let her in, but why would he give his real address when getting a job in an undercover persona?
[Linked Image] In case they actually checked it out?

Although, Henderson probably does not know about the bombing there, so maybe he really could not have supplied such information.
Lois mentioned the bombing as a possible attack on Clark before his apartment was broken into, so Henderson knows about it, at least, from that description and probably because it was in the news.

But this Henderson did deal with the more recent break-in to Clark's apartment. Although maybe he avoided being anywhere with Lois and Clark at that point, at least enough to not see they were now fully in a relationship.
Henderson and Lois passed outside Clark's apartment, so he wasn't witness to Clark agreeing with Floyd's description of Lois as his girlfriend.

I guess I am remembering canon where Henderson brought in Lois when she had even less relationship with Clark. However I guess there they were not trying to pretend Clark was dead.
They aren't pretending that Clark is dead. They are pretending that they don't have any knowledge that he was found alive in Hob's Bay. Yes, the circumstances are a bit different than canon.
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/25/13 04:32 PM
I guess that answers why he let her in, but why would he give his real address when getting a job in an undercover persona?
[Linked Image] In case they actually checked it out?
But his undercover persona was a laid off, down and out dock-worker. It would seem logical with such to claim to not have any residence at all.

Lois mentioned the bombing as a possible attack on Clark before his apartment was broken into, so Henderson knows about it, at least, from that description and probably because it was in the news.
More support for my theory that Henderson is needlessly giving Clark an impression that he lacks close ties.

Henderson and Lois passed outside Clark's apartment, so he wasn't witness to Clark agreeing with Floyd's description of Lois as his girlfriend.
But he does know that Lois regularly visits Clark. Although she did that before their relationship, so on the surface it probably does not mean anything.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 02/27/13 03:32 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
But his undercover persona was a laid off, down and out dock-worker. It would seem logical with such to claim to not have any residence at all.
He needed a street address for his W4?

More support for my theory that Henderson is needlessly giving Clark an impression that he lacks close ties.
How does Henderson know what Clark is thinking?

But he does know that Lois regularly visits Clark. Although she did that before their relationship, so on the surface it probably does not mean anything.
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/07/13 03:18 PM
Jonathan and Meena

Afpparently, full darkness was a no-no in hospitals, even when one was trying to sleep.
It’s so you immediately know whether they’ve accidently put you into a freezer in the morgue.

He was allowed a visitor. Thank goodness. Inspector Henderson had stopped by a little while earlier. He had brought Clark a bag of clothes and another pair of glasses.
So, it’s a bit like Corrina’s Trusting Me, Trusting You? Only with a good cop instead of a bad cop?

and one – he had decided after hours of staring at it – hideous landscape.
No tiny Lois in there, huh?

It was of some mountains and valley, and even though he had no recollection of ever visiting such a place,
So… /reads between lines/ It is a picture of Lois after all?

he felt that there was something off or wrong about the picture, but he had no idea what.
The scenery got blasted by a nuclear firestorm back in his own dimension?

Inspector Henderson had said that he wanted to try something that might jog his memory. Then he had pulled out a mirror.
If he shrinks away, he knows he’s a vampire?

“You don’t usually wear a cap,” Henderson had replied.
Shouldn’t that be “You usually wear a cape,”?

As Clark had tried to tame his wild locks, Henderson had gone into the bathroom and returned with a glass of water, and suggested that Clark dip the comb in the water.

He pulled down another curl on the other side to frame his face.

Yes, that seems better, he thought with a nod.
[Linked Image]

Clark had no idea what that was, but guessed from the context that it was some kind of eye disorder requiring glasses. He shrugged. “Okay, let’s try them.”
Actually, it gives people an eye disorder.

The inspector scowled, muttering something under his breath that sounded like ‘Bane’, but probably was ‘insane’.
Quite true. She’s his bane and drives him insane. Or is she insane?


I wish I could see you, but it’s up to me now to save the world. Perry, Jimmy, and I miss you. Okay, Cat does too. Take care and come home soon.


WALLY: You take what you can get.

The day nurse had introduced his night nurse, Michelle, a perky, middle-aged, curly-haired blonde,
Hey, where’s Mindy?

That may be, Michelle, Clark retorted in his mind. But you haven’t seen mine. He kept this thought to himself.
LOIS: mad She better stay away.

His stomach churned unpleasantly at that name. “Please don’t call me that,” he requested.
So, he’s named just like the president? Does that make Michelle his Monica?

no, a super heroine, who often flew off, literally, to save the world. Her costume would be a blue shimmery bikini top with an attached gauzy skirt and shiny golden briefs.
[Linked Image] A memory!

He heard a whoosh sound, and a cool breeze blew into the room, causing him to force open his reluctant eyes. There standing before him in the darkened room was the woman from the drawing. Meena.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/07/13 03:19 PM
She went to remove them, but then stopped herself.
shock Then again, she might be wearing less-than-fullsized underwear.

She tugged on his wrists, until he reluctantly let go of her bottom. She shifted his hands up to her chest, under her blouse, using the scenic route. “Which do you want to be in charge of?” she inquired. “Buttons or bra?”

Two seconds later, he pushed both articles of clothing from her shoulders, but he had lost the power of speech again.
[Linked Image]
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/07/13 03:21 PM
Clark jerked upright. The heat and pleasure that had overtaken his body, causing it to spasm, had been overpowering.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

“Well, since you’re awake, how about we take that walk to the john, Jonathan?”
Naughty Virginia!

“That must have been some dream, your sheets are all over… and wet.
wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/10/13 02:25 PM
Michael: Wow, you're already up to 93 and I'm way back here. I don't have much time because I *really* should be working on my taxes razz and filling out my insurance renewal paperwork... but maybe if I procrastinate with one or two FDK, it wouldn't be soooooo bad, right? wink

It’s so you immediately know whether they’ve accidently put you into a freezer in the morgue.
Wouldn't the lack of cold be the key factor?

So, it’s a bit like Corrina’s Trusting Me, Trusting You? Only with a good cop instead of a bad cop?
I vaguely remember that scene, but I don't think that was Henderson in her story was it?

No tiny Lois in there, huh?
No. frown

So… /reads between lines/ It is a picture of Lois after all?
Not that kind of landscape.

LOIS: What?!

The scenery got blasted by a nuclear firestorm back in his own dimension?
hyper A Challenge!

I always pronounce it ‘menn-h-a’ in my head. ‘me’ as in ‘me’, emphasis on the ‘n’, a slightly vocal ‘h’ and the ‘a’ like in ‘car’. And now I googled around a bit and figured out, the Portuguese pronounce it a tad differently than a German speaker would. Who’d have thought…
Lois doesn't know Portuguese so this is her interpretation of the spelling on this nickname.

Funny aside, it always reminded me of this Minna... It also has a bit of a stocky house maid connotation and is ocationally used to refer to the automated household machinery such as a washing machine or the dishwasher. It always made me grin when putting this spin on Clark’s endearment. Oh dear, is that Lois heading this way? <<goes out to buy a box of DFCB for protection>>
clap That's great. I love that Minna means "Protection".

Lex could offer to help him recover his memory in the Luthor Institute for Brain Disorders. Provided morality and understanding of right and wrong are nurture, not nature, this might help The Boss™ out a lot with future endeavors. Until he goes the way of Darth Plaegious.
Well, let's hope Lex doesn't get ahold of him then.

The next victim in his serial killer collection.

WALLY: You take what you can get.
CLARK: [Linked Image] That's okay. I'm fine without having my temperature taken.

Hey, where’s Mindy?
I was tempted to make Michelle Mindy, but then I decided that was too many coincidences in one story. Plus, I was trying not to have Clark abused while in the hospital. Michelle looks more like: [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTRCGwpseHNYLslWfQzRjE3kW_dTZIY7xkEXQe5ShNRlYDA6AcY[/img]

LOIS: <<mad> She better stay away.
It's better for her health.

So, he’s named just like the president? Does that make Michelle his Monica?
CLARK: evil
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/10/13 02:42 PM
-- Continuation of my Response to Michael's FDK --

She reached up and caressed his forehead, brushing back a lock of his hair. “One curl, not two.”

So, it's bad luck to displease Lois?

ER: <<has an idea>>
<<cough>> Gfic. <<cough>> But feel free to use your imagination.

