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I have been expanding my reading horizons lately and I realize that I don't know a lot of the authors. I thought it may be nice for us to have a little author discussion and get to know each other better.

You game? If so, answer the following questions. Bonus points for exposition. wink

1. What shall we call you?
2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?
3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?
4. Current stories you're working on?
5. Your first fic?
6. Piece of work you're proudest of?
7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?
8. Your greatest strengths as an author?
9. Your biggest weaknesses?
10. Preferred genre(s) to write?
11. Genre(s) you won't write?
12. What makes a fic good for you?
13. What ruins a fic for you?
14. Author you wish you could trade places with?
15. The best fic you've read recently?


Here are my answers:

1. What shall we call you? Jenn or Pinky

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Since Spring 2007.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? General Hospital, back in the late 1990s.

4. Current stories you're working on? Rules of Attraction, a nfic on this board, a yet-to-be-named Valentine's Day nfic, and This Ain't a Love Song, a George and Lynn story on Zoom's boards.

5. Your first fic? Inside Out, a nfic on this board.

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? This Ain't a Love Song. It's been more challenging than anything else I have ever written.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? Rules of Attraction. I started it right after I finished Inside Out and I think I had fic fatigue. I am going to finish it; I just need a break before I launch myself into another long L&C story.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? I have good grammar, I have been told I write sex well (apparently, I put someone into labor with one of my nfic scenes, ha!) and I take my time writing. I don't believe in slapping up story after story just to raise my post count or make myself eligible in every Kerth category.

9. Your biggest weaknesses? A-plots. I am terrible at science and a lot of L&C's A-plots revolved around that. I am in awe of those that can weave a great A-Plot into a story. Also, I take my time writing, i.e., I blow my self-imposed deadlines in my quest to make things perfect.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? Nfic, Season 4.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Crossovers, stories that are too heavy on A-Plot.

12. What makes a fic good for you? A solid A-Plot interwoven with a solid B-Plot, understanding of the characters and respect for the show's canon, romance (even if it's just a hint of unresolved sexual tension).

13. What ruins a fic for you? No exposition, bad grammar (readability), highly implausible storylines.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Sue. No one writes sexual chemistry like her.

15. The best fic you've read recently? When Lovers Become More by Kathy B. I really enjoyed it, and its prequel, When Friends Become Lovers, by Kathy and Demi.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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1. What shall we call you? Trinity is fine

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Only about 8 months

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? I wrote a couple for Buffy (even won an award once, if I do recall) back in the day and I used to read Roswell fanfic like it was my last drink of water.

4. Current stories you're working on? "Fairytale" that probably won't ever get finished and I've been picking at a currently untitled Mardi Gras fic for months that probably won't ever get finished either. I need some inspiration, people. Help a sister out. smile

5. Your first fic? "The Hardest Goodbye", an nfic.

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? "Under the Desk", a small nfic vignette.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? "Fairytale." It needs some serious reworking if I ever do decide to finish it.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? I honestly don't know. You tell me. :p Maybe my greatest strength is that I know when enough is enough.

9. Your biggest weaknesses? I have a psychotic phobia about using a BR or having anyone read my stories before they're posted which is probably my biggest downfall. I could probably benefit a lot from someone taking a look before I post. I'm trying to get over it.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? Nfic.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Crossovers, deathfic.

12. What makes a fic good for you? I love it when a story holds my interest so much that I stay up 4 hours later than I should have because I just can't get enough.

13. What ruins a fic for you? Something that looks like it was just thrown together and reading badly written sex scenes.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? I wish I had a finger's worth of the talent Jenn and Sue have.

15. The best fic you've read recently? I loved "A Conscious Choice" by Wendy and "Snowbound" by Sue. And "This Ain't A Love Song", by Jenn is hands down, definitely the best fic I've read so far.

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!
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Don't have the energy to answer the questions, and I don't really consider myself an author anymore. Thought I'd share this link, though:


And hey, there's even one with me! wink

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.
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1. What shall we call you? Mona

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Since last August.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? I'll admit it, I have written a couple He-Man fan fic, have one saved somewhere in the recesses of my travel drive that probably 10 years ago now I wanted to complete. laugh and the start of a Strong Medicine story.

4. Current stories you're working on? I'm co-writing two stories, one of which will be an n-fic. Despite my dislike of crossovers, I sgined myself up for that challenge so one day I'll try to put an idea I have for it into words.

5. Your first fic? To Clark, (And Lois), With Love

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? The above, simply because it was my first. smile And I was so happy you liked it Jenn.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? Parts of my n fic Dressed for Chef-Cess seemed to take forever to come out the way I envisioned.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Possibly the same as my biggest weakness, while I have a gift and facility for writing and grammar, I have a tendency to get so into the zone of a story, especially a Clark part, wink that I make foolish mistakes. (Leave out word and commas)

9. Your biggest weaknesses? Getting started and commas.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? N-Fic, Waffy, and things I wished we (folcs) had gotten to see.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Death fic, alt time/world, crossover save possibly my next story, violence, lot of A plot, and storylines I can't imagine happening such as all of the stupid clone Arc that wasted our precious time and energy!

12. What makes a fic good for you? If while reading it,I get so entranced that I can picture each scene clearly and wish so much that it were live. A smile on my face at the end and desire for more!

13. What ruins a fic for you? Villains galore and a story that seems haphazard.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Caroline K and Wendy

15. The best fic you've read recently? I re-read last night Erin's Costume Controversy. I "remembered" reading it back when we were doing the guess the author challenge but never responded-she was a my GE for Arctic and we got to talking about that story of ours which I enjoyed very much for the second time.

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Top Banana
Top Banana
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The only sad thing I know of about threads like this is that no one follows up on anyone else's answers--they just read them all, then post their own answers to the questions, possibly never to look at the thread again. Or at least, that's what I've seen happen (and I admit I'm guilty of it too).

1. What shall we call you?

Darcy, DSDragon, DS, D, "hey, you," "uhm, hi!" or any combination of the above (you might even get away with calling me "mud"). I've been thinking about adding "D. Ann" to the list (Ann is my middle name), but I think there are enough in the list already, don't you?

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?

Since February 2006, I think. I'm too lazy to check the archive right now for the date I submitted my first story.

. . . Had to check anyway, to make sure I got the title of my first L&C fic right for question #5 (how sad is it that I can't remember a title I made up?). It was indeed February 2006.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?

Yup, Star Trek (although, that was more movie-based than show-based), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel: The Series.

I also have notes for fic(s) in the Phil of the Future fandom which may or may not turn into an actual story or stories, and I have written some Harry Potter fanfiction as well.

Eventually, I may write some M*A*S*H fanfic, but have not really gotten around to coming up with any plot ideas for that yet.

4. Current stories you're working on?

"The Pitfalls and Pleasantries of Kryptonian Multiplication," and if having notes for a currently-not-at-all-written story counts, then I have two others I'm "working on" as well.

One is a response to framework4's "Luthor Gives Clark the Edge" challenge from way back--I actually decided to respond to that challenge before I started PPKM, but haven't gotten around to actually writing it yet.

The other will (hopefully) turn out to be a longer one-shot based on a comment which Zoar3 made in a different thread somewhere else on the boards. And that's all I'm going to say about that one.

5. Your first fic?

Ever? "Eternity: It's a Long Story," for Star Trek. For L&C? "The Eyes Unfettered."

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?

PPKM, if I ever finish it. It'll be the longest story I've ever written (either original, or for any fandom) by myself.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?

There's a Harry Potter fanfic based on another author's AU which I abandoned after the prologue and first chapter. I just couldn't make myself crack down and write it, no matter how interested I was in telling the story itself (which I really was).

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?

I've been told I write at graduate level, even though I'm one of those people who only takes a class or two now and then at the local community college. So, I guess I'd say grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. As well as a (relatively new--compared to the length of time I've been writing) knowledge of the "logical order" in which ideas should flow.

Of course, that is all predicated on having a group of ideas to put together in the first place. :p

9. Your biggest weaknesses?

Middles. And to a lesser extent, ends. I do great with the beginnings of longer stories, and if I think about it, I can usually articulate--generally--where I want a story to end up. It's the getting from point A to point B that annoys me and makes me wish that the story would write itself.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?

Anything that I have an idea for, which I haven't seen reiterated very often in fics I've read. I usually end up writing cutesy vignettes though, and it kind of annoys me that I have trouble with conflict, but I also like the cutesy vignettes right after I've finished them--after all, even a cutesy vignette is a finished story, and finishing a story is an accomplishment I'll applaud anyone for.

