One of these days I plan on watching those Luckabee episodes. I don't even remember seeing them when they were first aired. frown

Poor Smythe! From his appearance and dodgey history, he will always be the man in the shadows. By the way, thanks for the glossary! It made reading the opening segment much easier.

Smythe smirked as he replied, “For one thing, ANN, the All News Network used to be LNN, the Luthor News Network, but that is not why I’m buying it or the Daily Planet. No, he who controls the news controls the people. People are so gullible, they will believe anything they read or see on TV. If you control the media, you control the people.”
Hmmm. Sounds like a certain fellow I know ....

“I went to see Lucy. Good news, Lucy should be up here tomorrow and, get this,” she switched to a conspiratorial tone, “this is a promotion for her.”
This line sounds weak. Is that really how a big sister talks abut her younger sibling's promotion?

Speaking of big sister, why would she allow Lucy to go home with James? Doesn't that sister of hers need a place of her own?

She said, “Good luck.” And then switched over to telepathy, /”What if you are gone too long. If Lucy knew about me I could fly her home. This way we’re stuck here.”/

/”This is just one of the glitches in our living arrangements that we have to look at. We can discuss it when I get back.”/

/”You bet we will, buster. I think we need a local apartment, that’s what I think.”/
Ya Think?!

The driver, who was the one aiming at the cop screamed in pain, “Owwwww! It’s burning my hand!” as he dropped his gun.
Thank you! A quick, easy method to put the bad guys away! thumbsup

Lois did a nice job of foiling the robbery and getting the story! Neat! This story is humming right along. hyper


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.