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bakasi Offline OP
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This was a great part DJ! I already though Clark would do something stupid and get in trouble. But gratefully he didn't.

The proposal was really romantic and I liked the fight in the kitchen very much. Using Star Wars... brilliant wink I love that scene between Han and Leia, I can't say that I recognized it, but that may be because I've never seen that film in English. Interestingly, he is saying pretty much the same in German.

Anyway. Great chapter. I wasn't entirely sure Lois would already agree. For a moment I thought she wouldn't have the courage yet. Thanks that she did! smile1

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Yeah! You posted! party party party Imagine my excitement when I came to my computer and saw this!

I have to go to class but I'll leave you some feedback later! But just know that I really enjoyed this part and the proposal... I knew Clark went to buy a ring!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Awww, such a wonderful and romantic proposal! whinging Thank you, DJ! clap clap

I'm so glad that Lois said Yes!

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Eeee! Part 19! Wow, I think like every single one of my responses has started out with "EEEE! PART *insert number here*.

Well, I see no reason to change it. laugh Okay, onto reading! You promised waff! hyper

That little jaunt had taken more out of him than he had thought it would.

But it would be worth it.
The mysterious surprise!!! Yes!

Ahh! their banter is SO cute. I'm like... squealing. Childishly.

There aren’t enough sassy women in your life.”

Clark thanked his lucky stars for that. He couldn’t handle more than Lois and his mom.
I absolutely adore this line. I'm not even sure why. But I do. smile

“You once told me that you’d love me even if I was an ordinary man, with no powers at all. Here I am, that ordinary man, and I’m asking you to let me love you... for the rest of our lives.”

“Honey, that’s sweet and all, and I could understand if it was the first time, for either of us, but it’s not.” At the uncomfortable expression on his face, she continued, “Is it?”

That was just perfect, DJ! I'm so happy now! laugh


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Yeah! Pt 19! I'm loving this story, even tho I don't give feedback as often as I should. Loved this part!

I immediately recognized the SW homage (yup, complete geek that I am!! smile ) and loved it!

I vote for the combined chapter posting next time, btw! smile


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I'm still here DJ!! ^_^ Please don't think I have left you. I know I haven't been reviewing much but there is always so much to say! I always want to spend a lot of time reviewing your story and then by the time I get around to it you have posted the next chapter! LOL

I adore this story DJ. It is one of my favorites and one of the few that I rush to the boards to see if it is updated. Please don't be discouraged! You have such a talent and I'm so glad you share it with us. smile

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
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Aww, totally sweet. Love it!


Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.
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“No.” She shook her head adamantly. “Don’t you ever say that, Clark. Not to me. Never again - not like that,” she told him, her voice brimming with feeling. “You are human, in all the ways that count; certainly more human than Lex ever was. The only thing different from you and any other person on this planet is where you were born. That’s all, you hear me?”
that was very good, don't think I've ever read her approaching his lunkheadiness that way.


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DJ, I just had to tell you that I loved everything about this chapter and the proposal was sooooo romantic!


"Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are." - Mason Cooley
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Oh, DJ! I just read all 19 parts in one go, and this story rocks my world! I'm a sucker for a HoL story, and yours is awesome. It's angsty smile1

I'm torn between being sorry I haven't been enjoying this all along and being really, really glad I got so much of it in one go. I'll definitely be watching for the next part, though. Thanks for such a great read smile


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DJ, I just caught up on this story tonight as well (Caroline and I think alike I guess!), and I really like it. The proposal was lovely and I like the story you've got with Clark's illness and his slow acceptance of Dr. Klein. I'm looking forward to the next part!

lisa in the sky with diamonds
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*waffy sigh* Awww, DJ! You certainly know how to make us all melt. smile I loved the proposal in this part - so well done! I knew as soon as he got the box of chocolates that there was going to be a ring inside one of them. I thought for sure that Lois was going to break a tooth on it though. lol

I'm eagerly awaiting Part 20! laugh


Lois: Jimmy, give me back my dress.
Clark: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.
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Eeeee! the part with the chocolate! laugh I was looking forward to seeing that one on the boards. Looks like I'm not the only one who totally loved that! (makes it worth all the crazy chocolate-related questions *lol* you have to know this is going to be one of the hardest stories for me to ever forget. hehehe!)

I know I haven't said so lately - or at least not in public *lol* - but I love this story. smile

*happy sigh* It's really a great one!!

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I, too, loved this part, DJ!

“Hi. I didn't expect you back so soon,” he told her.

She looked up from the pot, a scowl lining her face. “It was a slow news day. Perry let me go a little early and I thought I'd come make you dinner. How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good. A little tired, but my side actually seems to be feeling quite a bit better.”
Yes! He is improving. Getting the kryptonite out of his wound really helped!

There was another pot on the stove with something cooking in it. Maybe he could help her salvage that one.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “No, I do not need any help, thank you very much. Just get out of here and let me work.”
laugh :rolleyes:

He walked up behind her and rubbed her shoulders softly. “Maybe you should take a little break.”
Aaawwww!!! Loved the soft rubbing of her shoulders....

She snorted. “My spatula's already dirty. What are you afraid of? Getting spanked by a girl?” She took another swipe at him, this time at his backside, and he dodged out of the way, reaching out to try and take the offending weapon from her. She spun the other direction and smacked him lightly across the butt with the back of her spatula.
<snort> <splutter> Oh DJ, you did let her spank him!!!! rotflol

And I loved their tickling match. <happy sigh>

&#8220;Admit it, you like me because I'm sassy. There aren't enough sassy women in your life.&#8221;

Clark thanked his lucky stars for that. He couldn't handle more than Lois and his mom.
Someone already pointed it out, but I love this line, too. Lois and Mom, equally sassy! rotflol

Lois smiled mischievously at him. &#8220;I wouldn't be nearly as interesting if I was just some sweet girl who never put you in your place.&#8221;

&#8220;I like sweet girls...&#8221;

&#8220;I'm sweet,&#8221; she murmured, interrupting him. Her mouth was practically touching his.

&#8220;No, you're not,&#8221; he argued weakly, feeling lightheaded from the position of her body against his and the easy manner in which she was teasing him. &#8220;You're...&#8221; Lois stole his breath away, smothering his protest between their lips. She drew from him urgently, deepening the kiss and lingering against his lips until they were both out of breath.
Aaawwww, so sweet! I don't recognize this from Star Wars, because I was never much of a fan, but this is adorable. But I'm sorry you didn't let Clark finish the sentence and say what Lois really is, DJ!

And the chocolate proposal... aaaaaaawwwwww!!!!! DJ, that was the sweetest thing ever. It was perfect. <happy sigh>

Okay... so... now we are just waiting for them to get married. No... wait... there are at least four parts left? You have some more angst up your sleeve, DJ, don't deny it!

But I have to say, like others here, that this story has been a wonderful mix of angst and WAFF. I think it was so clever, too, to keep Clark powerless for so long by depositing kryptonite in his wound. That was an entirely new idea, or at least I think so, and it opened up so many new possibilities! Tipsy!Clark... hmmmmm. laugh


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Oooooh! Lookie, lookie at all this wonderful fdk! <giggles excitedly>

Hi bakasi! Thank you. I'm glad you liked the Star Wars reference and the fight in the kitchen. <g> I had a lot of fun writing this part and have been writing it and tweaking it on and off for 3 months now. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Sheila! Hee hee - wow, a party! smile Yes, you were right about the ring. <g> I hope you had a good class yesterday and I'll look forward to your fdk. Thanks Sheila!

Hi Barbara! You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hi Laura S! LOL! I love that your responses start with "EEEEE!" Hee hee, it makes me "EEEEE!" in return. <g>

Ahh! their banter is SO cute. I'm like... squealing. Childishly.
<giggles> I can just hear this somehow. <g> I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks so much for the fdk! I'm so happy now too. <g>

Hi Julie! Awww! I'm so glad to know you're reading! Thanks for leaving fdk on this part. Ahhhh, another SW geek, I feel an immediate kinship to you. <g> Okay, that's one vote for combining the chapters. Thanks Julie!

Hi Jojo! I've missed you! <hug> I'm so glad you're still with me and are still loving the story. You have no idea the girlish squeal I let out when I read that you rush to the boards to see if it's updated. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Jackie! Thanks!

Hi doublel! Really? I'm always excited when I can come up with an idea that someone hasn't read before. <g> Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hi Annette! Thanks for your fdk (and your e-mails, they were such a nice surprise). I'm glad you loved this chapter. Thanks.

Hi Caroline!

