Oh no! Everything Superman said made it sound to Perry as if he were Clark's friend trying to vaguely warn Perry that Clark might be coming after Lois next! frown This is not good.

I love how Lois is so intent on helping Clark, and it's so frustrating how he's only seeing the parts that make it look bad. Plus, he's so afraid of her disbelief, which makes him more likely to believe it. The line about him able to handle being accused but not being alone was so sad and had a lot of impact.

I can't see how this is going to be fixed, but I am proud of him for turning himself in even thinking that there's no way he can be proven innocent with things as they are. He stands for justice, and he definitely proved that by following the laws he helps enforce. Superman in or out of the Suit.

So, I'm glad Lois was able to find all the proof inside Clark's apartment, and all the signs she saw are proof that she knows him better than she thinks she does when she's beating herself up about not taking an interest in his life.

Hope something starts looking up soon!