Henderson and Wolfe are totally full of it. Any good cop will agree that talking to the Police can not help you. Period.
This is very true. Law enforcement looooves people who don't "lawyer up", but only because the people who don't have a tendancy to sell themselves up the creek, just as Clark & Superman both managed to do. Also, I'd like to mention that anybody who isn't under arrest cannot be detained -- if they ask to leave, they can leave. Technically, Superman/Clark never had to come into the station, never had to answer questions, and never had to stay, so he really did dig his own grave both as Superman & as Clark.

I'd also like to add that though Wolfe seemed to want to force McCreadie to come into the station, he'd be more likely to try and work out a time more amenable for her to come in. Witnesses can sometimes be arrested, but if they are cooperating, there's not much reason for it.

I'm a little surprised Superman's fingerprints never came up. They have his prints in the system, so it should have caused a match to come up when the murder weapon prints were run, and a problem when Clark's prints matched Superman's.

That all being said, I'm absolutely loving the Lois/Clark aspects of this story and can't wait to see what happens next. Will Lois discover that Clark is Superman? I can't wait for more smile

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.