But... but... it was all sweetness and waff.

We're firmly entrenched into the 'reasonable Lois' era of fanfic revelations. Earlier all the fics had to have the angry ranting and hurt/betrayed Lois revelations. Now we are in the other camp.

For a story based entirely on waff and yucky stuff this was well done. But I can't help but think it couls have been better with a few nasty whams added. (Like someone skiing off a cliff).

Still, I guess there are one of two people out there who like their waffy fics uncomplicated with whams and such (though I can't imagine who they'd be). And for them (and the rest of us who can OCCASIONALLY live without the excitement) this was a typically well done effort.

Tank (who hopes that once this Christmas season is finally over that he can get back to reading fics with some really nasty whams)