He probably should not mention that to Meena.
CLARK: Cat who?

That would be awkward.
[Linked Image]

ER: <<thinks this a good idea>>
CLARK: Well, if she insists.

Well, umm… no, but he’s not got any memories, so… Then again, him shouting “Rachel” in the heat of the moment would be a tad awkward.

Wouldn’t they worry he’s flatlined?
Nah. The monitor is in the room and they only check the paper when they check vitals.

MICHELLE: So, Mr. Doe, what's this spike in heart rate, here, here, here, and here?

Then again, she might be wearing less-than-fullsized underwear.
CAT: <<scoffing>> Lois? Lois? evil

That was naughty!
I do what I can. [Linked Image]
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/10/13 10:37 PM
Virginia said:
I've been thinking lately that the "Twilight" novel might have once been a skewed LnC (or Superman) fanfiction. Edward as Clark. Bella as Lois. Only she had to change it for publication due to copywrite. wink
clap Although I think you should have just stuck with LnC and not suggested any other Superman at all. It works based on what I know of Twilight, which isn't much, but still.

Lois doesn't know Portuguese so this is her interpretation of the spelling on this nickname.
Plus in her defense she has only ever heard him say it. She has not received his to be delivered on not returning letter yet.

I was tempted to make Michelle Mindy, but then I decided that was too many coincidences in one story. Plus, I was trying not to have Clark abused while in the hospital.
I guess since you don't have to pay your voiced staff, you can get away with more talking characters and less overlap than in a TV show.

President Doe Elect doesn't show up for several years in this dimension.... well, at least, the canon version of this dimension.
And since this dimension exists at all since he erased himself from it, I don't think they need to worry about him here, ever.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/16/13 08:04 PM
Originally posted by John Lambert:
Although I think you should have just stuck with LnC and not suggested any other Superman at all. It works based on what I know of Twilight, which isn't much, but still.
There's whole section of the "Twilight" book where Bella's trying to guess how Edward is "different" and can do the things he does. She asks if he was bitten by a radioactive spider, and laughing, he replies that Kryptonite doesn't bother him either. Then he says: "What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the villain?"

Whenever I read about that scene I can picture Clark growing up thinking that he's a villain, because of what he could do, and not a hero, and how conflicted he is (like Edward) to being stuck with that label.

The only problem with my theory is I don't know who Jacob would be? He's no Dan Scardino, and making him Jimmy is just beyond weird. Jacob is more like a younger, happy Batman; more human than Edward, but still able to do different things. Although, when he gets his powers, it makes him grow-up pretty quickly and he gets all serious all of a sudden, so he would work as a Batman-esque character.

The Voltarie (the bad Vampires in the Twilight books) could easily be Zod or Nor stand-ins. It could be a half-baked theory, but it there are just too many similarities for me to discount it completely.

Plus in her defense she has only ever heard him say it. She has not received his to be delivered on not returning letter yet.
Clark's not returning?

I guess since you don't have to pay your voiced staff, you can get away with more talking characters and less overlap than in a TV show.
Another perk to writing FanFic. laugh

And since this dimension exists at all since he erased himself from it, I don't think they need to worry about him here, ever.
LOIS: hyper Thank goodness for small miracles!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/17/13 11:17 AM
Wow, you're already up to 93 and I'm way back here.
blush Caught up now. Except for FDK FDK FDK.

I don't have much time because I *really* should be working on my taxes
[Linked Image] Over here, those get done automatically. You only need to send in a form if you want to get a tax return.

but maybe if I procrastinate with one or two FDK, it wouldn't be soooooo bad, right?
Sounds okay in my book.

Wouldn't the lack of cold be the key factor?

I vaguely remember that scene, but I don't think that was Henderson in her story was it?
Was referring to Trask in general abusing a locked up Clark.

Not that kind of landscape.

LOIS: What?!
wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/19/13 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Caught up now. Except for FDK FDK FDK.
Me too. Except for 96. blush

Over here, those get done automatically. You only need to send in a form if you want to get a tax return.
Do you mean "refund"? Because, here, the "return" is the paperwork you do to figure out whether or not you owe the govn't or they owe you.

Sounds okay in my book.
You may not believe it but I'm really good at procrastination. laugh Especially when it comes to housework.

