Lois' frame is small, there is only so long - no matter how well tailored her suits are - this pregnancy can be hidden.

“There must be … other forms of … exercise … that would … burn off the extra calories.”

The allusion was perfectly clear. He was about as subtle as an ox. Playing her part she thought about what she planned to do with Clark later and it brought color to her cheeks and a catch in her breath as she smiled at that thought. Of course Luckabee knew nothing of this and he thought that it was his proposal that brought the color to her cheeks and he was encouraged by it.
Yeah, an anvil would have more class.

Noting the tone of voice of Luckabee, Lois couldn’t help feeling that he was simply reading from a script. He had it all down and was going by rote, but there was absolutely no passion or any other feeling for that matter. Surreptitiously she observed Smythe and noted a look of approval. Apparently his ventriloquist’s puppet was reciting his lines without a flaw. She wondered if she could get him off script.
Bravo Lois! Any investigative journalist worth their salt can smell a prepared speech a mile away. Luckabee is an actor being fed lines. I
could tell that just by reading it!

Jack was immediately eager to help. He said, “Rescue Ms. Lane? Just tell me what you need and consider it done.”
Yay! Jack to the rescue! dance

Please don't have Jack follow those miscreants! Smythe would not have any problem harming the young man!

Great entry!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.