Thank you, Ken. I didn't want to beat Rebecca about the head and shoulders with a blunt object to split her away from Clark, but maybe what actually happened was more painful than that. We'll see about Lex next chapter.

Not even a little sad, Morgana? No? Rats. You're right, Rebecca wasn't cut out to be Clark's wife, even disregarding his Superman persona. They never really fit well together. And having Lana "tell" her she wasn't right for him was the best way I could come up with to make sure the break was permanent. I didn't want her to be that girl and refuse to let Clark go. And yes, Clark was staying with her out of guilt or a sense of obligation instead of staying because he loved her.

John, your comments are very perceptive and on target, so let me just confirm some things. I wanted the readers to get the impression that Lana had written this the night she'd been kidnapped and put on the ship with Lois, but since there was no easy way to pinpoint the date without Clark seeing the letter (which I decided not to let him do), it had to remain an impression only (albeit an accurate one). And yes, Becca knows about the telepathic link. She referred to it the night they found out Cat was killed.

Glad you liked the angst, AmyPrime. This part of the writing process is hard for me, and it's something I have to work at. It doesn't flow like my action scenes - for me, writing emotional stuff is more like getting the very last droplet of toothpaste out of the tube.

Thanks for commenting, meradaddy. You're right, neither Lana nor Rebecca is really the right woman for Clark (although I think Lana was closer). We'll have to wait and see if Clark and Lois can find their way to one another.

Next chapter up in minutes! Lots of action in this one.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing