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Dawning, by Debby Stark! A classic of L&C fanfic smile

"Clark ... those aren't your only options. There are millions of women in this country, not to mention the rest of the world, and most of them are a lot nicer than her!"

He shook his head. She didn't understand. "Lana was the only one who really knew about me ... who accepted me. God knows no one else would."

"Oh, please. What could be so terrible?"

He looked up at her, starting to get annoyed at her persistence. "You really want to know?"

"Yeah, I really do!"

He glowered at her. "Well, I can't tell you."

She glared right back. "Why the hell not? It's a private room, and if you want, I will swear to never tell anyone else. What'd you do, kill someone?"

"No!" Glumly, he realized that he didn't have much reason to keep this a secret. They weren't going to find any thieves on Shipton, so his job was about to disappear, and Lana was already furious with him. The worst Lois could do would be to publish ... and so what? He could always change his name and move to Tahiti. If he were destined to be alone and miserable, he could at least live on a beach.

"All right, fine." The decision made, the words poured forth. "I'm not human; I'm an alien. I have *powers*. I can hear things from hundreds of feet away, I can see through walls, I can set things on fire with my eyes. I'm tremendously strong. I can fly." To illustrate the point, he pushed back the chair, and levitated in midair before her stunned eyes. "So tell me, who's gonna put up with all that?"

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K
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Ooh! Thought you could fool us, Pam, did you? goofy In Any Universe, by none other than the Fanfic Goddess Pam Jernigan herself. wink

Okay, now I have to find another cluechie...and this is from a wonderful story I read recently:

"Not that I have the foggiest idea what I'm going to do about Superman," she immediately continued. "I mean, if he was just Superman, that would be one thing. Not that I would know what to do. But at least I'd know what my options really were. I think I could even handle his having another persona. But he made it pretty clear that I wouldn't like him in that persona. He seemed positive about that. And I know it's ridiculous, but I just can't seem to stop thinking that maybe it's someone like Ralph."


"What if he's right, Clark? What if he tells me who he is and I realize that he's right - that I really, really don't like this guy? If it is Ralph, how do I say: 'Sorry, Superman, but you're right. I really..."


"...don't like you. In fact, I think you're a creep and the idea of you touching me makes me feel sick to my stomach."


"Oh, god, Clark. What if it is Ralph? How do I handle that? Why does it have to be Ralph? Why couldn't it be someone I really like? Why couldn't it by someone like yo..."

Her voice came to an abrupt halt when something clicked in Lois' mind. As if someone had suddenly flicked a switch, light flooded into Lois' previously clouded mind. She began almost gasping for air as the pieces of the puzzle began tumbling into place with amazing speed. And it all suddenly made sense. In fact, it was the only thing that did.

"You can cut it down to two choices," she began softly, although speaking to him, addressing herself more. "Superman doesn't think I would love him as an ordinary man - an ordinary man I've already met and rejected... You both tell me you love me using the same words... I've never seen you together, but you're supposed to be friends... You're always able to get in touch with him... And that stupid disappearing act of yours... Omigod," Lois finally gasped.

Clark's face had gone from an expression of confusion to a portrait in fear.

Lois reached down and, with trembling hands, undid another couple of buttons on his shirt and pushed back the edges to look at his cloth- covered chest. She gave a small whimper when what she knew she was going to find was suddenly there, making it impossible for her to dismiss the truth as merely a bad dream. She was staring at the 'S' symbol on Superman's suit.
Wendy smile

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Midnight Gambit, by ML Thompson, just posted to the archive.

Here's a quote from a very angsty and wonderful story:

'I'm writing this because I want to be the one to tell you. I'm not sure how to say this so I guess I should just tell you as simply and honestly as I can. Lois, I'm Superman.'


'I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you in person. I guess I owe you some sort of explanation for that. I don't want you to think I didn't trust you. I could give you lots of reasons. I could tell you that I have never before told anyone. I could tell you that I was at a complete loss about how to tell you. I could point out the dangers to you if you knew. I could even tell you that I was afraid that you would be mad at me. All of that would be true.