11. Genre(s) you won't write?

Even though I enjoy reading it, I won't write nfic. I have various reasons, only the last of which is that I'm a 24-year-old virgin. I couldn't begin to articulate the other, larger reasons, because they're not all clear in my head.

12. What makes a fic good for you?

Proper grammar, knowing how to spell the characters' names and the names of canonical settings correctly, good characterization, and good overall writing style are important. But the one thing that absolutely makes a fic awesome for me is if the author can make me feel the characters' emotions. If I'm sitting at my desk at work, trying to hide the fact that i'm bawling my eyes out, or bustin' a gut trying to stifle a chuckle, then that is one awesome fic I'm reading.

13. What ruins a fic for you?

Trite writing like that thread where we showed off our beta style, most especially. To a lesser extent (depending on severity), bad grammar, bad spelling, bad punctuation, etc. can also be deal-breakers, but usually only if there are so many that I'm constantly editing in my head as I read.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?

Do I have to choose just one? 'Cause I have to say, I wouldn't be able to choose between my top five:

  • CC Aiken
  • Kaethel
  • Erin Klinger
  • LabRat
  • Sue S.

15. The best fic you've read recently?

I just finished "What it Means to Love You" by Erin Klinger earlier this evening. Before that, I can't remember what I read, much less if it was good or not. I'm not really able to put titles and author names to fic plots unless 1) the fic was extremely memorable, 2) I've read the fic more than once, or 3) both.

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place
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1. What shall we call you? TEEEEEEEEEJ (E's vary) TJgruffs, Shim, Horndog(per Laurie)

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Feb 13 2004

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?
Serenity, not fic so much, but I did journal excerpts of the RPG I'm involved in and it reads like a fic

4. Current stories you're working on?
The Care and Training of Concubines, Serenity Crossover, and Alternate Universe #394

5. Your first fic? The Secretary

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? I would have said "I Was Just Thinking" cause I got a Kerth for that, but I like "The Bast is Yet to Come" better because of The Mummy crossover.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? Concubines definitely, been tapping at that gorram thing for 2 years

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Thesaurus in my head, and grammar nazi

9. Your biggest weaknesses? lazy muse, procrastination

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? nfic, action, humor

11. Genre(s) you won't write? WaFFy

12. What makes a fic good for you? Well described action

13. What ruins a fic for you? *not* well described action...and Tempus and HG Wells...I hate those guys /me shakes fist.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?
It's a Toss up; Sue or Alcyone, they both have this awesome descriptive ability, though I appreciate Sue's humor more, Alcyone's stories can have this gritty intensive edge that I just get into.

15. The best fic you've read recently? Another toss up; Last Call Casualty and Bohemia (NOT FINISHED DANG IT!!) /more shaking of fist...

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!
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1. What shall we call you?

alcyone is fine

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?

Summer 2006.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?

Yes. (Nothing I'm terribly proud of)

4. Current stories you're working on?

Bohemia, my ill-timed Halloween tale (nfic) and an episode rewrite for Virtually Destroyed (also nfic).

5. Your first fic?

Another Halloween fic, Blue. It came to me and I always feel that holiday fics are liberating. You can always blame the festivities.

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?

Hard to call, it's between Bohemia (because its so fun to write, between the action, the darkness and the local flavor) and The Fields (because its the most lighthearted, canon consistent thing I've written). With Bohemia, I feel like I'm writing a fic for me. The Fields felt like I was writing for fandom, but it was still my story, if that makes any sense.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?

My ridiculously long first fic, which has yet to see the light of day. It's a complicated a-plot/b-plot mix. Pseudoscience galore. Unfortunately, it needs a lot of work to become a cohesive product.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?

I'm not really sure. Maybe description? I think that's what people tend to point out in my stories.

9. Your biggest weaknesses?

Oh lol. Emotive dialogue. General warm and fuzziness. Abuse of the "it" pronoun. Wandering characterizations. I can go on...

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?


11. Genre(s) you won't write?


12. What makes a fic good for you?

Narrative depth and evocative writing. I love it when an author can play with language.

13. What ruins a fic for you?

Corniness. Flat writing.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?

Sue is a remarkable talent. Her stories fit within canon characterization, but also expand it. She writes what I wish LnC would have been-- and her writing is simply delicious. You can tell she actually views her writing critically as she writes, I can't help but notworthy

Caroline K. also has a lovely way with words and brings the characters to life in a way that I don't see very often.

