Crossover fics. I usually hate’em, so I blame this bout of insanity on my recent junk food binge. Here’s a couple:

1. Lois and Clark/ Desperate Housewives.
I confess to hating Susan Mayer as much as I love Lois Lane. Well, not hate per se, but an odd mixture of heartache and contempt when I contemplate the idea that the woman who once played my all-time favourite television heroine is now better known for her role as an ineffectual ninny with all the self-respect of damp gingerbread. I wonder what the denizens of Wisteria Lane would feel if they woke up one morning to find their “Susie Q” has been replaced by an alt-world counterpart “who eats corrupt senators for breakfast”. ;-D

2. Lois and Clark/ Charmed.
There are two things in the world to which Superman is vulnerable: Kryptonite and magic. And what demonic bad guy wouldn’t jump at the chance to rid the world of its symbol of hope? And who better to ride to his rescue than the Charmed Ones? Of course, dodging a determined Lois Lane who is convinced she’s finally landed the scoop of her career can make life more complicated…Set during season one, when Lois is not yet in the know, and has yet to figure out that the public doesn’t need to know everything .

3. Lois and Clark/ Harry Potter. Although technically, James Potter.
This is a bit weird as a crossover goes. Lois and Clark have been married twenty years with four or five kids. James Kent is their youngest son, and not exactly anyone’s idea of a Superhero. He’s brilliant, he’s gorgeous, he’s completely outrageous and irresponsible, he’s the rich kid with an ego the size of New Troy. He would be more than happy to spend his days with his friends, chasing girls, pulling off outrageous pranks and generally annoying his father to death with his irresponsible attitude. His best friends are Sirius Black, eldest son of one of the leading crime families in America, Remus Lupin, the bookish youth with a disease that is a result of a science experiment gone wrong, and Peter Pettigrew. He is also in love with Lily Evans, an aspiring young journalist who idolizes Lois but can’t stand her son. They attend Hogworth, a private academic institution for the insanely rich or talented, headed by the eccentric genius Professor Dumbledore.

A new crime boss by the name of Voldemort is stepping up to fill the power vacuum in Metropolis since Lane and Kent brought down Intergang. And he’s recruiting followers from among the unsuspecting student body of Hogworth. He appeals to the vain-glory and greed of the rich and priviledged and pits the powerful against the weak and oppressed. Very soon Hogworth Academy is in uproar as the rich and snobby cliques begin harassing poorer students on scholarship, such as Lily and Remus. And the power struggle is rapidly turning fatal.

My favourite one is the last one. I have a lot more ideas and details if anyone’s interested. If they don’t suck too much, just give me a shout and I’ll tell you the rest of it.
Looking over this post, I can see that it sounds sigularly bland and uninspired. Bleah! Exam stress seriously plays havoc on the creative juices.

“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.