Hi Virginia,

Thanks for the FDK!

Well, what can I say. We need to straighten out a few things.

Hattie asked JJ to get her coffee partly to get him out of the conference room while she read a personal e-mail. thumbsup

As far as Hattie insulting JJ about Ike Clanton, I refer back to an earlier statement. They have known each other for years and this is simply some good natured teasing between friends of long standing. Don’t let the fact that they were only recently teamed up cloud the issue. He was only away because there was no opening at the Planet when he was available so he started at the Gotham Gazette. That was where he paid his dues, working his way up through the ranks, gofer, researcher, obits, entertainment and such until he was ready to move to a city desk. That was when Lois and Clark poached him from the Gazette. peep

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