But I don't want to trade places with them, it's enough that I actually get to read their work. smile Seriously.

15. The best fic you've read recently?

Recently? Sue's Conflicted.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan
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OK, I'll bite...

1. What shall we call you? Lara will do fine, but I've been known to answer to Batgirl - for some reason.

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Since summer 2006.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Not really, no. Except some... um... you know... :cough:Batman:cough: (but he's not a "show" per se)

4. Current stories you're working on? Heh. Nothing anyone here would care to read, I'm sure.

5. Your first fic? Shattered sent direct to the archive. It's a deathfic, but it's not what you think.

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? [K]nightfall. And my NaNo novel from last November, but I'm not done with it just yet...

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? Like a Blizzard Through the Night. It took me *ages*. Sue had to beat it out of me. Literally.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Heh. I'd like to think I can entertain readers in some way or another. I find myself amusing and a lot of my pieces are funny - mind you, I can write some serious angst if I try. Bruce can totally vouch for that.

9. Your biggest weaknesses? um... probably the language barrier - my level of vocabulary isn't as advanced as I wish it was and so that means I use the same words often and my descriptions could use a little work, too; more details for instance. I just have a hard time finding words to express what I see in my head sometime.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? um.. If I say cross-overs, will you be surprised? I like to write stories where there's a bit of an a-plot, or short vignettes with a surprising/twist ending or that are meant to amuse.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? heh. I don't think there is a genre I won't write. I've written so many things... I don't especially like next-gen and babyfic, but then I *have* written two next-gen stories, so... *shrugs*

12. What makes a fic good for you? Good characterization. ...and Superman! (*giggles*)

13. What ruins a fic for you? OOC main characters and/or stories where the main characters could be "insert name here" and you wouldn't even notice the difference. If I can do a search and replace in an L&C fic and change the characters' names to Martin and Donna and it doesn't hurt the story at all, um...

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? A better version of myself would be the most honest answer. (OKOKit'snottrueIwishIwasSue!!!)

15. The best fic you've read recently? ahummm... you'll hate me for this, no doubt, but the best two were DJ's Heroes fic that I BR'ed and... the other one didn't even have a title, but it's a birthday present I got from Sue and it was just... delicious!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
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1. What shall we call you?

"Mary" is fine. smile Some peeps call me QoC or some variant, and that's fine too. laugh

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?

Hoo-boy. It's been about 5 years now, hasn't it? I think I showed up at the boards when I was 15 or so.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?

Well, I dabbled in forms of Batman:The Animated Series fanfic, mostly Round Robin stuff (Hrm...Batman Round Robin goofy ), and I currently have a pitiful Justice League WIP on my hard drive.

4. Current stories you're working on?


6. Piece of work you're proudest of?

Ooh, this is tough. I'd say either The Sound of Time Passing , which is a straight piece that didn't completely suck, or Martha\'s Bg Date , an "Interactive-Fiction" game that testifies to my geekiness.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?

You'd think the IF game, but no. goofy It's a tough call. Possibly "One Strange Year: Conception". That thing was so dang long! It was supposed to be just "One Strange Year," but it was so hard to write, that I had to snip it off and make it a serial. It's still *technically* not finished.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?

Comedy, humor, punchlines, and...uh, comedy. smile

9. Your biggest weaknesses?

Anything that's not comedy. Particularly Mysteries, since they involve a lot of planning and subtlety, both of which I kinda suck at. I am in awe of people who do them.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?

...Should I just put down comedy and call it a night? XD
Okay: Comedy, Kidfic, AUs, and Elseworlds. Not necessarily in that order.

11. Genre(s) you won't write?

Action and Porn (partly because I can't. It would look like a 12 year old wrote it, trust me. Even in G-Rated stuff, I have a hard time visualizing what happens to body parts when people do things, so Porn is just out of the question.) I also won't usually bother with Romance, but, eh.

12. What makes a fic good for you?

A happy ending, of course. ^_^ Lois + Superman is instant win, but Lois + Clark is always nice, too. Zingers are always a plus. smile

13. What ruins a fic for you?

Mayson, Scardino, Lana...anybody who gets in the way of LnC. I do not tolerate this. huh

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1. What shall we call you?
Carol or CarolM - either one of which could confuse me with Carol Malo wink

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?
Erm... Jan 01? I think...