'But none of those are the real reason. Lois, I've fallen as hard for you as you have for Superman. I guess the main reason I never told you is that I wanted you to fall in love with the real me - Clark - instead of the celebrity - Superman. If you are reading this letter, I guess that never happened.'

Lois let out a sob when, in a moment of absolute clarity, she realized just what her feelings were for Clark. She did love him. In fact, she had been in love with him for months. She was just too scared to admit it - even to herself. "It did happen, Clark," she said softly.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Sorry, Roger, I don't recognize it... sounds angsty, tho!

Ooh! Thought you could fool us, Pam, did you?
Nah, Wendy, I was pretty sure it'd be recognized quickly. I just couldn't resist identifying Dawning, but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here in coming up with new cluechies! And I've always liked that one... wink

who also recognized Midnight Gambit immediately, possibly due to her having read it at least six times yesterday... cool

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K
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I got it wrong first, but now I know... just one of my many favourite ML Thompson fics, Out Of Time. I adore that one!!!

Okay, how about this one:

Lois, smelling a great story, even if it did harm the Planet in some way, eagerly unfolded the paper, her eyes falling on the front-page
story, the headline screaming out at her.


Underneath this, the article began:

< "Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent has admitted the secret he has kept safe since arriving in our city. Upon painstaking questioning by
government officials, Kent has admitted to being the alien who has been watching over Metropolis and the world for four years now. Some officials are claiming that Kent is dangerous to the well being of Earth. Mr. Kent is being held pending further investigation . . ." >

"An alien!" Lois gasped. "Perry, are you sure . . .?" Lois's voice trailed off as her eyes finally found the colour photos accompanying the paragraph. Two pictures were placed side by side - one of a gallant looking man with slicked back black hair and steadfast eyes. The other was of an ordinary looking man with soft hair falling over his forehead in a soft curl and glasses hiding kind brown eyes. The first picture was by far the more impressive one; but it was the second that made Lois give another sharp gasp.

As she stared at the man's countenance and examined those eyes, Lois could feel her heart rate accelerate and her hands begin to shake. Suddenly she couldn't keep her grip strong and dropped the paper back onto Perry's desk, causing the older man to look up in mild alarm.

"Are you all right, Lois?"

Lois barely heard him; she stared off into space, seeing only *him*. What was it about this Kent person that struck her as so important?
Why did she feel as if - as if -

"I *know* him," she whispered amazedly
Wendy smile

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Love me Once More by Randi Warwick

He put his hand on the back of her head, not allowing her
to lift it. "Before I let you go, I want you to know that I
do love you, with all my heart and soul." Slowly he
released her.

"Clark, you're scaring.... me." Lois stopped as she
realized they were standing on Clark's balcony. "How...?
How...? What the hell are you?"

Lois' words ripped through Clark. "I'm so sorry you had to
find out this way."

"Find out what?" And how the hell did we get here?"

"Lois, I'm... very unique. And I flew us here."

"You what? Have you lost your mind? Or... have I lost mine?
What do you mean you flew us? Men don't fly. Did you hit
your head? Did I hit mine? Oh God, I'm going crazy." Lois
paced the balcony before dropping to a chair.

Clark sat next to her. "If you'll listen, I'll explain."

Lois looked up to Clark's eyes. Seeing a mixture of guilt,
sorrow and hurt, she had to know what caused it. "Okay,
Clark. I'm listening." Her voice was calm.

Clark took a deep breath and settled into an explanation.
He watched the emotions play across her face. Complete
shock faded into fascination as he told his story. When
he'd finished, she sat, stunned for a long while.

The silence got the best of Clark. "Lois, I know this is a
shock. I should never have let you get so close to me. You
don't deserve this."

"Deserve what?"

"Someone like me."

"Clark, someone like you? *You* just saved my life. Without
your... abilities, I'd still be locked away in Luthor's...
prison. True, your uniqueness is a lot to take in. But from
the moment I met you, I knew there was something
different about you."

