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#46368 09/21/07 04:48 AM
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What bothered him was that he wasn’t sure what had happened just before that... He remembered hearing police sirens and thinking he needed to come up with an excuse to go help. He had dashed off to the stairwell, and then... nothing. He had jolted back to awareness to find himself lying on the cold concrete floor of the stairwell, staring at the door leading to the roof... He didn’t know how much time had passed but the police sirens were long gone and he didn’t have a clue where to go or how to help, so he had reluctantly retrieved a new pencil for a cover story and then come downstairs.
Ohhhh no. This so does not bode well for ANYTHING!

Neither does the Planet's situation...

You've got a lot of sketchy factors going on, DJ!

Really my feedback's kind of lame today; I can't even begin to describe my horrible morning except that it's career-related, but it was really nice to not think about it and just read some exciting writing by you. Probably the first time I've smiled all morning. So thank you. smile


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
#46369 09/21/07 07:18 AM
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He cringed as he remembered the follow-up story that Geraldo had done just a few weeks back. A kind of ‘where are they now’ piece. It hadn’t exactly been good press.
Ahh just punch him in the eye again… we all know he deserves it. ^_~

“Hmmm? What do you mean?”
Oh DJ… if it is a clone you are doing a really good job of convincing us otherwise. I mean… was he just hearing someone do something as per his usual “I’m going to run off and be Superman” or was he really spacing because he was losing himself and about to run off to be the “bad” superman hmmm

The clone Superman had the audacity to let out a yawn. “That building was condemned. It should have come down a long time ago. And frankly, I just don’t feel like wasting time or effort on something unimportant like that, anyway.”
ACK!! DJ this had better be a clone!! Cause if it isn’t how are they going to repair the damage of this??? No one is going to trust him after this. T_T I’m starting to feel pretty protective of him… I don’t like what you are doing to my superman DJ… stop it! (LOL)

He had jolted back to awareness to find himself lying on the cold concrete floor of the stairwell, staring at the door leading to the roof...
Nononono! DJ T_T This is making me sad. Poor Clark. I’m seeing you set him up for something that is very interesting. Don’t know if this is where you are going with this story… but everyone always writes stories about “What if Clark was killed and he always had to be Superman?” And this is taking a turn where I almost think it is a “What is something happened to Superman and he could only be Clark?” kinda story. Interesting but for some reason the premise upsets me (in a good way cause I want to keep reading). I think maybe because it is a concept not often done. I'm not as desensitized to it.

I’m really interested in this story and I am anxious to see where it will go. smile

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
#46370 09/21/07 08:12 AM
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Oh, wow! You've got a very mysterious setup here. Just when I start to think that maybe it *is* a clone, you go and throw in all of Clark's bad timed blackouts. I'm not sure what to think. And the fact that this is set before Luthor's suicide means that he is involved somehow...at least I'd bet the million that was stolen from the bank that he was!

Great job! Color me intrigued!

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
#46371 09/21/07 09:38 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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OOOOH I was SO hoping this was a simple as a clone. Oh well, It seems Clark is having "superman" blackouts. Its almost like he really has developed a split personality. . . and SM is tired of being a "do-gooder" to boot.

Did he run into some Red K somewhere? Is it hidden in the news room? his home? on Lois? It would have to be somewhere that he frequents. . . .

MORE SOON please grovel Now you've got me worried about Clark.


Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--
#46372 09/21/07 04:03 PM
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Have I mentioned that I really love this title? Seriously. I have the worst time coming up with titles and when I see a good one, I want to party. laugh

Let me take a moment to thank LabRat and Laura S for their inspiration on this story.
And I think you're giving me too much credit! But I'm thrilled that any small part of what I posted helped bring this story about!

Superman looked at her smugly, a quirky smile tugging at one side of his mouth. “Alleged? There was nothing ‘alleged’ about that robbery. I can assure you the bank was definitely robbed.”