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?
Only in my head and the couple crossovers I've done

4. Current stories you're working on?
Mainly my NaNo fic, tentatively titled "The Story of Clark and Lois Kent", a couple other short, fun ideas are floating around in my head though, and then one JoJo is dying to see written - Prologue is done, Ch1 is basically done, Ch2 is started and the rest... not even a figment of my imagination really

5. Your first fic?
Lois and Clark and the IRS

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?
If I can pull it off the one JoJo wants to see...

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?
Probably Sister Switch - because 9/11 happened and I had a baby or TOWLACMSNF because I had a hard drive crash and then time away from the fandom before it was finally finished 6m later

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?
Erm... typing speed?

9. Your biggest weaknesses?
Erm... typing speed wink and A plot

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?
B plot, comedy, WAFF

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Nfic, rarely write deathfic

12. What makes a fic good for you?
Well written, not OOCs, waff, wham if done well, etc... I'll read almost anything that's well written - I can't handle poorly written stuff [grammar, spelling etc] because I deal with enough of that in RL but it's not too big a problem.

13. What ruins a fic for you?
Poor characterization, spelling, grammar etc.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?
Nan - she's the author of Home wink , prolific, sequel queen, always great new takes on things we've seen before

15. The best fic you've read recently?
Oh boy. Probably Vindication because it is just such an original take on the FH baby. I've reread almost everything by Nan except the Home and Dagger series in the last few weeks, CC Aiken, lots of Wendy, Yellow Fever was fabulous [by... Edit: by ML wink ]

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I'll bite.

1. What shall we call you? Oops I forgot this question. Eh, people latch onto Jen, Shadow, JD...whatever floats your boat.

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Snicker, when did the NewK arc air...97? Been writing since the NewK arc and been posting in spurts since 200...1?

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Yes, Frasier and Charmed

4. Current stories you're working on? Nothing. When I write a story, I write nonstop till it's finished. :p

5. Your first fic? Man I don't even remember. I just kept spewing out the 500 ways I saw NewK playing out, none of which involved an alien invasion of Smallville haha!

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Hm, I probably had the most fun writing That Old Spoof of Mine.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? This year's piece, Everything But the Couches. The muse has been in and out lately...

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? I think I'm pretty good at making people giggle.

9. Your biggest weaknesses? Well, all I can actually do is make you laugh LOL. I'm very one note, but...see next q.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? I have the most fun writing comedy, so why do something else I won't like? I don't mind killing off characters either; I just haven't done it in some time.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Anything else. As the town cynic, I don't really care to write about romance, and that's half the show LOL.

12. What makes a fic good for you? Either quick or lyrical writing. I'm a very easily distracted person, so unless we're gonna pack sentences full of meaning or take a moment and draw the scenery for me, my mind will wander.

13. What ruins a fic for you? Too much introspection.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Maybe CC; she can just kill with one sentence, if that makes some ridiculous sense outside my own head.

15. The best fic you've read recently? Re-reading Long, Strange Trip right now of which I'm a huge fan! It's a very unique twist on the altClark story, and I find Lois' emotions very vivid and captivating.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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JDG Offline
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1. What shall we call you? JDG. Miss Judy if you're nasty

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? I've been posting for almost a year now.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Yes, but I won't taint anyone's perception of me by saying which one(s).

4. Current stories you're working on? The same one I started last year and never finished.

5. Your first fic? "Quittin' Time" (the aforementioned unfinished fic)

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? "Apologia"

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? "Quittin' Time"

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Ability to string words together in a cohesive fashion?

9. Your biggest weaknesses? Commas mystify me.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? Are vignettes considered a genre?

11. Genre(s) you won't write? I would never say never.

12. What makes a fic good for you? Strong, clear writing. If I feel like the author knows where they're going and they have a purpose, it's easy for me to get pulled into a story.

13. What ruins a fic for you? Excessive and gratuitous punctuation. Also, a sense that an author is just rambling away and didn't really *think* about what they were saying. I tend to duck when I feel like someone is throwing words at me just to see what sticks.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? I'd pretty much agree with the ones who've been named already - LabRat, Wendy, Caroline, Sue, alcyone, TJ, CC Aiken, Nan... All good authors in my book.

