The scene at the grave was beautifully written. thumbsup Every detail was perfect. Clark speaking in a "hushed and reverent" tone, his finger tracing the "K," and especially his comment to his mom about Lois adopting a small boy from a different culture.

And, we learn right away that Lana has re-married. And that her husband works for Tempus. Poor Lana. She had a husband who bent over backwards to keep her happy and traded him for someone who's only interested in keeping Tempus happy.

Didi is a riot. I love this character. He's just too cute.

And, oh, what have we here? Clark is back? So soon? I see he was super-hearing Lana's phone conversation. And then went to find out the answer to a question I had, which was whether Lana had Clark declared dead, or if she just divorced him. With Tempus making the arrangements, I really wasn't sure which he'd do.

The final conversation between Clark and Lois was adorable. Nice that now that the weight is off him, Clark can just relax and tease Lois a little. I do wonder, of course, if he will feel the need to go back and confront Tempus. Maybe that is "Book 2" of this story? As for "Book 1" I am perfectly happy with Clark back in Africa.

I very much enjoyed this chapter and I'm looking forward to reading the next. clap

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster