Thanks for the comments, y'all.

John, are they really wimps, or are they both trying to be heroic? Just because someone feels something, does that mean that someone must act on those feelings? I believe not, and that's what I'm trying to portray here. Both Clark and Lois are trying not to further complicate each others' lives by withholding their feelings from each other. Of course, we know what's really going one, but they don't! Hence the angst and tension and drama. (At least, I hope there's angst and tension and drama.)

Robinson, thanks for catching up. I'm glad the part about neither Lana nor Rebecca "fitting" all that well against Clark popped out. I wanted to show that it's possible to love someone fully and truly, lose that someone, and then find someone else to love fully and truly. I also wanted Clark to realize that the symbolic "fitting" meant that Lana might not have been his ideal soul mate, she loved him, and that Rebecca might love him in her own way, she doesn't love him like Lana did. And we'll see that pop up later.

AmyPrime, it's also possible that once Rebecca sees the model of marriage Jonathan and Martha have set up for Clark, she'll decide she can't fit in that model. Or, maybe she'll just decide to work harder at the relationship. We'll find out.

Morgana, I'm glad you like the direction of the story. If there are any bumps in the relationship roads coming up, I promise not to disguise them.

Next chapter up very soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing