Originally posted by Mike M:

The series seemed to be full of discontinuities like the firearms thing. At the end of "The Prankster" after kicking Griffin's ass she is handling Victor's gun like she knew how to use it, however many times once she/they relieve the bad guys of guns she just tosses it away like she does not like it. It probably comes from having all the different writers and directors the series had.


The fundamental premis is that this is in fact NOT Lois Lane, but the next incarnation of Lois, Lorelei Lane. There are differences and they are explained in teh previous story.

I would suggest you go back and read the previous story - "Borrowed Time" which is available in the archives here.

That story will lead you up to this one, giving the necessary background.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
