Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Female Hawk FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/19/14 03:33 PM
Comments go here!

Corrina. wave
Posted By: mrsMxyzptlk Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/19/14 04:02 PM

I'm surprised, but far from disappointed, that Clark's relationship with Lana was so quickly dealt with.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/19/14 06:03 PM
You had me "awwing" and then scared and then laugh Well, if you wanted to prove that blondes weren't as smart as brunettes...

Lana sighed again. It wasn't just the job or the need to repay the money. They'd both witnessed the consequences when others had dared to defy Mr Tempus. "I'll probably be asleep when you get in," she said. "I'm tired already."
Welcome to your new life, Lana. Good thing you're ready for bed, since you've already made it just the way you wanted it.

I, then, I was afraid that Clark hadn't heard this conversation. That Lana in her depression would tell Clark that she wanted him back. eek

"Because Kent is the strongest man in the world. He pushed the hippo over. If he wants to come back, nothing can stop him."
On my first read-through I thought this line was said by Lois, not Diddi. You've got to watch out for those 5 y.o.s. They're like sponges, soaking up everything they see and hear (except all that stuff you want them to soak up).

"No. I'm going climb the corkwood tree and look out for Clarkent. I'm going to be the first one to see him coming home. Like when Kito comed back from his mobembo. I saw him even before Rolle did."
Does he think Clark will arrive falling from the skies again? laugh

CLARK: I'll try not to fall.

The first streaks of dawn hadn't yet begun to bleed into the night sky. Lois estimated about six hours had passed since Kent had left.

Six hours. If he could fly to America in just a few minutes, six hours was more than enough time.

But, realistically, she shouldn't expect to hear anything until later in the day. Or even tomorrow. A few days was reasonable.

Weeks, even. Months.
Waiting. It's the hardest thing to do.

"Oh, Kent," Lois murmured. "I don't know how I'm going to live without you."

"You won't have to."

Lois spun around and peered into the darkness. She could see no one. The voice had been quiet, barely audible. Perhaps it had been nothing more than the product of her tired and overwrought imagination.
For a second, I thought it had been Tempus answering her. eek

Kent's smile came slow and sweet like the trickle of honey. "What happened?" he echoed with a teasing lift to his left eyebrow. "What happened is that I'm a single man."
He's been confirmed legally dead?

"How? What? When? I mean, how do you know? Did you see Lana? What did she say? What about Tempus? Did he -" Lois stopped as horror paralysed her tongue. She cleared her throat. "Is Lana OK? Tempus didn't kill her, did he?"
Not yet.

Kent shrugged nonchalantly, but his mouth was hinting at a mischievous grin. "I wouldn't say I broke in exactly. I used a bit of extra speed to slip through a door without activating the alarm."

Is there going to be a video tape of Clark at the Vital Records Department? Will Tempus find out that he's still alive? Will he come and hunt Clark down in Bangala? shock

"I found the record of the divorce of Clark and Lana Kent. Apparently, it happened two months ago."
What?! thud Clark lived in sin with Lana for 6 weeks?!

"Exactly. I was in Metropolis and very married two months ago," Kent said. "But the records are right there, very official, declaring that the divorce was granted and the marriage has ended." He squeezed her shoulders. "Which means I am a very single man."
Perry wouldn't accept that lying down. eek That's right Perry disappeared. What happened to him?

Lois smiled up at him as her fingers drifted along his jaw. "So, I assume, having gone to such efforts to confirm your single status, you'd be keen to keep it for a long time."
Waiting for daybreak will be pure torture.

Lois dragged her attention from the magnetism of his smile and forced herself to entertain a few sensible thoughts. "You have time now, Clark," she said. "Everything has happened so quickly. You have time to think about what you really want. Time to settle into the Bangala way of life. You don't have to feel rushed into anything."
There's our Lois the commitment-phobe.

He took a breath. "Do you think she'd want an impromptu proposal or a planned date with all the …" He glanced towards the village. "… as many of the trappings as are available?"
Public proposal? Nah. Lois isn't that much of a Bangala.

Kent dropped to his knees in the dirt, took both her hands in his, and said, "Lois Lane, I love you. Will you marry me?"
But... But... But... /points to the part numbers/ There's still two parts left. What are they going to do for two WHOLE parts?

