Hi, Corrina. I'm back smile

I told you above I loved this chapter, and promised to come back and tell you more. So, what I loved:

- Lois asking Perry if he'd called Clark. It clarifies that in her mind, she is not a lone reporter but part of a team. I liked it. I was a bit disappointed she mentioned Superman first, but given the circumstances, I suppose it's to be expected that she would ask if Superman were on the scene of a major accident.

- Lois not immediately thinking the commotion at Clark's building was related to him. I thought that was natural, that we do not immediately think anything like that can happen to us or our loved ones. It also built my, the reader's, expectations, as I wondered what her reaction would be, when she learned the murder was in Clark's apt. Would she think *Clark* had been killed? How would she react?

- Lois's reaction to learning the murder had been in Clark's apt.

She eyed the police officer speculatively and decided he was probably young enough and agile enough that a sudden dash to Clark's door wasn't going to be successful.
This was a very dramatic scene, with Lois trying to convince herself that Clark will be OK because he *has* to be OK. This line, however, made me laugh out loud. So Lois.

Clark. She couldn't imagine her life without him. He was her best friend. He was ...

He was Clark.
What more is there to say? He's... Clark.

- I liked that, as soon as she learned Clark was OK, she asked about his parents.

- I loved that Lois knows that she knows that she knows that Clark. did not. do. this.

- I absolutely loved this:

"What about the story?"

"The story?" Her mind shuffled back. "Oh, the subway collapse. Send Ralph."

"Ralph?" Perry fired back in disgust.

"Or that new guy. Or Jimmy."

"I've already called Jimmy. Lois, this is going to be huge."

"Probably," Lois said. "But I'm not writing a single word about anything until I have proved that Clark did not kill anyone."
and this...
She'd been too blind to see it.

No. Not blind.


She'd opened the door to peek at what love would be like with Clark Kent.

And it had petrified her.

It had been so pure.

So intense.

So eternal.

Instead of being brave enough to fling the door wide open, she'd slammed it shut and run away to the supposed safety of a life with Luthor.
And, well, pretty much everything else. Great chapter! And now, let me go read and see what I missed while I was away...

ETA: back again to add my 2 cents on the issue of the fingerprints. as I remember, the police went to fingerprint Superman, but he put too much pressure on the pad and broke the desk or counter or whatever the fingerprint pad was on, and the police were just like, ok, whatever, forget the fingerprints, let's just go get your mug shot taken... So I don't believe there are fingerprints of Superman on file.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster