Yeah, yeah, you know how much I love this story already, but I was just rereading and I had to highlight my favorite parts. <g>

Martha looked at the next set of tickets. “Eve Zaremba? The name sounds familiar....”

“She’s made a name for herself creating art from trash, basically. She takes old, discarded items and makes sculptures out of them.”

“Oh, good lord,” Jonathan muttered good naturedly. “Don’t encourage her.”

Martha whacked Jonathan with the empty envelope. “Stop. You loved that sculpture I made you out of old tractor parts.”

“Yes, Martha. It was lovely,” he said before turning and shooting a pained look at Lois and Clark.
ROTFL!! This part cracks me up every single time I read it, whether it's the first or the fifth go-through! I can picture the whole gosh-darn thing; you've pegged Jonathan *so* well, LOL! Great exchange!

And, of course,

“While we’re up here, I wanted to give you the other part of your Christmas present,” she said, stroking his back gently through the soft flannel.

“Mmm, maybe we should wait until my parents go to bed,” he replied, kissing her neck.

Lois pulled back, mock exasperated. “I swear, you have a one-track mind. That’s NOT what I was talking about.”

“Could I talk you into talking about it?” he mumbled, pulling her back and nuzzling her neck again.
Have I mentioned how much I love this boy? <G>

I love this story, Annie ... Christmas morning was delightful and the proposal is so romantic. Just wonderful. smile
