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The time had come. The food was on the plates, and the bottle of wine was open.

Lois sighed around a big smile.

Was Clark ready?

She tapped loudly on the cell door.


He *sounded* the same. "Can I open the door?" she called.

There was a slight hesitation - and her ears filled with the thundering of her heart.

Then his answer cut through her anticipation. "Yes."

Lois unlocked the door and reached behind her for a chair. Once it was secured in place, she looked up.


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oooooh it's finally the part coming up where Lois finally sees exactly what Clark looks like! Soooo excited to see how that goes!!! Because we all know what a handsome devil Clark is hyper

Another wonderful chapter and I am so glad nobody came in and used the rods on Clark while Lois was in Smallville.

As always, I will eagerly be waiting for more!

LOIS:I don't like you.
MAYSON: Really? Oh god, that is such a relief - I don't like you either.
LOIS: That makes me feel so much better
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Whew! Glad the visit to Smallville went without a hitch, even though we still don't know what happened to the Kents! And love the items that Lois brought back to Clark, especially his mom's scarf in *ahem* appropriate Superman colors. Nice touch! smile1

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink
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Great part, but I couldn't relax into the return to Metropolis scene because I was busy fretting over the mystery of what happened to Jonathan and Martha.

I eagerly anticipate the next!!!

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I cannot believe you left us there. How on earth are we supposed to wait until the next part?!?!

I'm with Clark - conflict is uh-brewin' and this feels like the calm before the storm.

I love the little details of this story - like Lois packing the books and old clothes for weight to be discarded at the farmhouse. I'm so relieved the trip to the Kents was uneventful. V. sweet of her to pick up some of Clark's old belongings.
Lois forced her feet-that-wanted-to-dance to plod slowly up the stairs.
He held her.

She held him.
Awh blush the only remedy for this emotionally draining 24 hours. Glad she brought him this scarf too, even if it is a painful reminder of what he's lost.

"Am I missing something?" Lois asked.

"I'll show you later."
Eureka! That's how they can get him out of the cell and not be hunted... he can wear his glasses, and no one will recognize him. laugh

However, short hair means scissors - and that could be a problem."
For what its worth you could probably argue that long hair could be shorn with clippers - the kind with different #'ed clips for various hair lengths. But Lois's idea is better to avoid attention being called to changes in Clark's appearance. If the higher-ups see Clark clean shaven and with short hair, then they might really doubt Lois's objectivity. laugh

With the man she loved.
Now bring on the next part or else. wildguy grovel

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Wow! You tease us so with a few little answers here and there, but still leaving us with the bigger questions of what really happened to Martha and Jonathan. At least we now know for sure that they weren't able to just return to Smallville help But of course I much prefer these little tortures to the bigger ones that could have been happening to Clark during this time! We still have some little hope!!!

Here's counting the minutes until the next part is up! hyper

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Every time a new part is posted, I sit for a few moments and debate. Should I rush to read it, the way I've been dying to since I finished the last part? Or should I wait until later so the wait is shorter for the next one? Will there be a cliffhanger that will make me wish I'd waited? Or a scene that ties my stomach into knots? And then, as always ... oh, who the hell cares; I can't wait! goofy

I'm glad Lois's trip to Smallville ended up going so smoothly. I was surprised to see her pick up some of Clark's clothing, but if she's thinking ahead to an eventual escape, it makes sense that he'd need something to wear. Aside from the obvious benefit of retrieving a few of what meager belongings he has left in the world, of course. It was a nice touch for Lois to get Martha's scarf, though; that was so caring and thoughtful of her.

I wondered if the glasses did not actually belong to Jonathan ... and Clark's reaction makes me think I'm right. LOL, very cute touch, and yes, I wouldn't be surprised if those will come in handy later, when they need to escape.

Clark's thought process about how impossible an escape would be -- not the actual escape, but trying to live a life afterwards -- was depressing but well thought out. Everything he decides makes sense. There seems so little hope of getting him out legally, yet what kind of life would they have if they were to run away together? True, if anyone could do it, Lois could, with her vast experience in being undercover. Yet assuming Sam recovers (or even continues to live as he is now), Lois will have a hard time disappearing for good -- the same thing that keeps her in Metropolis right now will keep her there later on. So how are they going to do it? I have every faith that your story-telling abilities will come up with something brilliant, but at this point, I have no idea what that brilliance will entail!

From a plotting stand-point, you were clever to keep Scardino and Menzies from the cell in this chapter. I know my stomach was in knots the whole time, even as things were going smoothly, because I kept wondering when the other shoe was going to drop. And I have no doubt that it will drop ... probably when we are least expecting it, LOL.

I continue to bow down to your writing skills, and cannot wait for the next chapter!


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I see what you have planned. How very evil of you.

