Unfortunately I was interrupted and was not able to finish my comments. So without further ado or delay:

Lois Lane, at age 60, was still an extremely attractive woman and constantly turned heads. On the first day of the trial she wore a smartly tailored gray pantsuit which rather than conceal her womanly figure, complimented it. She wore a cream colored shell with a modest neckline under the jacket with a single strand of pearls. The gray of the suit matched the sprinkling of gray at her temples which didn’t detract from her beauty in the slightest; in fact it lent an air of distinction to her presence. The men in the courtroom all had their eyes on her as she moved, with stunning grace to a seat just behind the prosecution and took out her notepad and pencil.
Bravo! Women of a certain age deserve acknowledgement. It sounds like being in Clark's aura has slowed down her aging considerably. still, burgundy would suit Lois' coloring much better than gray. Just my opinion.

On the other hand, I thought that being Ultra Woman would REALLY slow down her aging. Like a year for every two. In which case gray hair doesn't make an appearance for at least another twenty years!

Again, just my opinion.

The Defense attorney, Mr. Jacobs, was a hot shot youngster eager to make a name for himself as a defender and was willing to do whatever he could to win. During discovery he had been given access to the State’s evidence and knew that this was really a lost cause as far as his client was concerned. His only option was to try to introduce some doubt in the minds of the jurors.
Mr. Jacobs, you don't have a snowball's chance in a volcano!

Neatly done Ken! Oh, thanks for the information about the Radio Show Edward G. Robinson was on. I used to love to listen to replays of Mr. District Attorney, Fibber McGee and Molly and Gangbusters with my parents! Ah, the Golden Age of Radio!

Come on Friday!!!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.