
Nope, not sad at all. If love does not come naturally, then leave it.

First off, thanks for making this a long in-depth part. Character development of Rebecca over this story arch has been very good. She had grown from a giggly college girl to a mature scientist who knows what she wants...which was to study sea creatures and have Clark as someone to come home to.

As much as I disliked her the character was a breath of fresh air and very realistic.

Honestly, if I were to meet her in the flesh we wouldn't have liked each other, the girl was just too pushy. Clark was right that penguins, sharks and other sea creatures would always be first in her life, Clark and any children they had would be a distant second.

So glad she found that letter. The awkwardness they would have endured if she came out in the towel is too painful to imagine.

At least she realized she shouldn't have thrown herself at Clark so soon after his wife's death and that Lois is the MUCH better choice of a lifemate.

Clark knew all along she was not the woman for him and for the life of me, I don't understand why he kept seeing her.

Clark was wise to reach out to Martha and Jonathan.

Please don't have Arianna kill off Lex! That would be too predictable! grovel

Next part? Do we have to wait a whole week?

OK. I'm going to go stand in a corner now... and wait.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.