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller
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Um...Star Player, Star Reporter by AnnieM? If it's right, the next person that comes along can post something new since I'm afraid I don't have time. I tend to become a recluse online during the school year. :p

Jen wink

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Star Player, Star Reporter by AnnieM?
Star Player, Star Reporter by... Stopquitdont wink
BTW, SQD... that sequel? peep

brb with a revelation...

another fav smile

She came back over to him, deliberately putting on a more cheerful
expression. "So, what can I do? This smells great." She reached out to take
the lid off the casserole dish.

"No, don't -" Clark yelled, rushing towards her.

It was too late; Lucy screamed in pain as her hand touched the burning hot
lid. Clark snatched the lid out of her hand and put it on the worktop, then
grabbed Lucy's arm and hustled her towards the sink. As he ran the water,
he quickly and discreetly froze the area of the burn with his super-breath,
then held her hand under water for several minutes.

"Thanks, Clark," Lucy gasped when she'd recovered from the shock. "I can't
believe I did that!"

As Clark gently patted her hand dry with a paper towel, subtly blowing more
freezing breath on the burn, Lucy suddenly stared up at him as something
occurred to her. "Clark - when I came in, I definitely saw you holding that
dish, and you *weren't wearing gloves*! How come you didn't get burnt?"
okay... this should be easy wink

Jose (asking for more fics with Lucy wink )

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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LOL! I'm going to answer this one only because I have a revelation I'd like to use. It's A Guest from the Blue, by... me. blush

And here's a new one:

"What are you?" Lois whispered.

Her arms still clung to Clark's neck, and she was soft and warm in his arms, but her muscles were tense, and she held herself stiffly away from him. Very different from the yielding woman he had held in his arms on the dance floor earlier. His heart ached at the change in her attitude toward him, and it took him two tries before he could answer her. "A-a friend . . . I hope," he said at last.

She bit her lower lip and swallowed, but her voice still came out as a whisper. "Y-you're flying . . . without a hang-glider or even
flapping your arms."

A brief, unamused smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "It was a surprise to me the first time it happened, too." He turned his head to look at her, her face just inches from is. "Can we wait to talk about this until we get to my place?"

"Y-your place?"

"My apartment," he said.

"You have an . . . ?"

"Apartment? Yeah, and a job, too."

Silence stretched between them, which Clark finally broke to say, "Are you okay?"

She stiffened. "What do you mean?"

"Did I hurt you when I grabbed you? I mean . . . I didn't have a lot of time for finesse."

"No, I--" She relaxed slightly against his supporting arm and studied his face. "I'm fine. Thank you," she added.

The prim courtesy brought a faint smile to his face, and he swung his gaze from the cityscape ahead of them to meet her curious eyes. "You're welcome." He dropped out of the night onto a dark balcony facing an otherwise featureless alley and gently set her on her feet.

Lois tugged her bodice up from the marginally legal position it had slipped to when she fell, adjusted her straps, and smoothed her skirt down to cover her legs as Clark felt in his trouser pocket for his keys. When he opened the door and flipped on the light in the mud room, he turned back and gestured for her to step inside, but she balked. "Why are we here?" she asked.

He sighed. "To talk. I figured you'd have some questions for me."
Wendy smile

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Oh, oh, oh! I know this one! Without even googling, too! smile1

Sheila Harper's "In The Beginning". And if anyone hasn't read it yet, they need to run to the Archive ...

OK, give me a few minutes to find a new one ...


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OK, here's an oldie with a nice twist. smile

Clark's eyes widened in surprise. "I don't want you? I have never wanted anyone so much in my life!"

"Then why did you dump me?"

Clark sighed, "Quit saying that! I never dumped you, Lois, I just wanted to let you be free to date Dan if that is what you wanted to do."

"What do you want, Clark? Do you want me with someone else?"

"No!" Clark yelled. Then more softly, "It kills me a little, each time Dan is around you."

"Then why do you abandon me one minute and then shower me with gifts the next?"

