I'm so glad that Lois and Clark are back together again (with current memories in tact). Phew. I was worried there for... a quarter of this part! You really know how to get me to nibble my nails to the quick, don't you?

Poor Lois. She called everyone she knew and still nobody would let her have control of her hubby's alter-persona. I'm glad that they finally told someone else, who will be able to be Superman's "person to contact in an emergency" who will then be able to keep Lois in the loop. It's frustrating to go through a middle man, but at least Dr. Klein is someone they can trust.

It sounds like Perry is getting suspicious. Jonathan must have forgotten to act sick when he arrived at the Whites' that night. Maybe he knew that Clark wouldn't have left his post without telling or leaving word with Lois.

Poor Clark. I was a little confused by this line:
“At first the data suggested a drop of about a quarter. But when we ran more tests the number came in slightly below that. Based on the test data we collected, your abilities are seventy-four percent of what they were before Nightfall.”
Now, that I re-read it, I realize it was my brain trying to understand percentages late at night when I read this, than a confusing passage. When I first read this I thought he dropped "74%". And I'm like WOW. Luckily, you had Dr. Klein explain it again in the next paragraph and my fuzzy brain finally could understand the math. (I really shouldn't read this story right before heading to bed, but it was there and I wanted to make sure that Clark was okay, otherwise I wouldn't have be able to sleep.) laugh

Excuse me if I don't believe those "inquiring minds" who wanted to know about Superman's Swarm mission. Whoever they are, I don't trust them, and neither should Clark and Lois.

Hmmmm. I'm wondering if the K-gas is to blame or if Clark got exposed to more K during the demolition. How could that wall have appeared between his first fly through and the demolition? Yes, Clark needs to be more careful. Why do I have a strange feeling that Lex is going to hear about this:
“Of course, but let me clarify,” Bernie said. “We believe that the Kryptonite somehow destroyed approximately twenty-five percent of your abilities. Some of the data suggests that if you were to go through another long-duration exposure to Kryptonite, it could continue to permanently remove your abilities. There is a chance that if you were to suffer continuous exposure, you could permanently lose up to ten percent of your abilities each day.”
Which makes me worried... very worried about Clark. <<there goes my fingernails again, good thing my daughter's about to paint them>>

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.