“Sloth,” the vendor murmured to himself.
ONE OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS! ARHGHJHFDGJ. Wait, sloth is one, right? If not then I'll sound really, really dumb right now....

It seemed a little more than coincidental that at the exact time he’d experienced that ‘black out’, the clone Superman had shown up.
Who is messing with Clark's mind??? Ahh DJ, you've got me so worried and on the edge of my seat.

To Be Continued...
Hopefully soon!

Thanks for the quick update, DJ!

Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile
#46373 09/21/07 08:17 PM
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The seven deadly sins, eh? This is what Wikipedia tells me about them:

Listed in the same order used by both Pope Gregory the Great in the 6th Century AD, and later by Dante Alighieri in his epic poem The Divine Comedy, the seven deadly sins are as follows: Luxuria (extravagance, later lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath, more commonly known as anger), Invidia (envy), and Superbia (pride). Each of the seven deadly sins has an opposite among the corresponding seven holy virtues (sometimes also referred to as the contrary virtues). In parallel order to the sins they oppose, the seven holy virtues are chastity, abstinence, temperance, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.
Here's a painting of the seven deadly sins. They are depicted inside the large circle. The bottommost one appears to be Ira, Rage.

[Linked Image]

Oh, and... I just thought some of you might be interested in seeing where in hell the various transgressors and seven-deadly-sinners end up, according to Medieval Christian belief:

[Linked Image]

So Superman has already been avaricious and slothful, eh? And you are telling us, DJ, that we can look forward to a gluttonous Superman? Heh. That ought to be kind of fun. A overly proud Superman might be a little scarier. (That thing about pride is undoubtedly inspired by the antique Greek belief that hubris was the worst of all sins.) And envious Superman ought to be even worse. And really, really, DJ... an enraged Superman is a person I don't particularly want to see! And you so have me wondering... what will a lustful Superman do?

It seems to me that if Lois had known that Clark is Superman, she and Clark might have had a slightly better chance to figure out and fight this horrible threat to Superman together. Ah, but... I never think that Clark should tell Lois his secret, do I?

Fascinating story, DJ!


#46374 09/22/07 01:53 AM
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Hello everyone!

Hi Jen! <evil laugh> I'll take all of what you said as a huge compliment. I'm so glad I was able to make you smile - yay. Thanks for the fdk, Jen!

Hi Jojo! LOL about punching Geraldo - too funny. Hmmm, yes, clone or no clone? That's the question. <g> Hopefully I can keep stringing you along and making you wonder.

I don’t like what you are doing to my superman DJ… stop it! (LOL)
Oh, poor Jojo <pat, pat> Now, you know, I did post a warning that this story was darker than my usual fare.

I enjoyed your thoughts and postulations. <g> Very interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying the story, though. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Symbolic! You aren't sure what to think? Well good <g> that's the point. Hee hee. Oooooh, yes, is Luthor involved? I did say this was a HoL rewrite, didn't I? Hmmm... Thanks so much for the fdk!

Hi Vonceil! You know, I was hoping someone might throw some "Red K" postulations in there. I won't confirm or refute them, sorry. You know, who's to say that when Lex had the green K uncovered that he didn't find some red K as well??? Of course it could be as simple as another clone - surely someone as smart as Luthor had more DNA of the clone tucked away somewhere, hmmm? Then again, it could be something else entirely - one just never knows. <bg> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Laura! Eeeeee! I'm so glad you liked the title. I started out with a different one, but I was afraid it gave too much away. I switched to this one because of a line I came up with later in the story. So, I'm glad you like it. <bg>

And I think you're giving me too much credit! But I'm thrilled that any small part of what I posted helped bring this story about!
Oh, no, trust me... I'm not giving you too much credit. Just wait till we get to a later scene and you'll see what I mean. <g> When we get to the part I'm referring to, I'll be posting a link. wink

Yes, sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. <g>

Hee hee - I'm so glad to have you on the edge of your seat - yay! Thanks for the fdk, Laura!