I just read all 19 parts in one go, and this story rocks my world!

yours is awesome...

now I'm just a big Caroline-shaped puddle of goo...
<DJ begins to feel faint>

This coming from the author of the HoL story "If I Were You"? Wow, Caroline, you have no idea what a compliment that was. Thank you! Wow.

You mentioned some of my favorite parts as well. <g> I'm so so glad to know you're reading and enjoying it. Thank you for the fdk!

Hi Lisa! I've missed you! <hug> I'm so glad to see you. Thanks for the fdk and I'm glad you got caught up and are still reading/enjoying it.

Hi Anna! Thanks for the fdk! Eeee heee! Glad you loved it. Yeah, I figured all you clever FoLCs would know what was up. <g> I actually wanted to use my husband's proposal from almost 12 years ago, but unfortunately, Spiderman 3 stole it and then I didn't want to use it because I figured someone would think I had taken it from Spiderman. Hubby slipped my ring into a glass of wine... unfortunately I didn't see it and took a big gulp. You should have seen the look on his face - he was terrified I was going to drink it. LOL. But then I saw it. He fished it out and dropped down on one knee and proposed. <g> But, seeing how Lois just LOVES chocolate, and Clark knows that, I thought this proposal was fitting. <g>

Hi Lara! LOL! You all have to know what Lara went through for me when she was beta reading my chocolate proposal... she went to a chocolate shop nearby where she works to ask the chocolate maker there, questions for me. If a ring could be put into chocolate, etc... The guy gave her some pretty interesting looks at the questions she was asking - LOL. Lara, bless your sweet little heart.

I know I haven't said so lately - or at least not in public *lol* - but I love this story. [Smile]

*happy sigh* It's really a great one!!
Awwww! Thank you so much <sniffle> I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for the fdk. <g>

Hi Ann! <bg> Somehow I just knew you'd love this part...

<snort> <splutter> Oh DJ, you did let her spank him!!!! [Rotflol]
LOL! Yes I did. <g>

You must have really really enjoyed this part - we didn't even get a visit from the voice of reason - LOLS!

Ooooh, you thought the proposal was perfect? Thank you!

Yes, we are waiting for them to get married... and yes, there were 4 more parts. However, I think I might combine 20 & 21 into one part. So that means instead of 23, there will be 22. So now there are 3 parts left. Part 20 will be around 15 pages - 21 will be around 15 pages and the finale is around 12.

You have some more angst up your sleeve, DJ, don't deny it!
Deny it? LOL! I'll proudly announce it. There are a couple of more angsty parts before conclusion! Fasten your seatbelts FoLCs because this rollercoaster is winding up to the finish.

I'm glad that so many of you have enjoyed the angstwaff mixture.

I think it was so clever, too, to keep Clark powerless for so long by depositing kryptonite in his wound. That was an entirely new idea, or at least I think so, and it opened up so many new possibilities! Tipsy!Clark... hmmmmm. [Big Grin]
Thanks Ann. I thought it was a good way for Lois and Clark to explore how they really felt about each other, their true feelings. And yes, it was a lot of fun to explore some new possibilities - like Tipsy!Clark. <g> Thanks for your fdk, Ann.

Thanks again so much, everyone! I'm already starting to get a little sniffly that we are so close to the end. Only 3 parts left! And I just finished the finale this morning. So the thing is now completed. Lara and Sue already have the next to last part, but I'll be sending them that last part soon. <BIG HUG> Thank you both so much - you've been wonderful!

-- DJ

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Other points of interest:
-Lois cooking. rotflol It never gets old to me. Maybe it's because I can't seem to pick up the knack for anything resembling domesticity.

-Ohhh Clark's wound. It is about time they discovered something was wrong with it! It was way too funny when Lois snorted in the last part. Clark. Healthy food? Do you even know what that is, man? But what Doc Klein should have said was, "Gee Superman. Wound cleaning hurts like a bitch. Prepare thyself!"
One of my many and varied jobs that I had in my last 2 years of college was working in a stock room at the mall. (Where were the guys for all the heavy lifting, yo?) Anyway, I fell off the...4th row of shelves that I had climbed? and diced the back of my leg on the desk chair underneath. It looked a lot more terrible than it was, but unfortunately, it sliced open my pants leg and embedded corduroy into my leg. I'll spare you the anesthesia-less ending to my story, but I feel for you, Clark!

Great couple of parts!

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So, DJ...I took my test and for once since I started graduate school I didn't look at it and think "WTF?" rotflol

I loved this part. As I said previously, I knew that Clark went to buy an engagement ring and I knew that he would propose. I'm just so glad that the answer was not drawn out.

“No buts. I promise I’ll take it easy.” He almost felt the need to cross his fingers on that statement... but he would take it easy, for the most part. He just had one little errand he wanted to run, and she couldn’t be around when he ran it. “I’ll even let you pick me up some healthy food from the grocery store on your way home tonight. Deal?”
He's lying Lois. He's going to buy you an engagement ring!
Clark turned his face away from her, breaking the kiss, and took a couple of breaths. “I thought you said you were hungry.”

“Not for food,” she said breathily, attempting to kiss him again.
Feed her Clark!
Clark leaned back, resting his head on the floor beneath him, panting heavily. Lois followed him down, taking his lower lip into her mouth and savoring the feel of it between her lips before releasing it. “Mmmm, so what’s for dessert?” she teased.

“Dessert?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “You mean you aren’t satisfied yet?”
Dessert? Clark you haven't fed her!
“You know, Clark, when you buy chocolate from a specialty store like this, you should really check the place out first. Is my next piece going to have a razor blade in it?” She quickly finished breaking the chocolate in two and shook it in her hand to extricate the offending article. When she looked down at what lay in her outstretched palm, she started in shock and the object spilled from her hand.

But Clark was faster. He reached out and caught the ring as it fell. And instead of the ring falling to the balcony floor, Clark knelt down to the floor in front of her, holding the ring out between his thumb and index finger.
I cannot believe that Lois didn't start to get suspicious when Clark pointed t the chocolate that she should try. Lane, you're slipping.
“That didn’t go exactly the way I planned it,” he said softly. “But I knew that I couldn’t propose to you the way I had dreamed of - not after telling you about it and certainly not after the fiasco in Smallville. It had to be special.”
It doesn't matter lunkhead. All that matters is that you propose. It's what she wants...what you both want.
“I meant what I said that day in the park and my feelings for you haven’t changed. I have been in love with you for a long time, almost from the moment we met. There’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with.” Clark took a deep breath before continuing, “You once told me that you’d love me even if I was an ordinary man, with no powers at all. Here I am, that ordinary man, and I’m asking you to let me love you... for the rest of our lives.”

Lois took in a shaky breath as she gazed through tear-blurred eyes at the ring – her ring. She brought up her hand, ready to extend it to him but yet not wanting the moment to end. Was he finished or did he have more to say? He hadn’t actually said the words yet... It was silly but somehow she wanted to hear the words. He had said them to her in Smallville, but they hadn’t been real then. She wanted to hear them again, when they really meant something.

Clark knew that it shouldn’t matter whether he proposed to her now or when, and if, his powers returned to him and he became Superman again. But somehow, it did. He wanted desperately to know that if his powers never came back, that Lois would still want to share her life with him - that she truly did love him for who he really was and not what he could do. “Lois Lane, will you marry me?”

Her heart melted. He had said them – the words she had never known she wanted to hear so much. “Yes!” she proclaimed happily as a tear slipped down her cheek. “Yes, Clark. I will marry you.” She held out her hand and he slipped the ring onto her finger. It glided easily but felt snug against her. He had guessed her size... and had been right. That small token of the depth of his attentiveness warmed her further.
That was just so sweet, the way Clark told Lois how he feels...has felt about her for a long time. He even managed to take that dreadful day in the part and make it a good memory by telling Lois that that day he meant what he told her about how he felt about her. Now she will remember that day with good memories instead of sad ones because it was the first time Clark had come clean forward with his feelings for her.
He pressed against her gently, slipping one leg between hers and lifting against her. It elicited a groan from her and her hands groped at his body, finally cupping his shoulders and pulling him even more firmly to her.

Clark released her with one hand and braced it against the door, trying to steady himself as he continued his exploration of her.

He shifted his leg against her again and she whimpered his name, “Clark.”

Her eyes were dark with need. The look of longing in them moved him to put his hands low around her waist and lift her up into his arms.

Lois instinctively wrapped her legs around him. She draped her arms around his neck, seizing hold of his lips once more.

