Every time I post a new section I think that you guys can't possibly do it again - and every time you take my breath away and prove me wrong once more. Words can't express how much all your wonderful, long, analytical, reacting, quoting and enthusiastic posts mean to me. But believe me when I say that I read every post several times over.

Sara, Sara, Sara...
Wendy, due to some colossal twist of fate [I swear those last three words were unintentional, and I would delete them except I thought they would amuse you (g)] I managed to completely and utterly miss the fact that you're posting a new story!! I'm *so* angry with myself, and as soon as I found out I hastened to read.

In the words of Julia Roberts. Big mistake. Big. Huge. I really love angst, I don't know if anybody noticed, most days I have it pouring out my ears but I really think you may have killed me this time
ROFL!! laugh

And, Nicole, I love this:
To her, Clark is so ordinary and human, that finding out that *he* is her hero, she suddenly isn't viewing Superman as the indomitable Man of Steel, who would normally make her think he would always find a way. Always manage to save her. Her faith in him has now been shaken, because he's her partner and her friend... and he's from *Smallville*! In her mind Superman would come in and save the day. Easy. Even with a situation like this, she'd still have those strong feelings of faith in that. In him. But CLARK. He's Clark. Can *he* save her? She just isn't so sure, and it's understandable. Not that he's not a hero in his own right, but to her, it's so different.
Because, in a way, you've put your finger on what, to me, is a fundamental theme of this story. In what way is Clark a hero? Is he a hero because he flies around saving the world, pulling Lois out of explosions, rescuing her when she's free-falling from planes? Or is he a hero because, as Dave notes, he's the one who's there, massaging her neck when she needs it, providing support, comfort... and love?

Time will tell.

Anyway, again, thank you all so very much indeed, guys! You are my heroes. smile

Now, because I want to get this all posted before the end of the year, I need to speed up... so Sorcha will get her demand answered. wink Part 7's coming in a little while.

Wendy smile

PS: please note my new sig wink

Just a fly-by! *waves*