Arianna Carlin is not a woman to be trusted - under any circumstances. Imagine killing off your henchman with a slow acting poison! By explaining she did not want her fingerprints on the counterfeit bills because it would lead to a connection between them and her was brilliant. It threw them off completely.

There will be massive fallout from this botched paramilitary operation. One cannot help but wonder why Lex did not attempt a more subtle way of bring her in. Perhaps manipulate her bank accounts or best of all ask Superman and Ultra Woman for help.

Another point. The Dangerous Boys are breaking up! It was bound to happen since they were all getting ready to graduate. Still, it might have been nice if Morgana had waited until Rebecca was in better shape to give her the news. With this anchor of friends gone, Rebecca will cling to Clark as she heals. As Framework mentioned above there does not seem to be a way to bring Lois and Clark together in 16 chapters.

Looking forward to watching the final chapters of this intense story continue to unfold...

Love Epubs!!! smile1


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.