You mentioned to John in part 4 that you updated the Walkie-talkies, but you didn't carry it over to part 5.

He took her hand and started to lean in for a kiss.

She shied away and coyly said, “I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Just out of curiosity is Hattie being more cautious because of what happened with Kam-el? Because she certainly didn't have 4 dates then.

“Okay, so, the bombs are given to the drivers or stuck to the cars somehow around eighth and Main, on the northbound side. How?”
Sounds like they need to check out what businesses or distractions might be there on Eighth and Main. (Also, shouldn't since "eighth" is a street name be capitalized like "Main"?)

“That would be even more memorable. Just imagine, someone runs out into traffic and crawls under a car to fasten a bomb on the undercarriage. I’m sure someone would notice that!”
Unless, of course, they had just gone through a drive-thru espresso joint. wink ( hyper I know! I know! It's the Mole Man coming up from under the streets! Oh, wait, that doesn't work. Mole Man works against the Fantastic 4. Never mind.

“Want me to take you home? I could tuck you into bed.”

Even though she was in pain she had to reply to that, “We’ve only had two dates. You’re not entitled to tuck me into bed yet. Not until after at least *four* dates.”

Puzzled JJ said, “Two dates??? I thought that last night was our *first*.”
I love how JJ skims right over the "4 dates" comment. clap

JJ replied, “Easy for you to say. I never did anything like this in all my time at the Gazette. I thought he had us for sure.”
No wonder they let him go so easily. What's the good a reporter who always follows the rules in an investigation? Again, are you *sure* he isn't a Kent? Maybe being a goody-goody boy scout isn't a Kansas trait, but a Kryptonian trait. Maybe Zara and Ching left a baby on Lucy and Jimmy's doorstep by accident.

Maria started to object, but Hattie interrupted her. She said, “We’ll overlook it this time, but in the future make sure you put all of the framzits in the trash and not recyclables.”
What's a framzit?

JJ didn’t know just what to expect, but what he saw was a document, actually as she scrolled through the pictures he saw that there were several documents.

As he was looking over her shoulder, a whistle escaped through his teeth and in a reverent tone he said, “Wow, you weren’t kidding. This *is* the mother lode.”
I don't know. It's starting to look as if Crane is the fall guy. It was almost too easy, finding the "mother lode" in his top desk drawer.

And you *would* leave it there. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.