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Like they all already said: great story, great ending but... where did the kiss go??????? :p

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So here I am, coming late to the game again. I sat down to read this a few days ago and was in such a terrible mood that I had to stop because I wasn’t enjoying it and was only focusing on my problems. So I’m coming back now to leave you some wonderful fdk on a wonderful story now that I can fully enjoy it. ^_^

"Stand behind her," she snapped at Clark, "and put your arms around her." Clark did so, watching Gretchen warily. Gretchen grabbed their hands and yanked them forward. "Like this, you idiots. I'm not doing this so you can cuddle."
No, but I’m sure Sue is making you do it so she can make them cuddle. ^_~

For a moment she almost believed him.
Poor Lois, she has no clue just how safe she is. Sometimes you just wanna kick Clark for making her go through so much just because of his secret. It isn’t till I really think about situations like this, that I tend to take Lois’ side and think Clark is a big jerk. Most of the time I take his because we the reader/watchers have been in on the secret the whole time, but moments like this when I contemplate just how terrified I would be in her place. I think I might be a little ticked later once I remembered moments like this that he hadn’t told me he could yank me out of danger.

But then again… Lois seems to get a thrill out of danger. You would almost think that if she knew he was superman she might put herself into more danger because she knows he would save her. Kinda like a twisted thrill ride. Anyway… ending my ramble now.

"I don't think I really want to answer that question. Not right now, anyway."
Torture him a bit Lois! ^_^ Make him think about what he is missing out on!

"Probably not."

"Why not?"
*grumbles* Cause he is a pansy boy sometimes and he makes us all want to strangle him… and then jump him and lick his mole off.

"I'm serious." He was more than a little offended. Of all the reactions he had expected this disbelieving laughter had never even crossed his mind.
It’s so cute how he is afraid of her reaction one minute and the offended and pouty about it the next. Perfect reaction you wrote there. ^_^

Clark fought back the urge to retort 'I can't for the life of me figure out why I told you.'
Do it! Do it! I love the sexual tension when they fight. Haha.

"You said that you were sorry Mayson had cut in and that I still owed you a dance," he prompted. "I just didn't want to wait until the next charity ball."
It’s statements like this that make you want to just squeeze him and forgive him anything…

He shook his head. "I've never kept track."

"Really?" she asked, feeling the oddest sense of relief at his answer.
I like that he doesn’t keep count because it isn’t a matter of what she owes him or something he even thinks twice about. He does it because he cares about her and it is instinctive and something ingrained him to do and because he loves her.

Such a great little story Sue. I very much enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it with us yet again and feeding your little minions. ^_~

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
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Okay, Sue, the longer I wait the worse it will get... so, I've been drowning in work at school lately. This isn't a fun time of the year to be a teacher, believe me. And... I don't know if I should say this, but I will anyway... Okay. You know how Lois felt about other guys after she had met Clark? Whatever she might have been telling herself about Mister Greenjeans and the Hack from Nowheresville, the truth is, after she had met Clark, well, then all other guys were... not quite Clark. So. I came across the Clark of all revelation stories recently, CC Aiken's alternative ending to The Friends We'd Do For A Friend. And CC's story is so... so perfect, so funny, so sweet, so in character, so adorably ridiculous, so lovely... and it's nfic. And the actual revelation happens during, uh, a certain activity. Well... let me just say that after I had read CC's story I was not really in the mood for any other revelation piece, because I had already met the Clark of this genre, you know?

Okay... but that's like saying that once you have read a book you absolutely, totally liked, you don't have to read anything else for the rest of your life. Once you've heard a song you totally love, you won't need to listen to any other songs, ever.... It just doesn't work like that. So, just like Jojo, I needed to re-read this story in order to appreciate it. What makes your story glitter and shine to an LNC-ep-challenged person like me is your masterful way of writing Lois and Clark dialogue. All of it is perfect. Heck, even I, who have seen so little of the episodes, can totally hear Lois and Clark's voices. Consider this:

"Clark, if we had gone to the concert last night would you have taken me somewhere afterwards?"