15. The best fic you've read recently? "Bohemia" by alcyone. I hope she finishes it soon - the suspense is killing me.

Perry: Jimmy, do you know what a man needs at a time like this?
Jimmy: A baseball bat and an alibi?
Church of Metropolis
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Beat Reporter
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1. What shall we call you? Caroline is fine.

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? I think I started posting my first story in April of 2006.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? I've written for several other fandoms, but they weren't all television fandoms. I started writing in the MASH fandom, moved to Harry Potter, and have written one-shots/vignettes for several other books or shows.

4. Current stories you're working on? I'm not working on anything at the moment.

5. Your first fic? Ever? A MASH story called "A Time for Peace." Here? "If I Were You."

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Oh, goodness. I have no idea. I generally try not to go back and look at stuff I've written before because it always sends me into fits of wishing I'd done things differently. I don't know that I have a story I'm "proudest" of. I have stories I'm particularly fond of, but that tends to have to do with the way I felt when I wrote them rather than with the actual finished product.

That said, I do have a special place in my heart for each of the "first" stories I've written in any fandom. There's something so exciting about diving into a new set of characters, getting to know them, getting the feel for their dialogue and discovering things about them that I didn't even know I knew. Even if I get a few things wrong, I enjoy that "new romance" feeling of writing in a new fandom.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? One of my HP stories. It's the only story I've ever left unfinished, and I loathe it with an absolute passion.

As far as this fandom goes, I recall that I hit a snag somewhere in the middle of "Stardust" and flailed around a bit fretting over various things before I finally just decided to get on with finishing it. But it was probably my most troublesome L&C story.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? No idea! I just write what happens in my head and hope someone else finds it as interesting as I do. laugh .

9. Your biggest weaknesses? I don't plot well. It's one reason I stay away from complicated A-plots. I tend to write by the seat of my pants, and that's not conducive to intricate plotting.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? Romance, WAFF, humor. I'm a lightweight wink .

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Darkfic, unrelieved angst - basically anything that depresses me. I read those sorts of stories and even find them cathartic sometimes, but I spend exponentially more time writing a story than I'd spend reading one, and I don't want to immerse myself to that extent in a world that bums me out.

I also dislike writing nfic because I find it so tedious trying to navigate the minefield of "insert tab A into slot B" mechanics and, at the other end of the spectrum, romance novel cliches. I really admire authors who can do that well, but I don't think I'm one of them.

12. What makes a fic good for you? Characterization, characterization, characterization. Obviously, good writing, too, but if the characterization is a miss - if I don't feel that I recognize the characters as the ones I know and love from canon - then even brilliant writing won't make me stick with the story.

In general, I like stories that feel like a logical extrapolation from canon. I like stories that leave me feeling good, even if they serve up a dose of angst along the way.

13. What ruins a fic for you? Well, bad characterization - see above. But also bad grammar, spelling, etc. will make me shut a file pretty quickly. Not so much an issue in this fandom, but it certainly is in others.

And it might be too strong to say that it "ruins" a fic for me, because there are always exceptions, but I don't have much interest in Next Gen fics in this fandom, and the words "New Krypton" tend to send me running in another direction. I hated that arc so much that I'd really just prefer to pretend it never happened.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Oh, I wouldn't trade places with anyone. Then I wouldn't have had the fun of writing my own stories, and writing them has brought me a tremendous amount of pleasure.

However, there are authors here I admire immensely, many of whom influenced my own take on the characters back in the days when I was a lurker and reader: CC Aiken, Kathy Brown, LabRat, Lynn M., Meredith Knight, Yvonne Connell... and I know there are more who just aren't coming to mind right now. I came to the fandom via the stories rather than the show, so the authors on the archive were really the ones who hooked me and showed me the characters' potential.

15. The best fic you've read recently? While doing some Kerth reading, I wound up re-reading all of C_A's lovely vignettes. I don't know that I could pick a favorite among them, but she has a way with words - and a way of packing so much into just a few perfectly chosen words - that I admire tremendously.

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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Paul wrote:

I don't really consider myself an author anymore.
Hopefully not, Paul. I look forward to your stories, your unique way of looking at things.


