Just dropping in to say a very quick thanks to all of you for your wonderful feedback on this little piece of nonsense. I'm glad you liked it - and even gladder that it cheered a few of you up! wink

Wendy, Wendy, Wendy... what happened to the good ole "If it ain't broken, don't fix it!"?????
goofy I'm sure you have lots of very evil ideas for how you could go about it! <g>

Tank, my friend, I'm sorry for spoiling your party once more. cat But you have to admit that Lois and Clark really are much better when they're alive and working together to bring down criminals such as Luthor (apologies, Mr Luthor, if you're reading this, but you really have to face the truth about your nature some time. Why not now? :rolleyes: ). Even as ghosts, Tank, the two of them won't be beaten!

As for the TOGOM fix, I could say that I just couldn't resist. wink Actually, though, the truth is that it was the only way I could think of to bring them back to life again - especially since I didn't want to use the clichéd deus ex machina of HG Wells yet again. And in the absence of someone like Albus Dumbledore - and even he says that he can't bring the dead back to life - there wasn't much choice. So TOGOM it was.

(That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)

And now, the only question is (and it's Tank's call) should this duo:

(a) not go to the Archive at all
(b) go, but as two separate stories
or (c) go as one combined story?

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*