"I thought you'd like the gifts I picked out."

"That's not the point." Lois said. "But, yes, I loved the cup."

"I could tell." Clark responded.

"I'm sorry about breaking it."

"Sorry that it broke, or sorry that you threw it at me?"


"Lois," Clark said quietly. "I want you with me, but I can't guarantee that I will never run out on you ever again."

"Well," Lois sighed, "so it goes in the everyday life of a superhero."

"Right," Clark stopped. "What?"

Lois just smiled. "Clark Kent, I am only the best investigative journalist in the city. How long did you think you could keep this from me?"

"What from you?"

Lois reached up to Clark's shirt and unbuttoned the top two buttons revealing the familiar blue formfitting material. "Superman." Lois breathed.

Clark grabbed Lois's hand with his own and looked into her eyes. "How long have you known?"

"I don't really know, it was a gradual realization. Subconscious hints over time. The clincher was Diana Stride's expose' on you. Superman's appearance was...wrong somehow. Was it a hologram?"

Clark nodded, dumbfounded. "You know." He kept repeating that line over and over to himself. Lois knew. No more hiding, no more running away. "When were you going to tell me?" Clark asked.

"When was I going to tell YOU?" Lois countered. "You have a lot of nerve asking me that! Were you ever going to tell ME?"

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Oooo. I just read that one. The Apology by Carla Humbert.
As Lois began to build up from his chin, something was nagging at her.
It was such a *familiar* chin. 'Well of course you think you've seen it
before, Lane- it is *Superman's* chin.' But that wide square jaw looked
so familiar, it was driving her just *nuts* - 'CLARK'S jaw.' That
thought made her jump. She was so intent on loving one man that she was
combining them into one person! 'Get a grip, Lane.' Lois worked hard to
continue building up the Man of Steel's face. Now that nose also got
her attention. In the beginning, she had almost wanted to pop Clark a
good one, square on the nose- *Superman's nose*. Then his beautiful
brown eyes were pieced together. She had gazed into those eyes so often,
first looking at Superman, and then at Clark. As the images began to
swim in front of her, Lois heard herself give out a loud gasp.
'Clark-is-Superman-and-Superman-is-Clark!' They are the same man!! HOW

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It was difficult!!!

All the pieces fit! by Lou smile

brb with a quote smile

More favs!!!

**** obeyed. He lifted her with no apparent effort, until she was
within inches of the ceiling, and held her steady. **** fumbled with
the little catch for a moment, then pushed the panel back. Clark
lifted her higher. "Climb," he instructed. "And hang on."

She grasped the edge of the aperture with one hand and thrust the
other arm through the opening. Clark pushed from beneath, and with
surprisingly little effort she emerged onto the top of the elevator.
The surface rocked under her, and she grasped for handholds on the
metal surface with fingers that suddenly felt cold in spite of the
warmth that permeated the inside of the elevator shaft. Far above
her, the blackness was broken by a tiny square of light. Below she
could see the dim elevator shaft extending down into pitch blackness.

Clark boosted himself through the opening, his broad shoulders
brushing both sides. He slid the door back into place and knelt
beside her on the unsteady surface. There was a jolt, and the
elevator rocked unsteadily. **** gasped, and held more tightly to her
small measure of safety.

"Here, hold onto me," Clark directed. He extended a hand.

**** shifted her grip from the cold metal to Clark, and he stood
slowly up on the swaying surface, bringing her with him.
Jose wave

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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I don't recognize this one, but it sounds like a great story from the excerpt! (And I have a feeling Lois's name being blanked out is a big clue ...)

But is it a revelation? I don't see one in the quote ... did you cut it off too soon?

