Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's Thursday and I should be posting. I know. (Sorry. I do have a good excuse. I was writing! goofy )

Thank you all so much indeed for such lovely comments. Yet again! And, Em, thanks for noticing that it was a long post. wink

Okay... so let me see... I notice that a lot of you are sceptical about the vial. /me waves to Rachel's flying pig. Well, as ever, no comment. wink Time will tell. Except that time is something we really don't have a lot of... right?

I'm glad so many of you are enjoying Henderson in this story. I love writing him, especially when I can write Bill and Lois interaction. He really is one of my favourite secondary characters, and I'm so glad that Pam's giving him a little romance of his own. It's so sweet! goofy )

And finally, this idea still tickles me just as much as when Pam first suggested it:

PLEASE, Wendy, for the love of god, let them find the poison in there! Better yet, let them find a package delivered to Lois at the Planet reading "Your Antidote, Ms. Lane. Ha! Love, The Prankster." That would be a fun twist!

Well... we'll see. Part 17 going up shortly!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*