Originally posted by Mouserocks:
Patrick? Patrick?! No! There's no Superman here!
I'm not so sure: in the Prologue, Alt-Clark wanted to go to another dimension to save another Lois. I found the quote:

“We’ve been over this, Herb. Lois needs me. Without my interfer… help, she won’t survive.” And without her neither would he. “I promised I would save her.”
So Alt-Clark will go to this Lois'dimension and he'll save her from Patrick. Anyway, that's my guess.

And after that? Will Dream-Clark be replaced by Alt-Clark? And will Dream-Clark disappear? Or will Alt-Clark have Dream-Clark's memories? I don't know... and now I have an headache.

Post very soon, please: you CANNOT leave us like this.



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
(Edmond Rostand)