"Where would you have wanted to go?"

Lois thought about it. "You know what would have been nice?"


"Remember that cafe we ate at a couple of weeks ago?"

"The one with the huge fishtank? Or the one where you got in a fight with the waitress?"
Isn't it so spot-on and perfect how they keep talking to each other and replying to each other's questions by asking a new question?

And when Lois finally makes a statement, instead of asking a new question, this is what she says:

"I didn't get in a fight with that waitress! She was being rude!
Oh, so, so, so Lois!!!

And how totally perfect is this, where Lois seems to voice Clark's thoughts?

Clark had gone through what seemed like hundreds of scenarios as he tried to figure out what to do next. He couldn't get them out of the trunk with the car still moving - not without drawing attention to them and having to do a lot of explaining to Lois. In the end he kept coming to the same conclusion. He had to tell her.

"I have to confess something," she said abruptly.

"What?" He was startled out of considering how best to tell her his secret.
I have to confess something - No, I have to confess something - No, I'll go first! Is this Lois and Clark or is it Lois and Clark?

"I could see you last night - your silhouette on the door. I could see you getting changed. And I watched you when I should have just looked away."
This is nowhere near as bad as when Clark proposed to Lois instead of telling her his secret. Talk about horrible timing! Lois's timing is at least slightly unfortunate. On the other hand, what she tells Clark is really erotic, too.

And oh, the way you show us how they - or at least Clark - is practically bursting with the need to tell Lois what he needs to tell her, and yet he keeps holding back, totally frightened of what will happen if he does tell her.

"Why not?"

"I don't know." He shifted uncomfortably. "I, you, uh, you make me nervous, Lois."

"I do not! After two years of being friends? How can you say that?"

He cleared his throat. "So you wouldn't be nervous if you thought I was about to kiss you?"

Her stomach tightened unexpectedly. "Are you about to kiss me?"

"No," he said softly. "I'm just asking you an illustrative question."

"Oh," she whispered, tamping down the sudden disappointment that had flooded through her. "What was that supposed to illustrate?"

"Nothing, I guess," he admitted. "Apparently I'm the only one who's nervous."
This, too, is so lovely - how the erotic tension is rising between them, how Clark is inching towards honesty with Lois, and how they keep answering questions by asking each other more questions.

But suddenly Lois says something that has a very good chance to make Clark confess:

"Okay," Lois finally said. "I think I have a plan to get us out of this."
She has a plan? Clark, your male pride, let alone your Superman-hood, requires that you inform her that you have a better plan than her.

"Me, too," he replied impulsively.

"Mine is better."
Her plan is better? Come on, Clark. Now you need to tell her about yourself not only for her sake, but for your own as well!

The smug tone of her words combined with the confusion he was still feeling to send an irritated twitch through him. "Does yours involve Superman?"

"Well, that would be nice if he showed up, but no."

"Mine does," he countered.

"If we're in the mountains it's probably too late to start yelling for Superman."

"There's no need."

"Your plan is that good?" Her tone left no doubt that she was certain her plan was superior.
Okay... inching towards revelation... inching... inching....

"Lois," he sighed. "This is not the way I wanted to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

His body tensed against hers and then he spoke. "I'm Superman."
And we're there!!!

She was silent. Disbelief and panic flooded through him. He had done it. He had told her. And she had said... nothing. It was then that he realized that her body was trembling and she was making a gasping sound. Was she crying? Horrified, he realized that she wasn't crying - she was laughing. Her body shook harder and she began to laugh out loud.
I love Lois's reaction. (And it reminds me at least a little of CC's story, which I'm still so full of....)

"I'm serious." He was more than a little offended. Of all the reactions he had expected this disbelieving laughter had never even crossed his mind.
I liked CC-Clark's reaction to Lois's laughter better... sorry, Sue.... frown

She was absolutely quiet. He had expected more of an argument. "Lois?" he prompted.

"You're really Superman?" she clarified.


"Are you wearing the Suit? Right now?"

"Well, no, actually."

In the silence that followed he knew she was rolling her eyes.

"I can't for the life of me figure out why you'd make this up," she said.

Clark fought back the urge to retort 'I can't for the life of me figure out why I told you.'
But this is totally vintage Sue again, the way Lois and Clark talk to each other.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." His lips moved in an almost-kiss against her ear as he spoke. No sooner had he spoken then several more shots rang out, this time puncturing through the metal of the trunk, leaving small shafts of daylight in their wake. Lois jumped and twitched with each shot, unaware that she was letting out a series of terrified shrieks with each blast.

Clark rolled forward to cover her, counting to match each bullet with its shot as they bounced away from his back and legs. He placed one hand along her cheek protectively.
And this is lovely.

"Lois, can you turn over and face me? Can you hold on to me, tight? We're going to have to move really fast."

"I, uh, yes, right, of course." Lois wiggled until she was facing him but wasn't sure how to hold him in the cramped conditions.

"Here, lift up for a second," he said softly. She did and his arm slipped beneath her, holding her securely against him. She put her arms around his neck.

"You really are Superman, aren't you?" The car lurched and slowed as it bounced over rougher terrain. She buried her face in his shirt, inhaling the familiar scent of him. Clark was Superman, she told herself. And a damn good thing, too, or they'd both be dead already.


"That's how the champagne was so cold," she said softly. "And it wasn't a defective bulb, was it?"
I love how Lois is suddenly slightly in awe of Clark, now that he has turned himself into Superman right before her. And then nit-picking, stickler-for-detail Lois makes an appearance, solving the mystery about the temperature of some champagne and a supposedly broken light bulb that has been bothering her. I mean, now she is thinking about something like that! So Lois!!!

Lois looked down to see the car smash and roll several times before landing upside down in a shower of dust and shattered glass. Even more jarring was the realization that she was seeing all this from a vantage point that included the toes of Clark's sneakers.
And this is another absolutely adorable detail - Lois is watching "their" car roll down a hill from the vantage point of Clark's sneakers, floating in the air, fifty feet above the ground.

I like the ending, too, although ultimately it doesn't speak to me as strongly as your other stories do. Why doesn't it? Is it simply because this story isn't nfic? Maybe, just maybe, my long years of frustration at the way Lois and Clark wouldn't become lovers somehow makes me feel this is one more story where they don't take that final step. Especially since I know what a master you are at writing precisely the kind of stories where they do. Remember, though, that if I ultimately didn't think that your story was really and truly Clark to me, the reason for this is probably that I'm simply not the right kind of Lois for your story.


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Thanks for the well wishes - I almost feel human again now.

Andreia - I always get such a kick out of the fun animations you add to your FDK. I loved the bouncy smilie tossing hearts in the air. It reminded me of Lois in Pheremone, My Lovely.

Cris - sorry, no kiss. Like Terry, you can just imagine what they talked about (or did) on the flight home. <g>

JoJo! I was so happy to see you post that I don't care how late it was. I'm sorry things have been rough for you lately. I hope they're improving now. <hugs>
No, but I’m sure Sue is making you do it so she can make them cuddle.
You say that like it's a *bad* thing. You try going around for over a decade with the mental image of them tied up in a trunk together and see how desperate you are to have them cuddle!
Poor Lois, she has no clue just how safe she is. Sometimes you just wanna kick Clark for making her go through so much just because of his secret. It isn’t till I really think about situations like this, that I tend to take Lois’ side and think Clark is a big jerk.
Yep. And once the initial shock wears off I'm sure she'll have a few choice words to say about it. But, like you said, then she'll just get into trouble on a more regular basis. I laughed so hard I snorted over this:
Kinda like a twisted thrill ride. Anyway… ending my ramble now.
Ramble away! That's great - "a twisted thrill ride". But most of my thoughts on that score are more fit for the nfic forum...
...and then jump him and lick his mole off.
Back off, sister! I've warned you before to leave the freckle alone.
I like that he doesn’t keep count because it isn’t a matter of what she owes him or something he even thinks twice about. He does it because he cares about her and it is instinctive and something ingrained him to do and because he loves her.
My thoughts *exactly*.