Kathy smile

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Hah, found it! The name was blanked out 'cause it wasn't Lois, it was Lori -- from Nan's Home Series. This was in the first long story, which I guess is part 2.

lemme go find a quote...

okay, I'm back, a mere three hours later... just to continue the elevator theme wink

"Well, sir," she teased, playfully resting her hands on his shoulders, "you've just survived your first attack by the bad guys. Welcome to Metropolis. Now--"

Later on, Clark realized there were probably other ways to handle what was to happen next. What exactly those ways were, he wasn't sure, but there had to be something, anything, less obvious and, well, less idiotic, that he could have done. At the time, he was only conscious of a pang of horror as he realized the floor was literally falling out from beneath him and the desperate thought that he'd finally found the woman of his dreams and he would *not* lose her now. From there, his subconscious took over and he suddenly found himself soaring into the air with her held tightly in his arms.

The woman of his dreams didn't seem to realize exactly how romantic the situation was.

Lois gasped as the elevator she'd been in a half a second before was demolished at the ground dozens upon dozens of feet below, followed by what she recognized as the remnants of a bomb. Of course. they could just cut the elevator's supports like normal villains, could they? Oh, no. They had to show off and use a bomb. What else?

Her shocked gaze lingered on the scattered wreckage and then shifted back to the dozens and dozens of feet of empty space. Very empty space. In fact, there was nothing at all between her and the ground. Absolutely nothing to stop her from plummeting to that ground. Nothing but...

Lois suppressed a panicked shriek and instead snapped her head upwards to sputter, "You...how...you put me down!"

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K
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Oh, great story! Between Floors 7 and 8 by Jessi Mounts. Uhhh I'd search for a new excerpt but I'm 100% sure I'll repeat something since I'm not a regular in this thread.


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It was a great story, and I recognized it right away too, Jen, so I'll step up with a quote for you...

Superman reached out his hand to touch Lois, but she flinched away. As she did so, she caught his expression: for a moment the usual remote, Superman-like mask disappeared and he looked... hurt. Just like... a whipped puppy-dog, she thought. Just like... Clark... when I was unkind...

She turned away, confused. Was she now seeing Clark in every man whose physical appearance was similar?

"Lois..." Superman spoke again. "I... need to talk to you. About what happened this evening."

He was oddly hesitant. Lois was puzzled; Superman wasn't normally like that. He was usually so sure of himself, so confident. She realised that he must also be upset about Clark; after all, she'd known the two were friends.

She turned around towards him again, still clutching the photograph to her chest. "Superman...?"

He met her eyes. "Lois, there's something I need to tell you." His voice was gentle, nothing like... Superman's. Lois wondered what was going on. He continued to look at her, his gaze compelling.

"Lois, look at me. Look hard. What do you see?"

She stared, slowly... beginning to comprehend.

"*Who* do you see?"

Lois's mouth dropped open and the photograph frame slipped from her nerveless fingers. She stared into Superman's face...

... the face of...


In a blur, Clark put on his glasses. If Lois hadn't already figured it out, that would have been the final proof she'd needed.

"It's me, Lois," Clark said softly.

<Clark. He's not dead. He's here. He's...Superman.>

Lois ran to him. Clark held open his arms, convinced that she was going to throw herself into them. But instead, she launched her fists at him, pummelling the 'S' on his chest. He gripped her wrists tightly enough to hold them, but not enough to hurt.

"Lois, no, you'll only hurt yourself," he chided her, concerned. "You must know you can't hurt me." <Not physically, at any rate> he added silently.

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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That Super Man of Mine by Wendy Richards

Clark looked at her reaction and realized that he had to
keep going and he had to make it as gentle and caring as

"Can I see the stone that Superman gave you?"

"Stone?" Lois asked incredulously.

"Yes," Clark said. "The stone that's in your pocket."

Lois had promised Superman that she would keep it safe, and
there it rested in the pocket of her favorite sweater. She
removed the unique piece of Brazilian quartz, whose color
under the cyc lights seemed to radiate an even more
beautiful pink glow than it had when Superman had first
given it to her, and handed it quietly to Clark.

"This stone symbolizes love," he said to her.

"Clark, you don't think that I'm in love with..."

"No," Clark responded softly. He smiled at her and looked
down at the stone. "Friends...they cherish one another's
hopes. They are..." he read aloud.

"It's not finished," Lois told him. "Superman..."

