This story is an old-fashioned nail biter! So glad to see a new installment.

Whenever Clark faces Kryptonite it is NEVER convenient.

“Eager for the Games to begin, I see!” Marcius exclaimed when he walked in, with Rosaline following close behind him. Clark gave him a look that would have warned off most people, but Marcius was oblivious. “Rosaline has your tribute uniform. Once you’re dressed, she’ll escort you to the hovercraft that will take you to the arena.”
These people, Marcius especially behave as if Clark and the other tributes are going on a long distance hike! How cruel and indifferent they are to their situation.

Clark caught her and held her up until she managed to steady herself. He looked at her sorrowfully, knowing that Haver was right — Becky was dying, and there was nothing anyone could do to save her, not even him.
Poor Becky! She should be home with family and friends, not serving as sport for the bored Captiolites.

Platinum had a glowing green pendant suspended by a chain around her neck. The piece of Kryptonite wasn’t large, but it was enough to harm Clark. A tribute’s token wasn’t supposed to give them an unfair advantage in the arena, but no one except Clark and his parents knew how it affected him. As far as the Gamemakers were concerned, Platinum’s token was just a harmless piece of jewelry.
The appearance of Kryptonite at this stage surprised me quite a bit. But later on the trackers were mentioned and everything fell into place and made sense. On the other hand, several tributes no doubt think Clark will make a very easy target for them to kill. That's where their mistake will begin and end especially since Clark's abilities will return.

The Peacekeeper grabbed Clark’s arm irritably, keeping him from falling. “Get moving, Nine!”
Speaking of Peacekeepers, where is Trask?

For a moment, Clark could only stare at the piece of Kryptonite — something that Platinum noticed, though she didn’t know the reason for his fascination. She also noticed his pallor and the way he swayed on his feet and moved his hands to clutch his head. A predatory smile crossed her face.
Just as I thought. She's going after Clark because she senses weakness.

“Lois!” Clark gasped, finally succeeding at disentangling himself from her. He ducked as she scrambled for the spear that had barely missed her, but instead of trying to kill him, Lois turned and started up the hill away from him.
In Janet Owens' wonderful, The Girl Next Door, it was revealed that Lois means battlemaiden. Excellent name in this case.

“We’re not allies, Farmboy, but I always did think the underdog deserved a chance,” she called softly before running in the direction of the woods higher up the mountain.
...and so it begins.

Excellent fight sequence KenJ!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.