She liked that he stood up to her? Lana had hated it when he done that. Clark smiled. “Who says I don’t? Back home, I practically had to fight the women off with a stick,” he said. Sadly, this fact was true.
I think that should be "when he'd done". You could also go "when he had done", but that would probably be a little out of line with your general style, and anyway the first way makes the mistake a lot less. smile

I also from re-reading realized that Clark told Lois he was from another dimension just after telling her about Smallville. So technically he did tell her it was a different Kansas, she just seems to not have picked up on it then. smile

“About what? I’ve written all we can. Henderson told me some those details off the record because it’s sealed due to an Internal Investigation,” he explained.
I think that should be "some of those".

Clark smiled. Look at that, jealousy did work. He chose not to press his luck and tell her what great friend Cat Grant really was. That wasn’t a battle he wanted to fight any time in the future.
I think that should be "what a great".

John Pack Lambert