Clark lowered his glasses and two red beams emerged etching
the stone. He handed it silently back to Lois.

"...kind to each other's dreams," she read.

"Lois, I'm..." he started.

"Superman..." Lois whispered, staring at him.

Clark paused, looking at her as she took all of this in.
"How mad are you?" he asked.

Lois felt the knot in her stomach intensifying as she
thought of how Clark had lied to her--the made up excuses
when he ran off, the not being there when she needed him to
be, and how he should have trusted her enough to have told
her. <The remedy for love is to love more,> she thought.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller
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smile1 Smallville Players II: The Next Steps by Barb Pillsbury.

Next one! smile

"What do you mean, 'you guess so Nevermind, I'll take that as a yes. And you didn't tell me? What am I saying? Of course you didn't tell me. Every time you got yourself into the paper for rescuing someone, I kept telling you how ridiculous the whole thing was. I can't
believe it; I was talking to the 'Angel' and telling him that he was a hallucination and a fairy tale. Maybe I'm hallucinating. Yes, that's it. I'm hallucinating. You're not really a flying man, you're just good ol' Clark. I'm just dreaming all of this. That's right. It's a dream, that's all."

"It's not a dream, Lois. And I'm actually kind of glad that you didn't believe in the Angel."

"You are?"

"Of course. If this weren't me, if this weren't happening to me, if it weren't my life, I certainly wouldn't believe it."

"So if you are the 'Angel,' what exactly are you? Are you really an angel?" she asked as she walked around him, looking at his back. "Are there some wings back here that I failed to notice?"

"No, no I'm not really an angel," he said.

"Then what are you?" She saw the pained look on his face and wished that she had phrased the question more tactfully.

"I don't know exactly. My parents think I was some sort of scientific experiment, either by the Soviets or by the Americans. I don't know. I always kind of thought I might not even be from Earth at all."

"You mean like an alien?"

"Yeah, I mean, it might explain all the weird things...."
Tricia cool

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Lifeflight - An Elseworld Story - Part I by Raconteur.

Okay, here's another one:

"I know you've got your preconceived notion of who he is. We all do. But, just suppose he was living a normal life and only put on the costume because he needed a disguise to wear in emergencies."

"That's ridiculous. Why would Superman need a disguise?"

"Well, now stop and think about it. Imagine if you arrived on Earth and you had all these powers."


"No one else has them as far as you can tell. But fortunately, you do look exactly like the inhabitants of the planet. You could wear conventional clothing and no one would know."

Lois frowned. "That makes sense. So you think Superman is someone else, then. That when we don't see him he might walk about Metropolis like any normal guy?"

"Well think about it, Lois. He'd look like anyone, wouldn't he? He passed for a cop that time he helped your uncle down in the South Side.

Lois looked at Clark's dark suit. "He'd look like anyone," she repeated half to herself. "And you wouldn't notice his body in regular clothes." Lois then shook her head. "No, Clark, no. It wouldn't work. Even with clothes on somebody would be bound to recognize his face."

"Not necessarily. I've seen people who look a lot like someone else," Clark commented.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Did Superman tell you something?"

Clark shook his head.

She was thinking. "Well, he might change his appearance beyond his clothes. Comb his hair differently," Lois said slowly looking at Clark's face.

"Wear glasses?" he suggested helpfully.

Lois stared back at him and nearly gasped. She remembered noticing the resemblance before after she had been sprayed by Miranda's pheromone compound. She shook her head. That was ridiculous.

"So you think he lives among us like one of us then, Clark?"

"And why not? Why couldn't Superman have arrived here and been brought up and raised as somebody's son, lived a normal life, gradually getting powers as he grew older so that by adulthood he had all his powers. Then he travels the world trying to figure out who he is and how he can fit into the scheme of things. Except for his parents, he's all alone with this incredible secret he dare not tell anyone about. He doesn't fit in." Clark paused before using some of her own words, "He's a strange one, a bit weird."

Lois looked up and stared at him. Remembering.

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