Hi Ann! Hah! I should have known your fdk would come complete with pictures. Eeeee! Gluttonous Superman - yes, I agree, couldn't you see him scarfing down a truckload of twinkies or something? Maybe wiping out the entire batch of rocky road at an icecream plant. LOLS! I don't know... I think that might be too humorous for this story. <g>

Good questions, all, Ann. But especially this one:

what will a lustful Superman do?
Hmmm, yes. If we see a lustful Superman in this story <which I'm not saying we will> what WOULD he do? devil

It seems to me that if Lois had known that Clark is Superman, she and Clark might have had a slightly better chance to figure out and fight this horrible threat to Superman together. Ah, but... I never think that Clark should tell Lois his secret, do I?
You can always hold out hope, Ann. Never give up hope. <g>

Thanks for the fdk, glad you're enjoying it.

Thanks again everyone. Not sure when the next part will come out. Definitely not this weekend... just too busy. Possibly Tuesday? We'll see. Thanks for reading and replying!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.
#46375 09/23/07 06:55 AM
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“What? To sit back and allow Superman’s reputation to be sullied? Clark, that was before-“ she held up the tape again, wriggling it back and forth “-this. Before some half-breed knock-off went and robbed a bank. We can’t allow the world to think that Superman is a criminal.”
You go girl! smile I love Lois when she's like this - hell bent on saving Superman. *happy sigh*

Then there was the Nightfall asteroid – oh, yes, he had saved the entire planet, to be sure, but what about the fact that it had taken him so long to do it?
Awww! Clark, it's not your fault it took you so long - the darned thing gave you such a big headache you forgot everything about anything. *hugs him*

“Lois, I’m sorry,” Clark said, his brain fighting for an excuse. “I... I just realized that I didn’t get my... press pass.” Clark bit the inside of his cheek, hating lying to her. He had his press pass; it was in his inside jacket pocket. But he had to have an excuse to leave. The ‘real’ Superman needed to go put out that fire.
I giggled when I read this the other night. I love Clark's lame excuses because they're really amusing.

And then... I almost died of laughter on Saturday morning -- I was watching "The Batman" (animated series) on TV and there's a press conference that Lois is attending, in Gotham. Suddenly, she gets a call from Clark on her cell and he tells her he forgot his press pass in his other pants (which she smartly responded that it was a wonder he remembered to wear pants at all *lol*). Then he tugged on his tie as he eyed a dark alley. A second later, Superman shows up. I was laughing SO much, I almost fell off the couch. The irony is just too damn funny!

GMTA, I guess, huh? wink

This - whatever it had been - wasn’t Kryptonite. It wasn’t something he had been prepared for.
Mmmm... I sense red K... And mind control. And I don't like it too much. Be careful Clarkie!!! ...I hope he and Lois figure it out before it's too late.

Loving this story, DJ! I'm so looking forward to the rest!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
#46376 09/23/07 07:28 AM
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As hit and miss as I've been lately [okay, okay, mostly miss], when I noticed Labby had started a fdk thread, I had to check it out.

I'm quite intrigued!!!

And I want more. Now.

For the moment, my money is on "Super blackouts" rather than a clone or something.

Can't wait to find out.

#46377 09/23/07 11:58 AM
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Okay, it's totally Clark--and he will flip when he finds out. I'm still holding out for what Lois is going to do against him. I know she'll resist the truth for as long as she can, but once she knows it's him, she's going to be off either stopping him or finding a cure.

I actually think that the seven deadly sins set up is quite interesting--except that the main idea behind gluttony overlaps with lust and avarice. Medieval people were just so repetitive.

If we see a lustful Superman in this story <which I'm not saying we will> what WOULD he do?
Go after sheep? rotflol

Anyway, I can't wait to see what happens!


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan
#46378 09/23/07 12:26 PM
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If we see a lustful Superman in this story <which I'm not saying we will> what WOULD he do?
wave I know! Pick me! Pick me!

wallbash Must... not... tell...

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#46379 09/23/07 02:48 PM
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Lara!!! Hee hee - I love "protective!Lois" too. <g> Not as much as "protective!Clark" but I still love her. That story about the Batman animated series and the press pass excuse was HILARIOUS! I swear I didn't get my inspiration from that (plus I posted before Saturday <g>) but that is way too funny! GMTA?... oh! Great minds think alike? <blush> Oh, my, that's giving me too much credit. But thank you. Yes, at this point there are just so many possibilities - clones - red K - drugs - mind control - something else... <g>

And I don't like it too much.
Heh- you and Jojo. Sorry ladies... you're gonna have to hang in there for a while. <g> Thanks for the fdk Lara... and thanks so much for jumping on board to beta for me <hug>

Hi Carolm! Oooooh!!! <sends a huge hug to Labby> I'm so glad you decided to check it out Carol. And I'm really glad that you're so intrigued and asking for more already. Hee hee. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Alcyone!
Okay, it's totally Clark
Heh - you think so, huh??? But I do agree with this statement:

and he will flip when he finds out.
If he IS doing these things, I agree, he would totally flip out. <g> I've got a couple of ideas on the whole gluttony thing... I'm leaning towards one in particular (because I agree... it can be lumped in with others...)

Go after sheep? [Rotflol]
ROTFLOL - Nooooo! I'll leave that one for Labby to follow up on <snort>

Thanks for the fdk!!! I'm glad you're enjoying!

SUE!!!!! <hug> My sweet beta.

[Wallbash] Must... not... tell...
Heh- you certainly better not tell, Queenie, if you know what's good for you.... Or else I might start having to slip little tidbits about that story you're working on (well, sort of working on - you keep dragging your feet... I'm gonna have to get your readers to send pointy stick men after you) you know, the one where Clark is afraid to make love to Lois... but she is trying to push him into it... so they start experimenting... trying to see just how far they can push him and what happens when they do push him too far and... <drool> <all brain activity is ceasing to function>

I better not go any further since this is the PG side... *ahem*

Thanks for the fdk everyone!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.
#46380 09/23/07 03:47 PM
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If we see a lustful Superman in this story <which I'm not saying we will> what WOULD he do?

Go after sheep?
Oh, Alcyone, the mental image you gave me here!!! rotflol rotflol rotflol

I just had to google "catch a sheep", but I didn't find anything too suggestive. Probably a good thing, all things considered. blush I'll just give you this picture, then, and let you figure out yourself what Superman could possibly do with it.... laugh

[Linked Image]

As for the Medieval people being repetitive in their ideas about sin, please note that the poor slobs who are just innocently gluttonous, whether for sex, food or money, end up in the most superficial levels of hell. The fraudsters and seducers, those who deviously fool others or trick others into sinning, are sent much further down. One thing that I find very interesting is that theft is considered a worse crime than murder - the murderers end up with the other perpetrators of violence in the seventh circle, whereas the thieves go one level below that. Also note that people who kill themselves are just as harshly punished as those who murder others. Hey, no, I take that back - those who commit suicide may be punished more severely than those who "only" murder others!!!

Anyway, DJ, Superman has already committed theft, hasn't he? Poor slob! Better let him redeem himself so that he doesn't end up in the deeper reaches of hell!


#46381 09/24/07 04:00 AM
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Finally! Yeah, I know, I know - I nag you for part two and then when you post it, RL leans quietly over my shoulder and sniggers: "Planning to read that, are you? I don't think so!" grumble

An-y-hoo...at last I get a spare moment to enjoy. And...aha! It's the 7 sins! Yay! dance Hadn't realised from part one that it was this story, DJ. Even more excited now. <g>

I really enjoyed this segment. I liked the nod towards past incidents having had an effect on Superman's reputation, even though he'd been exonerated or gotten the job done in the end. Nice little touch of realism, there. The little touch of families having had their lives uprooted by Nightfall was particularly well thought out. And Geraldo... <spit> laugh He just would, wouldn't he? Git.