Was referring to Trask in general abusing a locked up Clark.
CLARK: Okay, time to change the subject.

Bob just wrote about that in Lois Lane meets…
Yep, that's what I meant.

And to think, 50 Shades of Gray started off as fanfiction of Twilight (useless factoids collected by being unable to avoid pop-culture stuff in the news). Which in turn would mean…

His glasses give *other* people an eye disorder when he wears them.
WALLY: Did you just see Kent? His eyes glowed.

Have you *seen* LnC?
Oh. Was that one of the molds I wasn't supposed to break? Introducing new characters? Ooops.

Plus, I was trying not to have Clark abused while in the hospital. Michelle looks more like: [Eric Forman]

ER: <being naughty>
No HIS mother!

EW: So, it's bad luck to displease Lois?

ER: Duh!
CLARK: Well, that explains a lot in my life.

It’s not related to the tea spilled on the bed. I can tell you that much.
No, the spikes in heart rate came earlier.

ER: I did not know that it was just his imagination.
LOIS: Are you telling me he was bored while I was sitting there right next?
CLARK: Meena was actually here? hyper She's real? I've got to go find her! To Infinity and Beyond! <<jumps out of window>>

MICHELLE: Oh, dear. <<glancing at smear on sidewalk>>
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/21/13 02:26 PM
Me too. Except for 96.

Do you mean "refund"? Because, here, the "return" is the paperwork you do to figure out whether or not you owe the govn't or they owe you.
wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/23/13 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
I've been trying to catch up all day. Sigh. Well, I guess there's this coming week. On the plus side, I woke up to 12 emails in my inbox this morning. hyper

Those is pesky, isn’t it? On the plus side, there’s only so much you can put off until you have to either do it or buy new stuff.
huh Isn't that what husband's are for?

/points at dark side/
Well, Twilight is pretty Gfic until the 4th book.

RALPH: Hey, has anyone seen a little purple pill with an ‘X’ on top of it?
WALLY: Yes, but that's beside the point.

LOIS: *NEXT* Clark, please!
HERB: What is up with this Lois? It's so hard to keep her stocked with fresh Clark.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/24/13 05:10 AM
On the plus side, I woke up to 12 emails in my inbox this morning.

Isn't that what husband's are for?
CLARK: [Linked Image] Five minutes of housework a day get me three hours of special-time with Lois.
LOIS: Three more hours of time for investigations!
CLARK: wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/28/13 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
CLARK: <<nods>> Five minutes of housework a day get me three hours of special-time with Lois.
LOIS: Three more hours of time for investigations!
CLARK: <<hits head against wall>>

Meant 50 shades.
Haven't gotten there yet.

LOIS: He tastes like chocolate frogs?
CLARK: shock <<whispers to Herb>> Is that a good thing?
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/29/13 03:35 PM
Haven't gotten there yet.
Oh. Yeah, it’s actually not my to-read list. Only heard about it in the media…

CLARK: [Shock] <<whispers to Herb>> Is that a good thing?
HERB: Oh my. /tries to pull on little Clarkie’s hand/ Come, Kal-El, let’s go visit that nice lady over there. She’s also a Lois. Just a bit different.
CLARK: Are you sure? Because she’s smoking, got a kid, and her husband went into space…

wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/29/13 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Oh. Yeah, it’s actually not my to-read list. Only heard about it in the media…
Hey, me too!

HERB: Oh my. /tries to pull on little Clarkie’s hand/ Come, Kal-El, let’s go visit that nice lady over there. She’s also a Lois. Just a bit different.
CLARK: Are you sure? Because she’s smoking, got a kid, and her husband went into space…
I see we've got another Love & Capes fan in our midst. laugh
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 03/30/13 07:52 AM
I see we've got another Love & Capes fan in our midst.
/TPB #4 is already in the mail/ But I was referring to the Superman Returns Lois with some creative fudging on their state of marriage. Unrelated note: A bakery story with LnC meeting Abby and Mark should be great fun.

wave Michael
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Wrong Clark (89/???) - 04/07/13 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
I see we've got another Love & Capes fan in our midst.
/TPB #4 is already in the mail/ But I was referring to the Superman Returns Lois with some creative fudging on their state of marriage.
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