Finally, part 3 of my story is now here! I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long. I was almost done when I realized that I had to go back and start all over. I was not happy. But anyway, on with the story!

As soon as she was confident that no one could see her, Lara took off into the air, more confused than ever before. What had happened back there? She knew she’d probably used more force than she had to against those creeps, and in the art form of Jaineesu, that was strictly forbidden. She couldn’t believe the way she acted around Harry. Had she actually arranged to meet with him tomorrow? What was it about him that made her act soft? Oh, yeah, that’s right…it was his eyes, those beautiful, haunting emerald green eyes…

Noo! Not the eyes! Must stop thinking about the eyes…

“ Ice cream? You actually asked him to join you for ice cream?” that annoying little voice inside her head asked.

I know, I know…what the hell was I thinking?

“Okay, number one, watch your language, and number two, it sounds as though you like this guy,” the voice responded coyly.


“You do, don’t you?”

Shut up.

“I will not! You like him, admit it!”

I’m ignoring you now. Go away.

“Crap!” she cried out as she swerved to avoid an owl. She did a double take, thinking her imagination must be getting the better of her. It looked as though something was tied to the owl’s leg.

Ridiculous, she thought. Who would tie something to the leg of an owl? Maybe I need more sleep than I thought. I almost hit that poor bird! That’s it. No more thinking about Harry’s eyes. It IS kinda cute the way his hair is so messy and…

“Aha! You wanna date him, don’t you?”

I DO NOT! You are sooo wrong for that!!

“ Next thing you know you’ll be running into planes. Not a good thing. Nope, not at all. Very bad. Do yourself a favor and leave all thoughts of Harry for when you’re on solid ground, please.”

Why won’t you just leave me alone already?

“I’m having too much fun!”

Lara loved flying more than anything in the world. From the first day she managed to float, about a week after arriving in Metropolis, she loved the feeling of soaring into the air, leaving all of her cares and worries behind her, on the ground. Her cousin, Clark Kent, had been very strict with her about it, making sure to lay down the Laws of Flying:

1) Land curfew still applies.
2) You must not be seen.
3) You may only fly when it’s dark outside.
4) You Must Not Be Seen.
5) You must stay within the city limits.

Rules 2, 4, and 6 were the most important, and she really had no problem with them. She was no stranger to fame, being the foster child of Lois Lane and Clark Kent, the greatest reporters in the business. That was why she made sure to introduce herself as Lara Kensington instead of Lara Kent. He didn’t recognize her, and her face, she was sure, had been in most of the newspapers not long after she arrived. The story of the famous Lois and Clark becoming parents to a teenage girl was front-page news for some reason she could not begin to understand. Finally, it seemed as though she had met someone who hadn’t already heard of her, and it felt great. She was not about to risk telling him her REAL name on the off chance that he had heard of her and just didn’t recognize her.

Lara knew also that her cousin was Superman, and in the two months she had been on this planet she’d already seen what he had to deal with as his alter ego and did not envy him. She was aware that if she were caught flying, she’d have to deal with the same things, if not worse. Everyone would want to know where her powers came from, and she would rather not have to deal with that much fame, thank you very much.

Suddenly she felt her sixth sense kicking in, warning her of impending danger. She dropped her altitude and tested her X-ray vision. She used the focus she’d gained from her years of Jaineesu training to determine where this bad feeling was coming from and the roof of the two-story suburban home disappeared, revealing a truly terrifying sight within. Lara could see two men in the room. One of them was in the bed and appeared to be not much older than her. His blonde hair was messy from tossing and turning in an uneasy sleep. All she could tell about the other was that he was tall. He was wearing a white mask and a hooded black robe with his hood up. A long, odd-looking stick was in his hand, pointed straight at the young man.

Lara had no idea what he was about to do, but she knew it was nothing good and that he had to be stopped. She used every one of her senses to try to figure out where Clark was, if he was anywhere nearby. Unfortunately, she couldn’t sense him anywhere. At that moment, she knew that she had a choice to make. Either she would go in and save the boy herself, or she would remain hidden in the clouds as he breathed his last.

Okay well that’s it for part 3. I’m working on part 4 now, and hopefully it will be up soon. If you like what you’ve read, please let me know. I’d much appreciate it. Thanx! J