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Features Writer
Features Writer
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1. What shall we call you? CG or Coolgirl

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Hmm... *checks the boards* October 3rd 2007

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Nope... but I'm planning to... smile

4. Current stories you're working on? Thank Me with a Kiss (Last Part), Sequel to A Kiss in the Snow, two more *ancient* untitled nFics from my hard-disk

5. Your first fic? Lois, the Vampire Seducer

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? A Kiss in the Snow even though it didn't recieve much FDK (LTVS got more)

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? Thank Me with a Kiss

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Uh... dunno... *trying* to write something? wink

9. Your biggest weaknesses? Muse-less-ness AKA laziness, both are same for me! When I'm museless I'm lazy and when I'm lazy I'm museless

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? Romance and Humor, even though people mistake the humorous ones for romance and vice-versa! wink

11. Genre(s) you won't write? Deathfics, Horror, Paranormal, SuperFutures/NextGen

12. What makes a fic good for you? Romance, B-Plot, Slightly angsty, Sweet but sometimes the sensual hot stuff

13. What ruins a fic for you? Death of a major character other than the villains, rape and other horrors, bad grammar, too much words without any stuff etc. etc.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Sue and Wendy laugh

15. The best fic you've read recently? The Next Step by Wendy and The Next Step by Sue laugh


( oo * Work) + (1 * Hubby) + (2 * Kids) = 0 * Time
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1. What shall we call you? James
2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Summerish 1996
3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? yes
4. Current stories you're working on?

-I am working on a SG-1/LnC(the younger years) crossover.
-I am still reworking 'Let's do it again/Seven Days of Superman' which I first started in 1999.
-I am also working on my NaNoWriMo story.

5. Your first fic? Not Even... found at http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2000/noteven.txt

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Best Reporter in the World found at ]http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2003/bestrepo.txt[/b]
7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? [b]Let's do it again/Seven Days of Superman

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Creative ideas that are really hard to put down on paper.
9. Your biggest weaknesses? Description, grammar, spelling, mixed tenses.
10. Preferred genre(s) to write? Crossover
11. Genre(s) you won't write? Humor. I've tried and it doesn't look good.EDIT I was going through my ailing harddrive and found a fic that I posted to this board May 19th, 2004. The FDK I got proved me wrong. Apparently I can write humor stories.
12. What makes a fic good for you? good descriptions and horrendous cliffhangers
13. What ruins a fic for you? pre-marital sex, bad grammar, boring dialog. uber-introspection, ANGST
14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Nan Smith
15. The best fic you've read recently?Anything written by Nan Smith

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!
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1. What shall we call you? Lisa. I also answer to Elisabeth, but we already have one of those. (And outside this fandom I've never been able to say that!) In real life I have a few other nicknames, too - the joys of having a name like Elisabeth. (I actually do love my name, especially the spelling, although to this day my mom can't give me a satisfactory reason for spelling it with an 's'. And goodness I sure have rambled on in reply to such a simple question.)

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? I wrote my first story in the summer of 2006. August, I think.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Not for other shows, but once upon a time I did write Titanic fic.

4. Current stories you're working on? Lois goes undercover at a bank, Lois is a CIA agent, Lois has a bad day. Those three have actual words on paper but no titles yet. I have two others in the pre-planning stages.

5. Your first fic? Damn Good Thing

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Camera Obscura because it was the one that was the most difficult to write, and it ended up in a place I wasn't expecting.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? See above.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? I think that I'm pretty good at bringing realism into my fics. I try to use details that make the characters seem like real people in real situations. And I have a fairly decent grasp of grammar.

9. Your biggest weaknesses? A-plots. Even if I have a great idea it's hard for me to follow it through to a conclusion. And humor. I'm not a very funny person, really.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? I'm not actually sure. Most of my fics have been waffy, but I think that goes back to my A-plot problems. If I could nail down a good idea, I think I'd really like writing more dramatic stuff.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? I'm not ruling anything out.

12. What makes a fic good for you? It has to have good grammar or I'm not going to read past the first sentence. After that, good characterization combined with a fresh plot will keep my interest.

13. What ruins a fic for you? I guess the opposite of the above!

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? I'm pretty happy being me, but there are certainly authors I admire. I love the way CC and Caroline make me laugh just with a turn of phrase, the way Sue can intertwine an A-plot and a B-plot together so beautifully, Nan and Terry's original story lines, Yvonne's dramatic flair and many, many more.

15. The best fic you've read recently? In Dreams . What a beautiful, original story! (And I probably should send Kaylle an email telling her that I think so. blush ) She wrote in her author's note "this was the first solution I came up with when I decided to find a way to make alt-Clark happy" and I thought, 'That was your first idea? Can I have your imagination, please?'


lisa in the sky with diamonds
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I'll be lazy and follow Paul's example and direct you to...