Poor Clark. frown He has had a run of bad luck and bad publicity in a short time, hasn't he? None of it his fault.

I have to admit this tickled me greatly:

or if they’re just gonna sit in here on their laurels all day
rotflol Perry always did have a piquant turn of phrase, didn't he? LOL!

And we're back to a reality check again. The Planet's in trouble and Perry's getting pressured. And thanks to the vanishing spaceship he's wary of taking his crack reporters' word alone on a fantastical theory. This is marvellously done, DJ. Really well thought out and I love that you've taken all these little past threads from various episodes and woven them into the story to come back to haunt our heroes.

“No, but I’m not giving up yet. If I have to, I’ll track down Superman myself and convince him to give me a lock of his hair and...” Lois broke off because Clark was smiling broadly at her. “What?”

Ha! Cute! LOL!

“Maybe you should lay off the sugar in your coffee,” she said with a smug smile. “You’re going to end up in a diabetic coma one of these days.”
rotflol rotflol

Loved the wallet excuse. I can't remember if he ever used that one in the show, but it has to be one of the more sensible excuses he's thought of! LOL! He must have been having an off day. laugh

In their field it was kill or be killed... well, publish or perish anyway.
I just love this! So typically our girl.

I loved (I need to find another adjective here) how you handled the whole thing with the fire, 'the clone' wink not helping out, his whole attitude, the reporter's questions - beautifully done! I could feel the shock from Lois, the frustration and anger from the reporter.

The whole pencil conversation had me cracking up - and sighing nostagically, too, because it was so wonderfully Clark and Lois and...I hadn't realised just how much I miss those guys.

Love that Clark's first thought is to assume Luthor's behind all of this. Perfectly natural, of course, considering the other clone and all things considered, but...hoo boy has he got a shock coming! laugh

Yes...why has Lois gone to Uncle Mike's? <g> Do tell.

You know...that was a whole passel of fun - I'd forgotten how much fun reading a good story and commenting on it could be. Might have to go find something else to read now...

More soon, DJ, please!

I'll leave that one for Labby to follow up on <snort>
Yeah...I ain't touching that one with a bargepole!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
#46382 09/24/07 02:07 PM
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YAY! New chapter! help

What bothered him was that he wasn’t sure what had happened just before that... He remembered hearing police sirens and thinking he needed to come up with an excuse to go help. He had dashed off to the stairwell, and then... nothing. He had jolted back to awareness to find himself lying on the cold concrete floor of the stairwell, staring at the door leading to the roof... He didn’t know how much time had passed but the police sirens were long gone and he didn’t have a clue where to go or how to help, so he had reluctantly retrieved a new pencil for a cover story and then come downstairs.
This is bad. Very bad. I'm worried. shock

It seemed a little more than coincidental that at the exact time he’d experienced that ‘black out’, the clone Superman had shown up.
It's a little more than coincidental. That is what gets me upset. eek There're so many questions and no answer. wallbash

Why had she gone to her uncle’s diner?
Really, why? grovel


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
#46383 09/24/07 04:01 PM
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Then there was the Nightfall asteroid &#8211; oh, yes, he had saved the entire planet, to be sure, but what about the fact that it had taken him so long to do it?
There were a lot of families who had sold everything they owned, left their jobs, and had run for the hills, thinking that Superman wasn't coming back to finish the job. He had gotten plenty of bad publicity over that one. He cringed as he remembered the follow-up story that Geraldo had done just a few weeks back. A kind of "where are they now' piece. It hadn't exactly been good press.
Insert "blow my top" emoticon - this one will have to do: mad

Clearly there is an eighth deadly sin, called ingratitude!!! We could definitely fill Hell with those who blame Superman for saving the world but not their homes - particularly since it must have been Superman's fault that he had not inspired enough confidence in those home-owners to make them stay at home and wait for Superman to save the day and the world! wildguy


#46384 09/24/07 11:26 PM
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Try this one: [Linked Image]

Is that more of what you were looking for?


Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--
#46385 09/25/07 12:43 AM
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Exactly! Perfect, Vonceil!


#46386 09/25/07 01:15 AM
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dance I popped on to consider whether or not I was ready to post part 3... and lookie!!! More fdk!!! Yeah!

Hi Ann! I love your sheep - LOL! Poor little unsuspecting fluffy creature... <snort> But no, you don't have to worry about the sheep in my story <raises an eyebrow at Labby> LOL. <g>

You bring up an interesting point about theft and murder Labby. It's interesting because of the justice system (at least here locally where I live.) Criminals stand a chance of getting a much longer sentence for theft (sometimes) than they do for murder. Take the instance of my friend who was killed on her motorcycle (yes, she was wearing a helmet) when she was hit by a 20-yr-old who had been drinking vodka (DUI) going about 90 miles an hour in a 45 mph zone. He was sentenced for less time than another man who was caught defrauding (hot check writing). It's true that the hot check writer was a repeat offender... and had run up quite an amount of debt. But still... what does that say about our value of life? That money is worth more? <shrug> It's an imperfect system ruled by imperfect people. I, however, because of my beliefs, feel that God is perfect and thereby has a better system... (also happen NOT to believe in the 9 circles of hell... or whatever it's called) but we won't get into that. <g>

<steps off soapbox>

<g> Yes, "a" Superman has committed theft... naughty, naughty. And Lois and Clark are going to have to find a way to redeem him. laugh Thanks for the additional fdk, Ann. Eeee!

Labby!!!! You're back! Oooooh, and look at the fdk! LOL - I totally understand - RL has done that to me before too. It's very mean and ornery like that sometimes.

And...aha! It's the 7 sins! Yay!
<g> At least a sort of version of them anyway. Hee hee. Now you see why I was thanking you for your inspiration. <g> But I'd still like to see your story some day...

I'm LOL at your telling Geraldo to 'git'. laugh Thank you for pointing out those 'touches of realism'. <g> I'm glad you enjoyed them.

I LOVE Perry's turns of phrase. They are all so hilarious! He's one of my favorite supporting characters to write - I don't always know if I've captured him. But I love to try. <g>

Awww, thanks for all those words of praise. <waffy feeling> I loved all your "loves" <g>

I hadn't realised just how much I miss those guys.
Ooooh, I'm just tickled pink! What a compliment - thanks.

but...hoo boy has he got a shock coming! [Big Grin]
Uh... I don't know what you're talking about... :p

Hee hee - I hope you found something else fun to read! But thanks so much for taking time to read this! And leave fdk!!! <hug> I'm flabbergasted. <g>

Andreia! Hey there girl! I've missed you! Hypnotized? Hmmm... interesting theory. <g> Oooh, yes, where IS the money? Hee hee - love the Red K theory. True... why would it make him rob a bank? That's why the clone theory is still out there - up for grabs. There really were so many different ways that I looked at going with this story when I was plotting it out. I mean, what if they were using red K to pacify Clark somehow, while they used the clone to do some dirty work???

Awww, poor Andreia. Well, I'm not promising a whole lot of more answers in part 3... but I will be posting it pretty soon. <g> Thanks so much for the fdk!

Ann! Back again? <bg> Yes, I know, isn't it awful? And yet, somehow, I can see some people being exactly that way - ungrateful... always seeking a way to lay their misfortunes on someone else. I'm so excited that this story is so emotionally moving for you. *ahem* lets hope you don't kill me before it's all over with. <g>

Vonceil! Ha ha. Nice.

Thanks again everyone! I'm working on getting part 3 up right now!

-- DJ

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#46387 09/25/07 01:34 AM
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Joined: Apr 2003
Posts: 9,362
I'm LOL at your telling Geraldo to 'git'.
LOL. But not to git - a git. laugh Git is a UK insult. I suppose the nearest US equivalent is a jerk.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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