CLARK: [Linked Image]

blush um... never mind.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/19/14 09:16 PM
Virginia wrote:
Clark lived in sin with Lana for 6 weeks?!
I kinda doubt that there was much sinning going on between them, given Lana's temperament and personality. You know, for someone with so little 'screen time,' Lana sure had an impact on this tale.

I liked the banter at the end, too, with Clark saying that he's going to ditch his single status and Lois saying that he should find the girl and - oh, you know what you wrote! And it was great! It left me chuckling aloud.

Two parts left, maybe an epilogue. I'm still wondering if Clark will go visit Tempus on the sly and do something really nasty to him, like fly him to the top of Mt. Ranier (14,000+ foot elevation) and leave him sitting in a snowbank with nothing but his pajamas and indignation.

Clark: No, Lois, I didn't hurt him in the slightest.

Lois: Good. As long as that's settled, kiss me.

Clark: sloppy

I still think that their shared love of justice will compel them to do something about Tempus. They won't be able to leave him there, ready to hurt others and steal to his heart's content. And if there should be any Superman-type stories coming out of central Africa, they won't have a choice. Tempus will know he swung and missed and will do something about it.

Wait. A brainstorm! Tempus comes to them and brings Kryptonite. Just as he's monolouging and gloating, standing over a pained Clark, a terrified Lois, and a helpless Diddi, a spear flies through the air, penetrates his back, and punches out through his chest. Romaric then throws the green rock into the river where Lois tossed the other fragments. Clark and Lois finish the wedding and the tribe has Tempus as the main course for the marriage feast. Great ending, huh?

Never mind. You'll probably do something tons better. I can hardly wait to read it!
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/19/14 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
Virginia wrote:
Clark lived in sin with Lana for 6 weeks?!
I kinda doubt that there was much sinning going on between them, given Lana's temperament and personality.
Terry, I was only joking. wink
Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/20/14 07:14 PM
The scene at the grave was beautifully written. thumbsup Every detail was perfect. Clark speaking in a "hushed and reverent" tone, his finger tracing the "K," and especially his comment to his mom about Lois adopting a small boy from a different culture.

And, we learn right away that Lana has re-married. And that her husband works for Tempus. Poor Lana. She had a husband who bent over backwards to keep her happy and traded him for someone who's only interested in keeping Tempus happy.

Didi is a riot. I love this character. He's just too cute.

And, oh, what have we here? Clark is back? So soon? I see he was super-hearing Lana's phone conversation. And then went to find out the answer to a question I had, which was whether Lana had Clark declared dead, or if she just divorced him. With Tempus making the arrangements, I really wasn't sure which he'd do.

The final conversation between Clark and Lois was adorable. Nice that now that the weight is off him, Clark can just relax and tease Lois a little. I do wonder, of course, if he will feel the need to go back and confront Tempus. Maybe that is "Book 2" of this story? As for "Book 1" I am perfectly happy with Clark back in Africa.

I very much enjoyed this chapter and I'm looking forward to reading the next. clap
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/22/14 09:08 AM
Virginia, I knew you were kidding. I just saw an opportunity for me to play off your comment. No seriousness involved here.

Hey, isn't there still a big angry boar roaming around the area of the river? Maybe Tempus will step in front of that wee beastie.

I can't help guessing about the last act, although we don't have much time for anything too long and drawn-out. My only fear - and it's a tiny one - is that this will turn out to have a Tank ending.

You know, we haven't seen one of those lately. Maybe -

Posted By: AmyPrime Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/22/14 12:23 PM
Ahhhhh. I can definitely see lots of exciting possibilities for the next story, but I'm relieved that this one seems like it will work out neatly with a happy ending. Once they're together, Lois and Kent can accomplish anything. smile
Posted By: John Lambert Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/22/14 04:33 PM
party party I love it. It took me a bit to believe that Clark was back, but it did make sense. If it just takes minutes, being gone six hours was more than plenty.

I should have realized Clark was overhearing the Lana and Steve conversation.

One question, how long has it been since Clark was driven away by Lana?
Posted By: KateB Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/22/14 06:06 PM
It seems that we expected a lot of trouble in Metropolis, but you solved it so easily, Corrina.
The scene between Lois and Clark was so touching. I love to see Clark happy, finally free of Lana and his own demons. clap
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK - Once Bitten (38/40) - 02/26/14 03:40 PM
As a reward I think you should post the last 2 parts at the same time.

Great story!
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