However, since that information is from 1999, I will try to update a little and answer some questions.

3) I have never written for any other show.

4) I'm currently working on a sequel to The Forgotten, called My Wife The Boss

6) I'm answering this one because my choice has actually changed since 1999. I'd say that The Forgotten is the story I am now most satisfied with. I also loved writing my Universal Union series, but 'proudest' is probably not a term I would apply to my writing.

7) I think my current story is the one I'm finding most difficult to write, but not because of the subject, but because my real life has been a bit stressful over the last few months... and I always was a slow writer. Plus, I have found doing my usual research for this story has been a bit problematic, which readers might understand when this story finally hits the MBs and Archive.

8) I guess my greatest strengths would lie in writing intricate A-plots, which I hope my readers enjoy. Also, I try to write well-rounded characters, both the new and those from the show. I hope I still stay true to the canon of Lois and Clark.

9) My weakness is in writing romance. I am still as much of a romantic as I was in 1999, but I'm not sure writing the romantic interludes between Lois and Clark is my strength.

10) Lois and Clark's future lives.

As to the rest of the questions, what I said in 1999 still applies, but I think my tastes have changed a little over the years.

I'm not going to list favourite authors, as I don't want anyone to feel left out. However, I'm so grateful that there is a new generation of L&C writers out there, both gfic and nfic, and I really appreciate all of their efforts... some more than others, but that's just personal taste.

I hope the link and my answers give you an idea of who Jenni Debbage was and still is.

Yours Jenni

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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MrsMosely (Lisa),
My sister's middle name is Elisabeth and the spelling comes from Luke 1:5- "...and her name was Elisabeth." huh


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I don't know if a few drabbles and one vignette qualify me as an author, but I wanted to participate anyway.

1. What shall we call you? BJ or Brenda
2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? Um, first drabble was posted in March 2007.
3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? Yes, I've written fanfic for "The Nanny"
4. Current stories you're working on? A story that answers one of Patrick's (aka Framework) fanfic challenges. I'm not going to say which one just yet, 'cause I'm stuck and don't have a clue how long it'll take me to get unstuck. grumble Besides that one, I've got a short DW/LnC crossover in response to James' challenge and a NK rewrite that's been rumbling around in my head for over a year. It's currently still an outline drafted on a napkin...
5. Your first fic? If the Drabbles don't count, then my first (and only) LnC fic is a nfic vignette called "Eternal".
6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Currently under construction. Please come back later for the answer to that question. wink
7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? I have a hard time finishing anything. See, I have this problem with a fickle muse. She pops in, gives me a somewhat interesting idea about a story, might stay around for a scene or two, then she skips out on me.
8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Hard for me to say. Maybe once I've got a few more stories under my belt, I could pinpoint a writing strength.
9. Your biggest weaknesses? See above. Besides writing slower than molasses in winter, I edit as I go, usually after the muse abandons me and I'm struggling with new scenes. Also, I have problems with comma usage and grammar.
10. Preferred genre(s) to write? I like AU, and Alt-Clark holds a special place in my heart, but I'm really not picky. I'll write pretty much any genre if I think the idea has merit.
11. Genre(s) you won't write? See above about not being picky. However, I already know I'm not very good at writing clever A-plots, especially those that require scientific exposition. I stay clear of those.
12. What makes a fic good for you? Witty banter is a major selling point for me. Also, authors that can show me the character emotions enough to make me feel what they're feeling, whether angst or WaFF, are superheroes in my book. I love a good b-plot and am totally enthralled when an author can weave a good a-plot in with it.
13. What ruins a fic for you? I love to fall into a story, so anything that pulls me out of the story can ruin it for me: wordy narratives that don't move the story along, simplistic dialogue, poor grammar, to name a few.
14. Author you wish you could trade places with? There are so many authors that I admire here for a variety of reasons. Many of my favorites have already been listed by others. I tried to list them, but then edited the names out when it became ridiculously long. blush
15. The best fic you've read recently? So many to choose from... I'd have to say the best new story on the mbs is "Bohemia" by Alcyone. It's not done yet, but wow - an awesomely original and spooky story. I can't wait for the next part. The best story I've re-read off the archive was CC Aiken's "When the World Finds Out". Simply fantastic.


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