I'm sorry I missed commenting on Part 9. frown

Two great sections here, Pam, and I love how you're edging them ever closer even now that they're dating. That Lois felt comfortable enough to get into bed with Clark, and then stay there in the morning and enjoy a little cuddling, shows how far she's come since H. And how far Clark's come, too, since he so clearly didn't assume, when Lois insisted that they needed to get up, that it meant she was running away from him again! smile1 Best of all, though, you've left us some loose ends for K: there's Lex Luthor, and there's Lois's still-evident discomfort about Clark's mother; she doesn't quite believe that everything's fine there. That could be rather interesting in a future story! wink

But, also, what of Trask now? Does he exist at all in Pam's Alphabet Universe? Or will he sneak up on Clark when we're least expecting it - in L is for Lunatic, perhaps? Or X is for Xenophobe? Or C is for Conspiracy-Theorist? goofy

Roll on K!!!!! (...is for Kryptonite? I don't think so, since we've already had Kryptonite in this story, and Pam is never that predictable. wink Hmmm... K is for Klein? K is for Kinky? K is for Kill Clark Kent? eek )

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*