“Huh?” Lois mumbled in a dazed sort of manner, as if he had melted her insides into free flowing hot lava, in the good way, with that kiss.
Oh Clark, you lunkhead. Trust your instincts, don't listen to Herb's misdirections.

It had been the first time he had kissed someone and let his guard down enough to reveal himself.
I guess that is true. Lana knew he could float before he did.

It wasn’t how he planned to tell Lois that he was Superman,
After he cutting him off mid-sentance at least twice, it might be his only chance.

but it was better than her finding out on her own and going nuclear on him.
Too late for that, she already did find out on her own.

Somehow, though, she seemed so totally absorbed in the kiss that she hadn’t noticed them leaving the floor.
Or she is just trying to deny the knowledge.

Maybe his kisses usually made her feel as if they were floating,
Lois:You just keep thining that Chuck.

and he decided that he’d be okay with that.
Lois:Well, I am not totally sure we floated.

“I know that you visited me while I was in the hospital, Lois.
Lois:Of course I did, I was the one who brought you out.

Clark:No, I mean the night before.

Lois:Oh, you think that was me.


Lois:It was my evil twin.

Clark:Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Lois:OK, maybe it was me. But you need to be more careful what you do with unknown women when you don't have your memory.

I need you to tell me what exactly happened,” he repeated, slower and more clearly. “It’s important.” He couldn’t stress how very important it was.
He really should tell her why it is so important.

Lois cocked her head to the side. “What do you think happened, Kent?”
Why is she calling him by his last name?

Clark flushed. “Um… you climbed in my window and came to visit me?” he said hesitantly. “I have this drawing of…” The other Lois. He coughed and continued, “— of you
I guess admitting it was a different Lois would really complicate things. Although it would force Lois to admit she knows The Secret, so I wish he had said it was another Lois.

If they had made love without any deadly consequences in the hospital, then they could do so again, right?
Assuming the curse does not have a sub-conscious making love exemption. Hmm, now that would be truly sadistic. Curse Clause 54, if one of the parties is only semi-aware or missing their memories at the time of making love, this will not activiate the curse. However the next time they make love, while both are fully cognizant of reality the curse will be activated.

Moreover, after that kiss and Lois’s gift of the lava lamp pen, tonight seemed as good a time as any to move forward.
smile1 he is giving up the stupid idea of breaking up with her for her own good.

Lois seemed pleased by this development.
smile1 although she does love him, even if she plans to brake up with him.

Clark replied, pressing his hands against the counter on either side of her waist and leaning onto her, so that their whole bodies touched.
This is definately more touching than we ever saw in season 1, or 2 for that matter.

“Awww, Chuck, do you have fantasies about me having Superman’s powers?” she asked, stopping him to place a hand to his cheek.
Clark:Most definately, then the curse would not kill you.

Lois:What curse.

Clark:The curse I hope was proven false while I was in the hospital.

Lois:How would the curse be proved false.

Clark:If we made love and you didn't die.

Lois:Wait, you think I will die if we make love. And you were about to do it at the Metro Club. Were you trying to kill me?

Clark;No one had told me about the curse then.

Was he nervous about hearing what really had happened between him and Lois?
Well if what he thinks happened did happen, the curse is proved false. If it didnt than the curse might still apply (although it is not proven true).

“Although, I should have wondered at your different pronunciation.”
Lois:But I was enjoying you too much, I really didn't notice.

“Kidding?” Lois chuckled. “”I hear it’s the best cure for being cold,’ you told me.
No wonder she didn't realize there was anything wrong with him. Although maybe she should have been more shokced his fear of intimacy was gone.

“You really don’t remember, do you?” she went on, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She looked exceedingly pleased with this development.
Oh no, oh no, oh no.

“We decided that it wouldn’t be good to attract the guard’s attention with your screams of pleasure,” she purred, breathing the words into his ear.
Clark:There is no gaurd such screams would attrack now.

“Amongst other things,” he mumbled, setting down the plate.
It is the other things that we really want to hear about.

Lois wrapped her arms around his waist. “Clark, are you trying to ask me whether or not we made love?”
Clark:Of course if we did so now, would it matter so much if we had then?

He pulled her tightly against his chest, so she wouldn’t see his embarrassed expression. “Hot passionate sex, actually,” he murmured into her hair.
The curse has no meaning. smile1

“So, I pleased you?” she asked innocently, brushing his lips with a kiss.
party They are kissing. No more curse.

“Oh, yes,” he moaned, deepening the kiss. He was waiting for her admission of their lovemaking to scoop her up into his arms, a la Superman, and carry her to the bedroom. “Very much so.”
party no more Herb stopping them

“And did you please me?” Lois murmured between kisses.
wallbash Lois you were supposed to say "let's do it again". Hmm, maybe I should not be rooting for them to make love, but it seems so much better than the other option, Clark having despiar. OK, I see why Lois does not say that, but still.

“Don’t you know if you pleased me? Wasn’t that important on your to-do list in your fantasy?” she asked, her gaze narrowing. “Or are you merely worried about performance issues, like the ones you had with your ex-fiancée? Because I, personally, think you should exclude such things from any fantasies in the future.”
She does have a point. Clark really should explain why this is so important to him.

“Do you really not remember if we made love?” she asked.

Clark shook his head. He hated admitting how out of control and weak he had been that he couldn’t tell his fantasy from reality.
So Lois can lie and he will not know the difference.

John Pack Lambert