just finished reading this... i kept wondering at the beginning why this story wasn't in the nfic section, but somehow you managed to keep it from going there while still keeping things waffy. of course, the other thing i was wondering was why all those sparks weren't setting my screen on fire...

wow, that was great. tense and waffy and sweet and all sorts of other good things...

like the little references, too... lex, the worst criminal since al capone, huh? funny you should mention him, lois... not that al capone and the rest of the gang are exactly going to be the worst criminals since lex... <g>

and as for clark's almost faux pas... well, i'm glad he avoided it this time. we all know where that goes, and, while it's definitely a good read, i'd have hated to have broken up all the yummy waffy goodness of this one.

great story, wendy and kae!

happy almost birthday, annette!! party


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.