Okay, I know it was a long wait for a little ending, but here it is. Thanks for those of you who have stuck this thing through with me, especially LabRat for betareading. I reposted some of the last section, so the flow is not so awkward since I quit mid-scene. All feedback greatly appreciated. So without further ado,

A Revelation of Trust, Final:

Lois smiled once more. “Well, lunkhead, if we're playing by my rules, then I have to ask you what secret you're talking about.”

Clark's grin widened in amusement. ”What do you mean, Lois? You just said my secret would go to your grave. Why ask if you already know?” Sometimes Lois was such an enigma, but he certainly liked the adventure of trying to figure her out.

Lois edged closer, her breath fanning out over his lips, sending his nerve endings into a frenzy of activity. “I told you before. That, sometimes, people we care about need to hear us say those scary words. They need to know that we trust them. So I am letting you know, that I don't know, unless you want me to know." Clark closed his eyes blissfully, as his lips touched gently to Lois'. The kiss lasted mere moments, as Clark tried to focus and remember the conversation at hand. Ahh, yes...


“Yes, Clark?”

“I've got something I need to tell you.”

“Yeah? What would that be?” Lois had moved closer, and her arms were encircling his neck. She traced little lazy circles on his back and then nuzzled his neck where she began kissing once more. Clark kissed the top of her head, his own arms encircling her in a bear hug as he drew her body closer to his own on the couch, as he reclined backward. Coaxing him on, she whispered almost reverently, “Tell me, Clark.”

His heart raced. Even though he knew she knew, still it seemed so hard to say those three words that would end the deception between them and bring them to the next phase of their relationship. For his entire life, the importance of keeping his secret had been ingrained in him. So, still, it was no small trifle as he spoke the words, barely above a whisper. “Lois, I'm Superman.”

Lois stilled her hands and met his gaze once more. “See, was that so bad?” She rearranged herself on top of him on the couch, straddling his lap. Clark's breath hitched again, as she grinned at him impishly.

“You are a wicked woman, Lois Lane. I thought we agreed last night it was too fast, too soon. And here you are, torturing me and always expecting me to be so honorable.” He held his hands up in mock protest before carefully placing them around her waist, and drawing her close to kiss her reverently once more.

“What's being honorable got to do with it? Although, I'd say I'm honoring you pretty well, wouldn't you?” Clark's heart went into his throat as Lois tugged at the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing the broad expanse of naked flesh beneath. Smiling in admiration, she smoothed her delicate fingers across his pectoral muscles. He let out a sigh of ecstasy as she bent down to kiss the side of his neck.

Struggling to think clearly, Clark closed his eyes. “Lois, you know I want this, but there's maybe something else I should mention first.”

Lois was undeterred. Continuing a trail of kisses down the side of his neck, she didn't even pause as she asked, “And what would that be?”

“Well, Lo-isss...you know that whole intimacy threshold?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The one I think we may be about to cross?”

“Oh, that one. What about it?”

Clark groaned as Lois kissed halfway down his stomach before turning and retracing her original path upward. His hands, of their own volition, found themselves beneath her shirt, heading northward. Using willpower he never knew he had to still his movements, he continued. “Well, I've kind of never crossed it.”

Lois stilled her movements, and met his gaze. “I'm not sure I understand, Clark.”

Clark swallowed the lump in his throat. Then he looked down at the floor. <This is just a little embarrassing.>

"The intimacy threshold. I've stared at it, looked longingly over at it, but I've never crossed it." <Please don't ask me to spell this one out, Lois!>

“Oh my....you mean, you're a ....a VIRGIN?” Lois stared dumbstruck as Clark fidgeted slightly beneath her. All he could manage was a nod in response, as agreeing out loud would only amplify his discomfiture.

Clark hastened to explain himself. “It's not that I haven't had offers. It's just...well, in my situation, I couldn't really afford to get that close to someone before. And I also wanted to know that when I did, it was with the person I was meant to be with. I wanted it to mean something.”

Lois was awestruck. “How do you do it?”

Befuddled, Clark finally chanced gazing into Lois face. “Do what?”

“Open your mouth, and say those things. Clark, you are the sweetest, most adorable guy on the planet. And I must be the luckiest woman on earth.”

"I think that you have that all backwards." Clark's face lilted upward in a cheeky grin as he drew her closer in once more. “I am the lucky one.”

Lois' eyes danced in merriment. “Not yet, but you're about to be, if you play your cards right.”
Standing up, Lois divested herself of her t-shirt, revealing a lacy, black demi-bra underneath. Dropping her shirt to the floor, she reached for his hands, pulling him up to stand beside her.

Clark stood mesmerized. The little angel Clark and the devil Clark were for once in agreement, as they danced around in circles in his head.

Shaking himself clear of that errant thought, he pulled her toward him and enveloped her within his arms. His first kiss was gentle and worshipful, as he tasted her and inhaled her scent of lavender and rosewater. Tentative, his tongue sought entrance at her lips, and was received with ferocity.

As the kisses increased in intensity, Clark fought to keep some control of himself, wanting to savor this moment. Lois, however, was a woman on a mission. Clark groaned into her mouth, as she began exploring the lower half of his body.
Clark wasn't sure how, but they found their way to the bedroom, and out of their clothes, sprawled out on the king-size bed. His last coherent thoughts were that every inch of Lois Lane was as beautiful as he'd always known she would be.


Some time later, a very sated Lois and Clark lay snuggled in the satin sheets together. Lois felt cocooned within Clark's arms, as their fingers intertwined. Lois didn't know it was possible to be this happy.

Smiling, she said, “Wow.”

Clark laughed mischievously. “Wow. Yep, that about covers it.”

Lois turned to look at Clark's face. She watched as he quirked his head to the side, in what she now recognized must mean he was hearing or seeing something from far away. Those superpowers might come in handy yet. <In more ways than one an investigation.> The mile high club suddenly took on a whole new meaning for Lois, as she chuckled to herself. Refocusing her attention, she asked, “What is it?”

“Next door. Roarke and Harrington are back.”

“I really don't want to move right now. Just tell me what they're saying.”

Lois listened with interest, as Clark repeated verbatim the conversation going on in the adjacent building.

When they lowered the lead-lined curtain to show the video, Lois suggested Clark speed into his costume and do a fly-by to see if he could get a view from above the building of what was going on in that room. Thanks to Lois' quick thinking, Clark listened and watched while they detailed what Project Shockwave was, and how Roarke was going to sabotage it, producing a giant tsunami which would level Metropolis. Watching them leave, he returned to the Lexor and Lois, who had in the meantime made herself comfortable in the large, heart-shaped tub for two.

Spinning out of his superman uniform, he sank into the bubbles beside her. After he had shared with her what he had seen from spying on Roarke and Harrington, they decided they would sneak into the office later that night and get the evidence they needed. A little more parrying back and forth, and it was decided they would print the story as soon as Superman stopped the tsunami from hitting the coast by tunneling underneath it.

Lois pulled Clark closer toward her in the water. He sat in front of her as she soaped his back and arms. “Well, now that we've pretty much scooped yet another banner headline, what do you want to do next?”

Lois perched her chin on his shoulder and waited for his reply.

Clark closed his own eyes, as he reclined back in a state of bliss. “I have a few ideas.”

The End party

(Elrond's blessing at the departure of the company from Rivendell)

"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your faces!"
-Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien