Originally posted by Mouserocks: "God, Lois. You haven't heard from him, either?"

Lois suddenly paled at the superhero's admission. She managed to croak out a small, "What?"
Ah, so I guess Lois will be the victim of Superman's prank instead of the other way around. laugh

I felt a little sorry for Lois, but then again, she is the one who started all of this. What comes around goes around...

Lois didn't understand what he was doing or why he was doing this at first. Why would he want to wear Clark's glasses? How did he even know where Clark kept his spare glasses?
I must admit it. This part made me laugh out loud.

"Do you have something you'd like to say for yourself, Clark?"

"Uh, April Fools?" [/qb]
Perfect ending!

Overall, good job. I really enjoyed it. There were some funny moments, and that was also a great way to do the reveal.