God he wanted her. Every part of him was crying out to hold her, touch her... make love to her. Almost... One small part of him was protesting just a bit in pain. He couldn’t hold her like this for much longer; his side wasn’t going to let him.

At that moment, he realized something. As special as tonight was, he wanted their first time to be nothing less than perfect... in every way. He didn’t want it to be a momentary passion, all too quickly lost and never again to be regained.
I understand Clark wanting their first time to be special, perfect, and it will be, regardless. But, Boy do I understand Lois wanting this hunk of a man. sloppy
“Yes,” he answered almost shyly, “but it just didn’t feel right. I wanted it to be with the right woman, someone special. I’m not exactly human and I didn’t...”

“No.” She shook her head adamantly. “Don’t you ever say that, Clark. Not to me. Never again - not like that,” she told him, her voice brimming with feeling. “You are human, in all the ways that count; certainly more human than Lex ever was. The only thing different from you and any other person on this planet is where you were born. That’s all, you hear me?”
Poor. Clark. He's still insecure. Hopefully Lois eradicated that insecurity. I'm glad that she made him realize that one doesn't have to be human...to be human.
“Come on,” she said, taking his hand and leading him over to the couch. “Let’s watch a movie until we fall asleep.”

Clark looked at her questioningly. “But you don’t sleep here anymore.”

Lois shrugged and sat down. “Just because I have an apartment doesn’t mean I can’t crash on your couch, does it?”

He shook his head as he joined her on the couch. “No, I guess not,” he replied with a smile. “But you know one reason I didn’t ask you to move in with me was because I couldn’t stand any more sleepless nights.”

“Sleepless nights?”

“Yeah. Knowing that you were in the next room, just one wall between us, and I couldn’t touch you. It was enough to keep me awake at night.”

Lois blushed. “You can touch me, and kiss me... You can... hold me, Clark,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling next to him. “We just won’t take it any further than that.”

“What if I can’t resist you?” he asked with a mischievous grin.

“That’s easy. I just won’t let you get any further.”
Why didn't Clark just propose to Lois and just tell her this before she moved out and they could have had an understanding but still been near each other?

DJ this was so sweet. I'm not at all a fan of Star Wars but I enjoyed the little exchange between Lois and Clark.

This was another great segment. I cannot wait to see what happens next...when they get married and when Clark gets his powers back...and if they will be able to hold out.


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Sorry, I hit the button twice.


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Hi again!

Jen! Hah! I'm so glad you enjoyed it -- and YIKES! about your leg. Eeeek! So, yes, you can definitely sympathize with poor Clark. <g>

Thanks for the fdk Jen!

LOL, Sheila... I'm glad you knew the info for the test. <g> Hope you did well on it.

I cannot believe that Lois didn't start to get suspicious when Clark pointed t the chocolate that she should try. Lane, you're slipping.
You'd be surprised at what your brain allows you to naively ignore. When hubby proposed to me... all the signs were there... I just failed to see them until I actually saw the ring - then my brain caught up to what was going on and went "well, duh!". LOL!

I'm glad that she made him realize that one doesn't have to be human...to be human.
Ooooh, I love how you phrased that fdk. Yes! You don't have to be human to be human! <g> But some humans are quite inhumane (like Lex).

This was another great segment. I cannot wait to see what happens next...when they get married and when Clark gets his powers back...and if they will be able to hold out.
Well, stay tuned. I think I'll be able to answer at least some of those questions. <g> Maybe all of them... who knows. wink

Thanks for the fdk, Sheila. <g>

I would go ahead and post part 20 tonight, but I am just too braindead to scan it for errors and mistakes, and I'm just anal enough that I always have to give it a final read before hitting that "post" button.


I guess that means you can expect it sometime tomorrow.


-- DJ

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Sweet, DJ.

James and I have been reading this one aloud. We've been trying to read one part a night, although some parts are long enough to be 2-nighters and some evenings we haven't had time to breathe. I have to admit that somewhere on the balcony we decided to skim this one to see where it was going... you know, just to be sure. That was one hot scene.

I have to admit that I thought that scene in the kitchen reminded me of something, but I was much slower to catch on than I normally am. My brain skimmed right past the "My hands are dirty." and "What are you afraid of?", but there was no way I would miss the sassiness. I just hadn't realized it was intentional. It was your own scene, but it reminded me of the other.


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