Ann, you just never run out of ways to needle me about writing more nfic, do you? <g>
And CC's story is so... so perfect, so funny, so sweet, so in character, so adorably ridiculous, so lovely... and it's nfic. And the actual revelation happens during, uh, a certain activity. Well... let me just say that after I had read CC's story I was not really in the mood for any other revelation piece, because I had already met the Clark of this genre, you know?
I hope you told CC all this! I haven't read the story (but I'll put it on that ever-lengthening list of must-reads).
I liked CC-Clark's reaction to Lois's laughter better... sorry, Sue....
So what was his reaction? You didn't say so I'm left to wonder. Did he laugh with her? Walk away in a huff?
Her plan is better? Come on, Clark. Now you need to tell her about yourself not only for her sake, but for your own as well!
It irritates me that, after the first couple of seasons, the writer's emasculated Clark and he didn't compete with Lois like he used to. Sure, you're dating/married, but grow a pair, buddy! On some level it *has* to bother him that she's always so smug and assured, especially when he knows that she's dead wrong in her assumptions.

Thanks to everyone who has left feedback. I really do appreciate it very, very, VERY much!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Kinda like a twisted thrill ride. Anyway… ending my ramble now.
Ramble away! That's great - "a twisted thrill ride". But most of my thoughts on that score are more fit for the nfic forum...
Hahaha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that was thinking the dirty thoughts when I said twisted thrill ride.

Lois throws herself off a building. Along comes Superman to rescue her.

Lois: Oh wow, that was a rush. It makes me wanna do naughty things.
Clark: Huh? What?
Lois: Make me ork Superman, make me ork!
Clark: You aren't quite right in the head are you Lois?
Lois: Don't talk to me about being crazy. You think you are two different people! That's okay... let's go make crazy babies together!

And this is why Jojo doesn't write nfic... *Cough* but I know a pretty lady who does... devil

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
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I liked CC-Clark's reaction to Lois's laughter better... sorry, Sue....

So what was his reaction? You didn't say so I'm left to wonder. Did he laugh with her? Walk away in a huff?
Well, Lois didn't laugh at him because he said that he was Superman. When he said that to her, she simply slicked back his hair to see if he looked like Superman that way, and, well, he did. (After all, his hair, as well as the rest of him, was within very easy access to her right then. And he, incidentally, was too ecstatically happy to worry about what she thought about his being Superman.) What she laughed at was what she made him say during his, ummm, moment of ecstasy. He didn't walk away from her in a huff, since walking away would have taken a bit of extricating himself from her, but he did tell her that now he might have to leave Metropolis and possibly the Earth. Instead, the close proximity of her laughter-quivering body made him feel, uh, "up" to the task again. And then he made her feel totally exquisite and sort of repeat his incredible statement of silliness during her, ummmm, moment of hitting her personal bulls-eye. And then Perry and Jimmy started to break down the door....

Yes, I told CC, Sue.


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Ann, you really must watch the eps. Really... rotflol

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~
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Lois throws herself off a building. Along comes Superman to rescue her.

Lois: Oh wow, that was a rush. It makes me wanna do naughty things.
Yes, wouldn't it, Jojo? wink

Clark: Huh? What?
Lois: Make me ork Superman, make me ork!
Clark: You aren't quite right in the head are you Lois?
Lois: Don't talk to me about being crazy. You think you are two different people! That's okay... let's go make crazy babies together!
Oh, what a delightful suggestion!!! goofy


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Had missed this story the first time.. just caught up with this on the archives.

Wow!! superb, lovely, and adorable. smile goofy thumbsup

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria
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Ditto here, just found it. What can I say? It was brilliant, just like the rest of your stories! smile Thanks for posting it!

Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile
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