The big boss reads Trask's files and with Moyne to corrobrate them he decides that Clark is too much a threat to humanity and orders his immediate execution.

Clark knowing that he and Lois can never have a life together, and that her life would be better off with out him (he's still a noble lunkhead) doesn't fight for his life.

Lois, being the pitbull that she is, still manages to prove Clark was not responsible for the murders that Moyne actually committed but too little too late.

Such a sad ending.

Tank (who also figures that Lois is so bummed by Clark's execution that she cuts her hair short... just because)

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AH no Tank endings please, my heart could not take it. I loved this part. I can't wait for the date. I hope Martha and Jonathan are somewhere safely relocated. Very emotional stuff. Looking forward to more. I feel like I am being teased to death! More soon. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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You know, it never even occurred to me that Lois might bring something back from the house until I read DW's fdk. But when I read that, my first thought was, "clothes!" And just so you know where my mind is, I wasn't even thinking of when they escape, or a disguise, or anything along those lines. My only thought was, "Wouldn't it be nice if she could bring him back a suit and a pair of shoes so he can dress up for their date!" I even thought she could bring him some aftershave. smile

Now, my only question is, will he put on the glasses, too? I hadn't even thought of the glasses. Clever way for you to get Lois to bring them to him. thumbsup

Well, actually, that isn't my *only* question. You *do* keep us guessing with this story! Where are the Kents? What's up with Menzies? How will they get Clark out? How bad is their fight going to be when Clark tries to convince Lois he cannot leave his prison? laugh

Looking forward to more! Have I told you lately that I
love this story?

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster
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Yay me for getting the virtual cookies! hyper


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They are just soooo cute together!!!

Now that I've let that out of my system... I have to ditto almost everyone who commented so far. I found very interesting that Lois would take things back to Clark, even if she ended up not bringing anything of Jonathan's (the moment she first found them, I sort of assumed that the glasses where Clark's).

What I don't like so much is that I sense trouble coming from Menzies. The meeting with Scardino seems to have had too little impact so far and that is tooo good to be true.

Lois couldn't watch his turmoil any longer.

She stepped into the circle of his pain and wrapped her arms around his neck. She held him closely, feeling the softness of his hair under her fingers.

His arms eased out from between their bodies and hesitated before loosely encircling her waist.

Lois inched closer and placed her cheek alongside his.

He held her.

She held him.
smile1 Yayyyy, he hugged her back!!!

Can't wait to read part 17, though something tells me we won't get the whole date, so you'll probably keep us waiting for that goodnight kiss that had better be coming wildguy

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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T-minus 48 (or 24 optimistically grovel ) hours and counting until date night! *sets up camp* S'mores anyone? laugh

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More like 24 I hope help

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
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So... let's see... help

Lois Lane, however, would fight it. She would.

And that would put Scardino squarely in the middle of the ensuing confrontation.
Oh dear, oh dear.

She knew about the implant.

That should have been enough to convince her that he could never leave this prison.

But it hadn't been - she had simply threatened to bulldoze the wall.
Welcome to your future. Can you imagine what should happen if, once they’re free, Clark objects to… physical expressions of their feelings? Poor clothes hyper

[qutoe] And somehow, Clark had to find a way to convince Lois of that.[/quote]
How about:
Lois, I love you too much to ever let something like this happen to you again. I know I can't control everything, but I can control people not using you to get to me. That's why I came here. To tell you... I don't think this is going to work out. I'm sorry.
A date.

Neither of them had used that word, but that was what it would be.

A date.

A date with Lois.
He admits it! And Lois admits she’s in love! hyper

All Clark had ever wanted was to live like a regular guy.

That was until he met Lois.

Now, all he wanted was to live like a regular guy and be with Lois.
hyper So, is this the first date or the third date? Do the other events count as dates?

She tapped loudly on the cell door.


He *sounded* the same. "Can I open the door?" she called.

There was a slight hesitation - and her ears filled with the thundering of her heart.

Then his answer cut through her anticipation. "Yes."

Lois unlocked the door and reached behind her for a chair. Once it was secured in place, she looked up.
And do you think it’s funny to let us dangle over the cliff like that? /mock-anger/ wildguy
As to the situation. It certainly is a mirror-image to their first date on the show laugh Will Clark throw the door shut at the end, too scared what could happen between them?

More? Please? Now? Anytime now?


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As always, another great part. I guess I expected the Kents wouldn't have been there, but I still hoped. I guess I had hoped thaat they would have left a sign or something. I'm still optimistic that thery are OK.
You are a master of the cliffhanger. Even your teaser is a cliff hanger! I m so excited to see how the date goes. Clarks eyes are going to bug out when he sees her in that dress. And I HOPE Lois's eyes will bug out when she sees Clark looking like Clark. I'm diligently checking the boards every couple of hours. Ha! Please don't make us wait too much longer!
grovel grovel

I heart Clark Kent.
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Jen - I agree. I am just as excited to see Clark's reaction to Lois in that red dress as I am to see her reaction to him.

