Beautiful story--absolutely loved it!

This is all I saw. This, and the happy tears welled within my husband's eyes; pride and pure love made tangible. And my heart actually broke with a love I hadn't known I was capable of. Not just for my son, but for his father. I've always loved Clark with such fierce intensity that I cannot put it into words, because mere words are laughably inadequate. But seeing him now, in this new light of fatherhood, brings that love to a level I could not have ever imagined.
I went back and read this paragraph multiple times--you could so easily from your description, FEEL how overpowering Lois' emotions are for her husband. Very touching blush ...

Family means safety and security. It stands for love without restrictions or limits. It's a sense of being home, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. It's acceptance and support and belonging, a sense of worth I'd never before felt in my life. It is comfort and peace.

Family is Clark.

Family is our newborn son.

Family means miracles.
Amazing part, also. Very touching, very open, beautifully said...loved it!

And then Clark waltzed into my life. Saddled with him as an unwanted partner, I tried to hate him. Tried to pretend that I was better off without him. Tried to ignore the fact that he was the most decent and polite man I'd ever met. It was safer that way, I thought. Safer for me to remain hidden behind the defensive walls I'd built around myself. Safer for my heart, if I didn't allow him access to it.

But, slowly, he broke down those walls, slunk in through the cracks and pulled the stones apart, one by one, before I could even realize what was happening. He became my friend, my best friend, my love. And each development, each new day, was a new miracle. Soon, we were married and enjoying our new life together, now as husband and wife. And I thought nothing could make me happier.
Great overview of their history, written so well...I loved watching Clark slowly, but ever so surely, inch into Lois' heart. You really captured that happening. Liked the line about how Clark 'pulled the stones apart' btw...

When I told him this - that he was going to be a father - it was the first time I'd ever seen him cry. Tears of the purest joy sprang into his eyes as his face erupted into a smile so vast, so bright, it made the sun look dark in comparison. And he hugged me, so securely and tightly and gently, all the while laughing and kissing me. I could almost imagine that I could feel his excitement actually reverberating through his entire body. Such joy came from him, such love. I've never before seen a happier man.
Loved!!! Exactly why Clark is so lovable--the way he loves Lois, so completely and all-encompassing--is what has always really touched me about his character. smile

A son born out of the purest, fiercest, truest love imaginable.
Beautiful sentence...

GREAT--your story was such a pleasure to read! Any story--any length--can't wait to read it clap ....

Laura smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~