HI Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

Since this is an Alt universe, it doesn’t follow canon, so other than getting a visual of Smythe, it may not help too much to watch those episodes.

The joke is that researcher in all probability is paid less than IT so even though this is being cast as a promotion, it is her ‘in’ with the owner that is making it so. That’s why it’s a laughing matter.

Until Lucy arrived on the scene, living in Smallville and commuting to the Planet was no problem. Things change due to circumstances. Life is never static.

They weren’ going to let her go home with James for two reasons, 1) her safety, 2) even though they are both adults, Lois feels a responsibility for her.

Yes, she was able to help the MPD and pawn it off on Superman, thus protecting her secret.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