Corrina - I re-read the list of clothes Lois brought back and something is missing... he needs one of those crazy, sexy ties!

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster
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My guess would be that Clark's implant is some form of kryptonite in a leaded glass ampule. The leaded glass protects him from the worst of the effects of the kryptonite, but probably allows some leakage which prevents Clark from being able to fully power up.

The ampule is probably equipted with some sort of radio receiver and tiny explosive. If Clark should cross over, or through one of those wires it would trigger a signal to the receiver which would then trigger the explosive which would break the glass ampule allowing the kryptonite into Clark's system.

Trask, being the thorough paranoid that he was, probably made sure that any break in the wiring would also trigger the signal which would set off the small explosive and doom Clark either way.

No way out.

Perhaps Menzies won't have to execute Clark. Clark might feel that the only way he can get Lois to accept that they could never have a life together is to commit a 'noble' suicide by trying to leave the cell himself sometime when she was gone.

Poor kids...their love is doomed.

Tank (who thinks that perhaps Moyne could come back, use the rods to incapacitate Clark and drag him out of the cell, thus triggering the failsafe device)

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Well, Tank, at least we know we do get a date between them and Lois gets to see Clark clean shaven with haircut before any of your predicted doom occurs. I guess my motto ends up being that I'll take what I can get for them even of limited togetherness and short-term happiness! mecry

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Time to catch up on some FDK-FDK smile


I am so glad nobody came in and used the rods on Clark while Lois was in Smallville.
Yeah. wink


especially his mom's scarf in *ahem* appropriate Superman colors.
blush blush It wasn't deliberate blush blush


I know what you mean - it was hard to know what Lois and Clark would be feeling most - joy/relief at being together without any major disasters versus disappointment that M&J weren't happily living in Smallville.


I cannot believe you left us there.
I could have ended the chapter where I ended the preview laugh

For what its worth you could probably argue that long hair could be shorn with clippers
Canon Clark's hair didn't look clippered to me. wink


You tease us so with a few little answers here and there, but still leaving us with the bigger questions of what really happened to Martha and Jonathan.
We are 2/3rds through Story 2 out of 4, and although I *think* this will be the longest of the stories, I still need some questions to answer. wink


Re Lois's trip to Smallville - I set it up as a way to try to discover M&J's fate, but what I really needed was some clothes (and glasses) for Clark!

I have every faith that your story-telling abilities will come up with something brilliant, but at this point, I have no idea what that brilliance will entail!
Hopefully, I've set it up well enough that it won't seem unbelievable!


Both posts ...

Thanks for the explanation for the point Michael raised. That was about what I was thinking. The key is Trask - he's not someone to do things by halves - and he's had a lot of time to get this *right*.

Confession time ...

Perhaps Menzies won't have to execute Clark. Clark might feel that the only way he can get Lois to accept that they could never have a life together is to commit a 'noble' suicide by trying to leave the cell himself sometime when she was gone
That exact scenario played around in my mind for a little while. I rejected it. Not even Clark could be *that* lunkheaded.

Although Lois's reaction could have been fun. I figured she could bring in the big guns (AKA rods!) and hit him upside the head!

Laura You will get some of what you want. smile


Well, actually, that isn't my *only* question. You *do* keep us guessing with this story! Where are the Kents? What's up with Menzies? How will they get Clark out? How bad is their fight going to be when Clark tries to convince Lois he cannot leave his prison?
1. It's going to take time.
2. You'll know soon.
3. Medium term.
4. Not too bad.

Does that help???

Later post ... uhm ... good point, except at this stage Lois doesn't know about Clark's propensity for ties!

DW Glad you liked the chocolate chip cookies!


that goodnight kiss that had better be coming
IIRC you were the first one to mention a kiss. More about that in FDK-FDK for the next part.

Emily I popped into the camp wink but didn't stay and chat - I wanted to get Story 3/Part 1 to the BRs.

Laura I think it was about 30!


Welcome to your future.

Yes, clever. But shouldn’t he be able to simply cut them, thus breaking the circuit? Unless it’s a dead-man setup. But I don’t think so. Too complicated for an implant of that size.
More info to come - but I did go back and address a few issues that your raised. Thanks!

So, is this the first date or the third date? Do the other events count as dates?
The first. The others were 'almost first dates' laugh

And do you think it’s funny to let us dangle over the cliff like that?


I guess I expected the Kents wouldn't have been there, but I still hoped. I guess I had hoped thaat they would have left a sign or something.
That's pretty much how both Lois and Clark felt.

Evelyn There's still plenty of WAFF to come. Some angst, too!

sloppy for the wonderful FDK, guys.


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