Thanks, y'all! smile If you've had half as much fun reading this as I've had, writing it, then... I guess I've had twice as much fun as you <g>

Yes, I have K plotted in my head (in broad overview; the details will be a nice surprise to me!), but I haven't got anything written down yet. And I have ideas I want to play with for L, M, and N, as well... <g> Though I still have no idea how I ended up re-writing first season dizzy

Best of all, though, you've left us some loose ends for K: there's Lex Luthor, and there's Lois's still-evident discomfort about Clark's mother; she doesn't quite believe that everything's fine there. That could be rather interesting in a future story!
Well, I'm glad you like the dangling threads thing, since it was your fault that I left those ends loose! There I was, trying to write the wrap-up at the farm scene, but it just wasn't working... so Wendy says maybe I don't need to address those points yet... I apologize to everyone who was looking forward to it, and I do promise to follow up on that stuff, but it'll be in context of future stories.

And hey, personally I'm pretty pleased about Lois getting off to such a strong start to a friendship with Jonathan!

But, also, what of Trask now? Does he exist at all in Pam's Alphabet Universe? Or will he sneak up on Clark when we're least expecting it - in L is for Lunatic, perhaps? Or X is for Xenophobe? Or C is for Conspiracy-Theorist?
My theory of episode rewrites is that the changes that make the heros act so very differently have a much lesser effect on the villains. Though I admit I cheated a little by ignoring Smart Kids, and I do feel guilty about that... maybe I'll figure a way to write some reference to it in K <g>

So... yes, he's still out there. Somewhere. smile

So you think I should tell you what K is for? This speculation is just too fun for me to spoil <g> Honestly, I think the fun possibilities with titles is half the reason I keep writing these things.... but oh, okay... at the moment, unless something cleverer occurs to me, K is for Knot Yet.

Thanks very much, Liz, Wendy, Jose, Kathy, Karen, Joy, Maria, Laura, Tank, Gerry, Sherry, Tricia, Saskia & Nan! Thanks again to everyone who's commented on any of the parts along the way; it's great to know there's an audience smile


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K